extension 1 maths

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    n or n-1 for sample standard deviation?

    So I was doing some 2020 school trial papers and I found that none have included sqrt(p(1-p)/(n-1)) as the answer for sample standard deviation. Just wondering what do you guys think, would n-1 be safer in HSC or n will be fine?
  2. T

    Further Vectors help

    The angle between two vectors u=i-3j and v=ai+5j is 120°. Find a correct to 1 decimal place. I've tried substituting into the scalar equation but I can't get the answer
  3. A

    3U Maths HSC 2019 Solutions

    So I was bored and I decided to do the HSC 3U Maths for 2019. Please tell me if any of the answers are wrong. I am not a HSC student lol. In my opinion the exam was harder than last year so hopefully it scales better. Other than that have a look a through it