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  1. M


    lol so no-one on the forums has done biom1010?!?! :p
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    im not finding much info about this subject for sem 2 other than the course outline. can anyone tell me about their past experiences with the subject, good or bad, cause it sounds awesome!! thanks :D
  3. M

    is it just me or is phys1121...

    how hard was it (the exam)?? any hints or questions we should be aware of lol?? tys
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    Internet Speed

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    Post Your Timetable - S1 2010 Edition

    updated eng. timetable!! lol i got the email about MATH1141 and how i dont meet the minimum requirements... so i changed it back to MATH1131.
  6. M

    Post Your Timetable - S1 2010 Edition

    mech. engineering pretty happy with it :)
  7. M

    UNSW 2010 Rollcall

    mech engineering!
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    mathematics bridging courses

  9. M

    UAC and offers

    pheww! cool cool. thanks guys!
  10. M

    UAC and offers

    hey umm lol lets just say that my preferences were as follows: 1. @ unsw 2. specialty) @ unsw 3. b. comm @ unsw 4. b. eco @ unsw and the main round comes along and i get an offer to my 2nd option ( specialty) @ unsw) because i...
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    apple laptop for engineering

    hi. im looking at buying a 13" macbook pro for mechanical engineering @ UNSW and im just wondering whether it is suitable or not... as in, would all the engineering/mathematics/physics software that i need for this degree be compatible with a mac. also, what are any up/down sides users @ uni...
  12. M

    Who is going to UNSW?

    me!!! doing B.Engineering (mechanical)/Commerce... if i make it in. :/ if not just mech engineering then.
  13. M

    Hey. There is a small gathering at wanda beach at salamander bay off soldiers point road...

    Hey. There is a small gathering at wanda beach at salamander bay off soldiers point road. Contact 0430333824 if you are interested.
  14. M

    Mechanical or Civil Engineering @UNSW

    Hi guys. Just wonder, as the title suggests, which type of engineering is better @ unsw. I am interested in working, one day, in Honda (or any other) as a project manager, but then again.. we do need road, buildings and bridges lol. I am very undecided, but i want to do something that has a...
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    ATAR guessing Game

    Re: Baydogg's Prediction Game English Advanced - 85 Mathematics - 95 Maths Ext. 1 - 43 Ancient History - 81 Economics - 81 Legal Studies - 88 ATARRRRR - 90.05
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    ATAR guessing Game

    Guess: 92.65 Actual:
  17. M

    band cut offs

    dude no offence, but that test was ridiculously easy, it was all about taking the time to interpret the question. im expecting at least 117/120 raw. I would expect that the cut off for band 6 to be 100-105
  18. M

    help please!!! motion cambridge

    haha wow thanks everyone. you explained it soo much better than my tutor LLOL. cheers
  19. M

    help please!!! motion cambridge

    hmm, i understand all that, but why is it for some questions (like this one) inital velocity = 0. i was taught the little triangle thing with x(dot) = v.cos.(alpha). so for other questions, say: a stone is projected from a point off the ground, to get x(dot) and the rest, you use the given angle...
  20. M

    help please!!! motion cambridge

    ahhh yeh that would help:P thanks lol anyone???