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  1. S

    Harmonic features - Music 2

    Hi everyone, I've come across a number of hsc papers where they ask you for harmonic features, usually from a given score extract. All I can ever think of are lame things like: Repeated use of a certain interval Grace notes Pedal points Melodic ostinatos Can anyone think of any others...
  2. S

    Usyd scholarships

    Hi everyone, I just got a letter from Usyd about my scholarship application. It said on the letter that they are considering me for a scholarship at my chosen faculty. Does that mean I have a real chance or do they say that to everyone? Thanks, Sam:D
  3. S

    Residential Colleges at Uni of Adelaide

    Hi I'm just wondering if anyone knows what the residential colleges near Adelaide Uni are like? Also, will i feel left out if i'm under 18 for quite a lot of first-year? Thanks, Sam