2007 State Election - Labor or the Coalition/Iemma or Debnam? (1 Viewer)

2007 State Election - Labor or the Coalition?

  • Labor

    Votes: 125 46.5%
  • Coalition

    Votes: 77 28.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 30 11.2%
  • Still Undecided

    Votes: 20 7.4%
  • Apathetic

    Votes: 17 6.3%

  • Total voters
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Feb 1, 2006
kokodamonkey said:
Seriouslly guys labour has been in power for 12years and theyve done jack all except stuff everything up. and dont give me this "Morris Dilemma is a fresh start business" Morris Dilemma has been there since the start.
Seriouslly guys let all be vulnerable to being brain washed by cheap liberal party ads. Oh no, the labor party keeps stuffing things up, even though they dont actually state in the ads what it is that has been utterly stuffed up. A few more years of costa, tripodi and sartor? oh no :( .. even though none of those guys are my local member, somehow if i vote for my local member, tripodi sartor and costa will be returned, and we cant have wogs running our state :(
kokodamonkey said:
Vote Liberal and Let Debnam and the team to fix everything up.
Yeh, just like that.. They're just gonna click their fingers and its going to fixed. That easy!

They're gonna fix everything up.. Yayyyyyyyyy
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Active Member
Feb 25, 2007
Optophobia said:
Seriouslly guys let all be vulnerable to being brain washed by cheap liberal party ads.
Okay smartass. you think the liberal ads are brainwashing? have you happened to see the alp ones at all? acting like as if debnam gonna start firing police and nurses left right and centre. also how about the handing over the i.r. system to canberra. apparantly thats an issue yet hes only falling into line with otherstates like victoria (labour) which has done exactly the same thing. you seem to forget that nsw is only JUST outside of a recession due to the fact of the xmas spending. compare it to the rest of the country. dont give me any w.a. commodities boom crap. look at victoria. they have no commodities boom to say thanks for, and they are kicking nsw's ass and they are the best ones to compare to. seriouslly, in nsw, its worth asking what time the 8:30 train comes because your guess is as good as mine.
Optophobia said:
Oh no, the labor party keeps stuffing things up, even though they dont actually state in the ads what it is that has been utterly stuffed up.
you can only do 30sec ads, not 10min ones, dont want to be there all night do we? plus The Liberals dont get slush funds from the unions.
Optophobia said:
A few more years of costa, tripodi and sartor? oh no :( .. even though none of those guys are my local member, somehow if i vote for my local member, tripodi sartor and costa will be returned, and we cant have wogs running our state :(
aah yes they got so desperate they play the race card. no we arnt being racist, they just damn dont do their job. every few months lets just shuffle the portfolios around and hope everyone forgets. you forgot that sure your votin for your local member. but if alp is re-elected, nothing changes. you still have Morris Dilemma "running" the state. you still have sartor,costa,tropodi fucking things up.
Optophobia said:
Yeh, just like that.. They're just gonna click their fingers and its going to fixed. That easy!

They're gonna fix everything up.. Yayyyyyyyyy
Well id rather Debnam Make things Stand Still and slowly move forward then keep goin backwards. Last time i looked i wanted nsw to be more advanced then afrika. looks like that wont be happening.


Feb 1, 2006
kokodamonkey said:
Okay smartass. you think the liberal ads are brainwashing? have you happened to see the alp ones at all?
All political ads are biased and brainwashing. The difference is i don't get on here and regurgitate them like you just did.
kokodamonkey said:
acting like as if debnam gonna start firing police and nurses left right and centre.
Well the 20,000 jobs that he intends to cut have to come from somewhere.
kokodamonkey said:
also how about the handing over the i.r. system to canberra.
which is something that has been forced on the state from the top down. Why should we trust the UnLiberal Party at a state level?
kokodamonkey said:
apparantly thats an issue yet hes only falling into line with otherstates like victoria (labour)
kokodamonkey said:
which has done exactly the same thing. you seem to forget that nsw is only JUST outside of a recession due to the fact of the xmas spending. compare it to the rest of the country. dont give me any w.a. commodities boom crap. look at victoria. they have no commodities boom to say thanks for, and they are kicking nsw's ass and they are the best ones to compare to.
.. assuming what you're saying is true; are you living on the street? Are you out of money? Is living in NSW that dificult for you? :santa:
kokodamonkey said:
seriouslly, in nsw, its worth asking what time the 8:30 train comes because your guess is as good as mine.
Finally, something out of a Liberal supporters mouth that doesn't have to do with money. We know that's all you really care about...
kokodamonkey said:
you can only do 30sec ads, not 10min ones,
and with the 30 seconds that they do have, they can't even construct a decent ad.

