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  1. S

    Anyone work at BP?

    Yenta you're an imbecile. You'd get payed more for working at macca's its like an illegal wage ridiculous pay just pathetic.
  2. S

    Housemate wanted

    This is a forum, not an advertisement board YOU RETARD!
  3. S

    Anyone work at BP?

    I just found out the part-time per hour rate for a 16 year is $5.80 per hour and $8.30 for an 18 year old! thats ridiculous!
  4. S

    TPG Broadband (im a noob)

    Actually you DO have to reconnect everytime you turn the computer on or off. If you dont believe my try restarting your computer and then try using the net before connected and youll see (waddle_828 = noob + idiot) .
  5. S

    Anyone work at BP?

    Ayone work at BP or any other service station? if so what is the pay rate?
  6. S

    the secret world of alex mack

    guy who posted above me that isnt a frog its a degusting, deformed, ugly piece of shit and i hope whoever created him dies and burns in hell i wish i met that guy coz i would beat the crap out of him
  7. S

    the OC

    holy crap this thread has 232 pages! and 45,000 have viewed it ! this has to be on of the most popular threads in this website..
  8. S

    Longest time spent travelling to and from uni

    Yeh, the Hills is an excellent place for housing but bad public transport and too far from the coast and from the city (in summer can get up to 10 degrees hotter than at the coast). Im lucky i live within 5-10 mins drive from each uni near the city (unsw, usyd, uts etc.).
  9. S

    Longest time spent travelling to and from uni

    How long does it take on Hills Bus® in the morning to the city from the hills? and how often do they go?
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    Longest time spent travelling to and from uni

    Who spends the longest time travelling to and from uni, and where do u live?
  11. S

    Scrolling problem!

    ah ive fixed it i just installed new drivers for my nVidia graphics card.
  12. S

    Scrolling problem!

    Ive got IE 6.0 on XP with LCD doesnt really go blurry but it just jumps down the page its so annoying i scroll and i have to wait for the damn page to catch up to where i scrolled.
  13. S

    Scrolling problem!

    Its just when i scroll up and down a page instead of scrolling normally it delays a bit then jumps to where i scrolled instead of just going down by a line at a time.
  14. S

    Scrolling problem!

    restarting your computer....dude.....its been happening for about 2 or so months its damn annoying and strains your eyes and the delay is annoying.
  15. S

    Scrolling problem!

    I have a problem in webpages whenever i scroll using the mouse or up/down arrows it delays about 1 second and then scrolls and the screen goes slightly blurry...this really is hurting my eyes...I think its a problem with my graphics card drivers.....can anyone help...???
  16. S

    How to quit Coles?

    I dont say you need to quit work so you can save up....but you will be earning money if u work why quit?
  17. S

    The Shield

    Wooooohooooo its back on wednesday nites on channel 10! Who else watches it?
  18. S

    The Shield

    Wooooohooooo its back! Who else watches it?
  19. S

    Flatmate Issues

    What suburb are you in??
  20. S

    Flatmate Issues

    Yeh...I don' t think there are much Americans in the west.... But in the city at most uni's there are quite a few....also in the apartment complex im living in there are alot of canadians/americans and they seem like good people.