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  1. W

    not getting my hsc

    HSC isn't everything, If you're worried about getting into TAFE and UNI and not attending your classes then that is just dumb. At both you can marked for attendence, if you don't attend at least 80 percent of tutorials, you can be excluded from even sitting the final exam. Those mechanisms...
  2. W

    do the hsc people check your toilets?

    If you people were as dedicated actually studying instead of finding elaborate ways to cheat and get out of real learning, you would ace the HSC. Once more, did you ever even consider why you need high marks in the HSC to begin with? It's purpose is to get into a university of your choice, in...
  3. W

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    Collateral damage is unavoidable. Tell that to Mr ledger. Besides that I don't want you to kill yourself, I want you to suffer which you are anyway with your limp leg. I do agree it is pointless talking to a self serving bigot like yourself. So I will end this now by walking away...
  4. W

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    Excellent don't forget about my treatment: Drink some alcohol and a sedative, it will help you sleep better. Sorry about my incoherency I am not a great academic like you point-dickster. You should also take my treatment. WBD
  5. W

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    [/SIZE]. Speaking of ad hominem, why should we give someone who consults their other personality any credit. [/SIZE]. Have you walked on the moon? For all you know it could be a piece of cheese. That seems to be your arguement for everything. [/SIZE]. So sorry about the leg, maybe you...
  6. W

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    Yes i've been to sweden, the women their are nice and loose, if you want to discuss that aspect PM me for more details and pics ;) Maybe you're tired and should get to sleep instead of looking at a blurry monitor and not understanding where people are coming from. Speaking of drugs and...
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    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    What I am trying to say is that we need robots with an empathy chip to run the show, human beings are inadequate.
  8. W

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    Australia is supposed to be one of the best in healthcare, we have something called medicare which takes a 10 percent levy which we pay for in tax. It's a service they we are paying good money for and one which we're not reaping the benefits. For every bad case I mentioned there are 10 others...
  9. W

    How much?? chemistry in Medicine

    OMG you don't care about Le chatelier's principle!!!!! That is the most significant principle in this whole world. That principle should never be undermined.
  10. W

    So how much does a Doctor really earn?

    Has anyone read the news lately? Doctors & nurses have had to work with little supplies in the hospitals, essentials like gloves and drugs are all lacking because of the low funding provided. Many of the suppliers and doctors have all been out of pocket, the NSW health department is worse off...
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    A science degree would help, apparently some of it has 2nd year chemistry as well. You should probably go all out and do a prep course, might as well go all out.
  12. W

    Uni Questions

    Re: bring lunch to uni? Bringing food to uni is a must, otherwise the costs are unbearable. The 'canteens' in uni are overpriced and to recieve 'normal prices' you need an access card for 99 dollars. I usually bring a chicken sandwich with cheese, if you put tomato on it or lettuce, it gets...
  13. W

    'm sick of being single :(

    Two pieces of wood, to make a house full of love, caring and properity.
  14. W

    'm sick of being single :(

    That's one perspective. I will explain with a useful analogy, say you have two pieces of wood, by itself, it is a mere piece of wood, but if you were able to combine them together, they would become stronger and more useful.
  15. W

    'm sick of being single :(

    Been single is fine, just as long as you can look after yourself.
  16. W

    i screwed up my first HSC asessment.. am i screwed T^T

    This situation is really bad, utterly hopeless, there is simply no point even continuing with this year in HSC. I highly suggest that you leave high school for now and get a job and earn some money for year and restart the HSC for next year and next time don't stuff up such an important...
  17. W

    HELP help PLZ

    Do your own work, you know self-learning, it's a construct, may help you later in life. WBD
  18. W

    HELP! How quickly does Med Sci @ SydU fill up? (Undergrad applications...)

    Are you serious? You're fine, they would accept you with a UAI of 88. Medsci is not what it's cracked up to be, first year is about as interesting as a boiled carrot. Also, unless you plan to get into graduate medicine is near a dead end. Take it from me and several medical science students...