kokodamonkey said:
plus The Liberals dont get slush funds from the unions.
They get it from PBL instead.
kokodamonkey said:
aah yes they got so desperate they play the race card. no we arnt being racist, they just damn dont do their job. every few months lets just shuffle the portfolios around and hope everyone forgets.
Well.. list some examples if it's so important to you.
kokodamonkey said:
you forgot that sure your votin for your local member. but if alp is re-elected, nothing changes.
Who i vote for has no effect on whether those 3 people are re-elected. Yet, that stupid ad (playing the race card) is broadcast accross the entire state.
kokodamonkey said:
you still have Morris Dilemma "running" the state.
lol Morris Dilemma, I GET IT. :rofl: :|

kokodamonkey said:
you still have sartor,costa,tropodi fucking things up.
I'm sure if they did actually fuck things up, an example would be on the end of your tongue and you would have included it in your post.
kokodamonkey said:
Well id rather Debnam Make things Stand Still and slowly move forward then keep goin backwards.
And Debnam, who has no experience of running a state, is going to get in and magically start fixing things (what ever it is that needs to be fixed in your mind), but Labor don't.. Because... they don't know how? But the Liberal leader who has no experience has some magical solution to it all? A liberals insight? pfft.
kokodamonkey said:
Last time i looked i wanted nsw to be more advanced then afrika. looks like that wont be happening.
yeh. better move to Afrika then hayyy?
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Everything's perfect!
Nov 24, 2003
I love people who think that the Opposition won't do all the things that the party in power are currently doing. (This works both ways, of course).

Battle of the beige really is the best way of describing this state election.


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
Did anyone see the 7.30 report and see Debnam ignore every single question he was asked even when he was told to resign and let Barry O'Farrell replace him as leader, he just went on and repeatedly outlined the water policy over and over, I just wanted to smack him in the face for being a waste of opposition space.


The Commonwealth
May 16, 2004
I love people who think that the Opposition won't do all the things that the party in power are currently doing. (This works both ways, of course).
Of course, we should actually remove the need for elections. If this logic is applied federally, then the ALP has no hope in hell..

See, what gets me is that we have an inept and underperforming government in NSW who are on the verge of reelection, and on the contrary, a Federal Government that has consistently performed over the last 11years (particular when compared to its state counterpart) and is somehow 'on the verge of defeat'.

Either people don't fully understand the delegation of responsibility between the state and federal government (which of course is the case in many instances) or Anna Coren's hairstyle on Today Tonight is of greater concern than the delivery and administration of public services.


Oct 10, 2005
frog12986 said:
Either people don't fully understand the delegation of responsibility between the state and federal government (which of course is the case in many instances) or Anna Coren's hairstyle on Today Tonight is of greater concern than the delivery and administration of public services.
My trains run ontime and my local hospital is RNS. I've got nothing to complain about ;)


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
Optophobia said:
Ignore bshoc; it's someone who is too afraid to post from their *real* account, because they enjoy being antagonistic.
And what, pray tell, is my "real" account?


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
ihavenothing said:
Erm, David Clarke?
He's not exactly "shadowy" .. seeing as how he's an elected public official.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
Optophobia said:
And Debnam, who has no experience of running a state, is going to get in and magically start fixing things (what ever it is that needs to be fixed in your mind), but Labor don't.. Because... they don't know how? But the Liberal leader who has no experience has some magical solution to it all? A liberals insight?
Well Labor have shown in their decade+ they sure "don't know how," there is absolutely no potential gains or improvements for the state to be lost by voting in Debnam, at the very least he'll bring fresh perspective and a form of politics where cutting out 10000 lazy bueracrats and replacing them with actual useful police, firefighters etc. isn't considered a national tragedy.
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
wheredanton said:
Only because It's Friday night.
I don't know why you bother, all you're doing is reaffirming you position as a "omg the righties are coming" far lefty retard.

You have met everyone or enough people who have voted Green to make that judgement?

It would be like me saying that most people who vote for the Liberals are ignorant.
Except you'd be wrong because ...

People vote Green for a variety of reasons. Some are far lefties. Some value our natural environment and feel good about voting 'Green'. Some vote Green to protest (see Wilkie last election in Bennelong). Some people support harm minimisation approach to drugs. Whatever. Some vote Green because they don't give a fuck.
... there are better ways to look after poeple and the environment than by promoting measures that would destroy the economy and the fabric of society.

Anyone who votes Green is an idiot, because they've either read the Green policies and agreed, or more likely they don't actually know many of the Green policies and voted for them anyway.

Education isn't about being right or wrong. Educated means you have been taught in a particular field 'to develop the innate capacities of the person, especially by schooling or instruction'.
Education is about being right or wrong, which is why the economics departments of USyd, UNSW, Mac etc. don't send out Marxist economists ..

To say that other people, in your humble opinion, do not understand the realities of the world, is to imply that you, in your humble opinion, do understand the realities of the world.
Either that or I either understand them better or that I can judge from the ones I can understand, enough to say that people like Bob Brown and Kerry Nettle dont know what they're talking about.


Everything's perfect!
Nov 24, 2003
frog12986 said:
Of course, we should actually remove the need for elections. If this logic is applied federally, then the ALP has no hope in hell..
I mean in the sense of cabinet reshuffles, inept ministers, etc. Not policy, economic performance, or anything like that.


Oct 10, 2005
bshoc said:
I don't know why you bother, all you're doing is reaffirming you position as a "omg the righties are coming" far lefty retard.
You called me a retard! That truely struck me deep in my soul. I simply can't stop crying. Your intellectual power and ability to know everything everywhere is so impressive.

