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    the pill

    This happened the first time I used the pill to skip a period. I asked my doctor about it and he said it meant I needed a stronger pill.
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    For straight women and gay men and bisexuals:

    1. someone who's a Christian, because I'm a Christian and my faith's really important to me and I want someone who understands that 2. someone with integrity; I want him to be the same guy everywhere... I want a guy who knows who he is 3. someone sensitive - as in, listens to me when i need...
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    The Black Balloon

    I haven't seen it yet, but i really want to... it's on my list!
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    Actually the Reformation (which is where Protestantism came from) was started by Martin Luther (well there were others before him, but the main reformation was started by him). It was in Germany. King Henry VIII might have adopted Protestantism cos he preferred its teachings (particularly on...
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    Sex before marriage?

    No you're not the only one And yes, there are a thousand threads about this already (particularly lately... it seems to be the current obsession in L&R...)
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    on campus accommodation

    haha. thanks :)
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    on campus accommodation

    Hi, i was just wondering - can u live on campus at tafe?
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    B Psych or B Arts - Psyc?

    I do psych at uws - im enrolled in b social science (psych). I got the marks for b psych but chose social science instead cos the b psych is quite science-based and i hate science - i prefer sociology, community studies etc. It just depends on what you want to do. I looked at all the subjects...
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    Please help me! - UNI

    Your undergraduate degree is unlikely to limit your options too much. Eg, im in my third year of psych, and from here I can choose to be a counselling psychologist, clinical, go into research, teach, do consumer psych, be an organisational psychologist, criminal psychologist, educational...
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    Please help me! - UNI

    a) I think you can... You'd need to check it out with the uni, but i think that's how it works. b) Are you sure you can defer a UWS academic excellence scholarship? Because I got one of those and im pretty sure i couldnt defer it. Maybe there's new rules tho? c) It's hard to say, it...
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    psych honours...

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    Q's for the Gals

    It's not bizarre at all actually... If the door is broken, what else should the girl do? And the handbag thing makes perfect sense, it's not nice having to set your bag on the floor considering how gross public toilets can be. and passing toilet paper... well that only makes sense if ur in one...
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    psych honours...

    Hehe... you'd think they'd make the info available, cos there are a lot of people presumably in my situation... i mean, it is a legit major and everything... perhaps i am expecting too much. by my third year at uws i really should know better! :P anyway, thanks :)
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    UWS as a uni?

    Yeah, I do psych at uws too, and I know what lecturer she's probably thinking of - there is one in particular who is very hard to understand and pretty bad at teaching. I wouldnt say that "most" lecturers have trouble speaking english though. I've only had trouble with that one. My main...
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    psych honours...

    I'm in third year of the bachelor of social science (psych) and im applying for honours for next year. The problem is that im not entirely sure which course code I should be applying to. In the honours handbook it says that the bachelor of psych (honours) is only for those who have completed a b...
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    Q's for the Gals

    Integrity - you know, like they're the same person everywhere, they know who they are and they're secure in that, and you know you can trust them.
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    Q's for the Gals

    Haha that used to drive me nuts. It only really happens in high school. I'd say "Im going to the bathroom" and the whole group would stand up and follow me, and id be thinking "cant i even go to the toilet by myself!?!?!?" I guess i wasnt very good at being a high school girl!
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    Official Anticipated Album Releases

    umm... duh. of course they will. unless they never listened to any music in their lives other than the music they wrote, but that would be ridiculous. Music that wasnt influenced by other music never existed.
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    Official Anticipated Album Releases

    Kate Miller-Heidke: Curiouser. Released in November. I'm so excited :)
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    Who was your first celebrity crush?

    Ronan Keating.