@ waf: I can think of better ways to altruistically make the world a better place with $US160 billion than invading Iraq (3 fold budget blow-out).
Infact, although the initial invasion from Basra and the lower west to Baghdad was tactically sound, idiot defence chiefs (led by the incompetent Rumsfeld) were totally unprepared for the aftermath. Political analysts say this war budget could blow-out to around $US350 billion in the next decade. Instead, for 'altruism', we could of fully funded anti-hunger efforts for years, gave every children in the world immunisation for many many decades and completely funded anti-AIDS programs for years. Then again, it was to be expected of a typical Liberal to cover up their leader's mishaps regarding the war with other pretexts like taking out the regime because Saddam was this and that, altruism blah blah blah blah.. but I reckon few people could honestly believe this act of altruism was worth $US160 billion dollars. Seriously.
As for cultural identity, you might aswell boycott everything American then. American beer, American movies, American music.. geez, if you can honestly tell me you're doing all that then I'll give you some credit. Otherwise I think you should just lay off the spelling issue completely.
@ lengy: Assassination is a great, in basic principle. I doubt it would cost $US160 billion dollars and end up with as much destruction and death that is the Iraq War, but like someone mentioned this act would only tend to bring complete instability instead. A very risky move.
@ asylum: I agree man.
@ xiao: Dude, just cause you don't know crap about politics.
4 chloe: Although the mere thought of Pokemon drives me nuts, I have to admit her Gollum impression was pretty awesome.
@ Alicia: That deviantart guy sucks.