
  1. 4

    how cooked am i after my first english marks?

    Just as the title states. I got back my first english marks and i got a 60% (the assessment weighs 20%). If i wanted to get a high 80s - low/mid 90s, is that still achievable or should i start aiming for a 70-80 Atar? How high of a mark would i need in the rest of my assessments? im so confused...
  2. C

    Atar equivalent

    I put in some random numbers into this atar estimate thing cause I was curious lol - was just wondering what does atar equivalent mean? (last column) Also how is a band 6 in maths ext 2 considered 68.1 percentile
  3. S

    How I Kinda Fluked An 87 In Standard English In A Low Performing School A Complete Guide To Acing Std Eng

    My guide to getting a high mark in Standard English So as you know Standard English is a terribly scaling subject, if you want a high ATAR it is widely recommended to not do it. However I did not listen to this advice. My advice is the same, if you want 95+, it's better to do decent in advanced...
  4. D

    Do Spots in USYD Engineering fill up quickly?

    Hey, I got an ATAR of 93.45 (which is high enough for engineering and commerce, since I'm Eligible for MySydney), however, I did math standard 2 and not Math Advanced, So Im currently taking the MOOC Classes to bypass the Math Advanced Prerequisite for engineering. However, my MOOC exam for the...
  5. D

    Could I enter this course with my ATAR?

    Hey, I got an ATAR of 92.35, and am planning to do a Bachelor of Actuarial Studies / Bachelor of Commerce at UNSW (which has an LSR of 98.00) Through EAS, I have 4 circumstances at the moment (Low SES area, Refugee background, Death of a family member, Financial Disadvantage) and need around...
  6. V


    Hi, can anyone help me figure out how i got such a bad ATAR? i got a Band 5 in English and Music and a Band 4 in MHistory, Multimedia and Hospitality. my ATAR is 62.30
  7. rh_06

    Which course is better? HELP!!!

    Chat which course is better (or if you know another one not here, please share) ~ I'm aiming for post grad med My top 2: 1. UNSW: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Medicine / Master of Pharmacy 2. USYD: B/Psych Honours Then the rest in no order: UNSW B/Psych Honours USYD B/Psych UNSW B/Psyc science...
  8. I

    Fail for first year 12 assessment -> Band 6 Impossible?

    Argument my friends came up with but I really need to fact check this, if you fail your 1st year 12 assessments will it be practically impossible to get a band 6 in that subject?
  9. katiekms

    ATAR estimation pleaseee

    Subject Rank Estimated Raw Mark in HSC Trial Mark My Average Mark (weighted) B6/year (2023) B6/year (2022) English Advanced 1/8 80% 83% 88.9% 0 0 Maths Standard 2 1/12 97%-98% 91% 98.2% 2 3 Legal Studies 2/8 70% 61% 81.25% 1 0 Investigating Science 3/13 or 4/13 no idea, maybe 70% 53%...
  10. M

    atar calculation for higher atars

    hey guys, idk if this question even makes sense/valid to ask but i think im just paranoid. basically ik that if you do more than 10 units for HSC only your top 10 units (including at least 2 units of english (at least i think its at least, e.g. if you did 4u eng and did well in every unit all 4...
  11. G

    is it best to do 10 or 11 units?

    I'm currently doing 11 units, and my one unit is Studies of Religion 1. Should I drop it and have ten units and more time to focus on other subjects or keep it so I have a backup unit? I don't exactly love it, but I don't hate it either it's just a bit...boring, especially with my teacher not...
  12. A

    Is my handwriting readable for an HSC marker?

    I wrote like this for my trials and found no issue whatsoever
  13. I

    70-72 Will Scale To A Band 6 For Maths Advanced This Year

    Im calling it right now, looking at the 2021 raw and scaled marks data on an exam that was arguably quite a bit easier than 2024, the scaling this year will defo be great.
  14. G

    How many points would I likely revive for EAS at UNSW?

    I understand that UNSW limits EAS to 10 points, but since they don't provide explicit information on how many are allocated per category, I'm feeling a bit conflicted. Personally, I've applied for H01B (severe illness of family member/friend) and S01D (long-distance education), as one of my...
  15. A


    Idk if I should be freaking out or no :( For my math standard 2 exam I realised I put the wrong student number. I mixed the last 2 numbers (34) and wrote it as (43). I emailed my head teacher who has marked HSC papers before and she said its fine many students do this, besides apparently many...
  16. I

    2024 HSC MATHS ADVANCED SOLUTIONS Don't worry if your mark is low, in 2023 a much easier paper, a 9 scaled to a 45
  17. I

    How Many Pages In Business Booklet

    For anybody that did Business last year, how many pages are in the main booklet they give you per section? How many pages in the spare booklet? For this years English there was 7 pages in the main booklet and 3 pages in each spare booklet.
  18. radagastthebrown

    ATAR Prediction 🙏

    Subject Trials Results Cumulative Rank Band 6’s in 2022, 2023 LOL Advanced English 71/100 5/16 0, 0 Advanced Maths 62/100 3/7 1, 3 Modern History 80/100 1/3 0, 0 Ancient History 70/100 4/11 0, 0 Design and Tech 84/100 2/10 0, 0 SOR I 76/100 3/19 0, 0 I didn't try that hard in...
  19. katiekms

    What ATAR would you judge someone for?

    Like, when we get our ATARs and everyone’s on here posting what they got, what would you see and be like.. damn thats such a bad ATAR would not wanna be them.
  20. I

    Eng Paper 2

    How much time do ppl usually have by the end of mod c?