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    Macq Bank Interviews

    That makes sense. Thanks.
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    uh-oh :( :(

    rogrix i don't know what ur on about with finance being easier than accounting at usyd - every1 i know (which is practically 50% of the grade through friends, friends of friends, etc) says the opposite (including me and I have a 89 average in accounting lol). rogrix is right on the lower wams...
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    Macq Bank Interviews

    yeah macq bank rejected me... i got a 'reference checking' from another major investment bank - does that mean im selected?
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    uh-oh :( :(

    hi i've applied for a position with a 'major investment bank' and now they are doing reference checking. does that mean im selected? also, my reference is not really good - do they grill the referees?? info on my selection to help others: they mostly ask why you are in the field, they...
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    Macq Bank Interviews

    Does macq send you an e-mail within 2 weeks if you are not selected for an interview? I applied for the corporate affairs and its been nearly two weeks and I haven't got a reply. Thanks for the help!
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    2007 Transfer Confirmations

    i had a gpa of 5.68 and a uai of 99.65 nd got into usyd law
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    2007 Transfer Confirmations

    what if u do only 1 year DFEE and then transfer? cause saving a year of uni means ull earn 40K more at least (cause ull work for one more year) and DFEE costs 20K was it?
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    2007 Transfer Confirmations

    NSRL=96.325 got into comm/law at usyd!! hope u all get wat u wanted
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    '06 Transfer Candidates Post Here

    2 hrs left
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    '06 Transfer Candidates Post Here

    now that u mention sleepless nites..ill probably wont get any sleep 2nite:D:D
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    Transferring from dfee to csp

    should be able to transfer any time (at end of year that is) - just double check to be on the safe side (cause law doesnt let u transfer after end of first year). regarding marks u need - a credit average like u have will get u 89uai. which is a bit short. try and get half Ds and half Cs...
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    UAC scale uni marks?

    getting a HD in any university is excellent and you re definately better than nearly all other law students in usyd unsw etc (at least in the subject u got a HD in). and it doesnt really matter what uni you re at unless you re the cream of the class. that said, its hard not to argue that the...
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    '06 Transfer Candidates Post Here

    best of luck everybody and thanks for all the helpful info I got from everybody. sigh..wouldn't the world be nice if we all got what we wanted? and stazi im curious to know what you did after missing out last year - did u end up losing a year or did u do the comm subjects in your current degree?
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    UAC scale uni marks?

    y do so many ppl say all these 100uai ppl are just 4u maths, physics freaks..if u ever meet these guys ull c they re geniuses not retarded ppl who can only add numbers fast. i dunno about u but i definately do..i knw a few doing med in usyd (99.95+) and they ve got HD wams - and not much maths...
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    UAC scale uni marks?

    i think we all agree it depends on course to course. theres no way people will say uws law students are up to scratch with usyd or unsw law students - try getting a HD at usyd when u compete with 100 uai kids.. whereas at uws the competition is a tad less (to put it politely). but for lower...
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    '06 Transfer Candidates Post Here

    i agree. all courses are practically the same everywhere. only thing i already go usyd so i dont want to start afresh elsewhere.
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    HELP! I need to advice about transferring/degree choice

    woah srsly dude r u sure?? i was of an opinion they compete seperately. im pretty sure thats the case with law cause u need only a nsrl of 96+ to get in nd the uai is 99.6 - not much of an idea with other courses.
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    HELP! I need to advice about transferring/degree choice

    try and get a distinction average (all about consistent hard work - not that hard if u keep working at it) and u can safely transfer to nearly any course after 1 year. after first sem very few courses are available to transfer into - nearly all transfers are made at end of year. to get...
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    UAC scale uni marks?

    good point.
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    '06 Transfer Candidates Post Here

    nsrl - 96.325 course - b law / b comm usyd borderline :S :S - so nervous!!!!