Your responses are so insightful. They totally and always make thematic sense and do not in any way reflect a young, sexually frustrated undergraduate who has just discovered a university economics text book who has problems interfacing with the opposite sex. Your posts are mature and well thought out and are not extreme in any way at all. No one could ever accuse you of overheated passionate 'undergraduate' politics that makes arts students get all excited. No, you are a mature well reasoned and considerate person who believes that diversity of opinion is the best way to reach a higher truth in line with the great western thinkers like JS Mill.

Your performance in this thread has promoted me to write a letter to the right honourable John Howard to request that you be appointed his personal adviser for culture, women and race relations. Issues that you are well informed and 'right' and educated about. For you know the reality and no one else does, and everyone knows that and anyone who doubts it should be forced to go to retraining to be unidiocised.

All hail Bshoc, in his mighty greatness!
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
wheredanton said:
You called me a retard! That truely struck me deep in my soul. I simply can't stop crying. Your intellectual power and ability to know everything everywhere is so impressive.

Your responses are so insightful. They totally and always make thematic sense and do not in any way reflect a young, sexually frustrated undergraduate who has just discovered a university economics text book who has problems interfacing with the opposite sex. Your posts are mature and well thought out and are not extreme in any way at all. No one could ever accuse you of overheated passionate 'undergraduate' politics that makes arts students get all excited. No, you are a mature well reasoned and considerate person who believes in diversity of opinion is the best way to reach a higher truth in line with the great western thinkers like JS Mill.

Your performance in this thread has promoted me to write a letter to the right honourable John Howard to request that you be appointed his personal adviser for culture, women and race relations. Issues that you are well informed and 'right' on. For you know the reality and no one else does, and everyone knows that and anyone who doubts it should be forced to go to retraining to be unidiocised.

All hail Bshoc, in his mighty greatness!
Does this mean you're not my friend anymore? :(


Feb 1, 2006
bshoc said:
Well Labor have shown in their decade+ they sure "don't know how,"
If this were true then you would have plenty of wonderful examples.. which you don't because you're just using one-liners that have no substance to them.
bshoc said:
there is absolutely no potential gains or improvements for the state to be lost by voting in Debnam,
except that we would have a Liberal leader.
bshoc said:
at the very least he'll bring fresh perspective and a form of politics where cutting out 10000 lazy bueracrats and replacing them with actual useful police, firefighters etc. isn't considered a national tragedy.
the police and firefighters are the people he is going to cut, and if it's police you want then i believe Iemma has just put a record number of police through the college?
ihavenothing said:
and let Barry O'Farrell replace him as leader
that would be going from bad to worse for the opposition.
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
Optophobia said:
If this were true then you would have plenty of wonderful examples.. which you don't because you're just using one-liners that have no substance to them.
I posted this some time ago, although I believe it applies to you equally well

You're an idiot, here is Iemma and State Labor, a government that has managed to stuff up or shortchange almost every one of their responsibilities and governmental duties. And yet you're bagging on a potentially good candidate who hasn't spent a day as premier? How many ways are there to say "douchebag"?

Lane Cove Tunnel? Stuffed
Economic Growth? Lowest in the country
Governmental Integrity? Only if you like sex with little boys
Epping to Chatswood rail link? "postponed" ie. indefinitely
Action to curb ethnic gang violence? Not while Iemma sits in beautiful Lakemba, he may offend his arab hosts

I could go on and on, highest state unemployment, treasury mismanagement, bribery ... stuffed here, screwed there, why would a person with a scrap of intelligence (I'm not implying you are one btw.) even consider voting for this retard you call Iemma ?

How stupid are you hardcore Labor idiots? Oh well I suppose as long as heroin addicts have a nice, safe place to shoot up at the expense of the taxes of hardworking families everything will be alright yeah? Forget it, you are beyond stupid.

except that we would have a Liberal leader.
Yes, the less corrupt and less useless of the two major parties.

the police and firefighters are the people he is going to cut, and if it's police you want then i believe Iemma has just put a record number of police through the college?
No he's not cutting police and firefighters, read the actual policy document, as many have said he's increasing the number of actual police and firefighters and cutting out all the useless middle management above them, this is long overdue.

And it doesen't matter if we just got more police come through the academy, the entire police system under state Labor is inept, watch them act all brave and stuff when they issue fines to some family for parking slightly incorrectly and ignore and cower when they try to do anything about the lebanese gangs etc. Just yesterday new figures were realeased showing a 90% increase in crime in Western Sydeny over the past year and a 50% increase in the inner city.

The whole system is rotten and inept, and no amount of new recruits are going to make a difference seeing as how they are coming out of that rotten system. Only by renewing the people at the top, getting rid of middle management and streamlining the police structure, as Debnam has proposed, will this ever change.


The Commonwealth
May 16, 2004
Optophobia said:
If this were true then you would have plenty of wonderful examples.. which you don't because you're just using one-liners that have no substance to them.
Lets see…

- The devil that is Urban Consolidation and the centralisation of planning powers (to Lord Sartor)
- Failure to address Sydney’s road transport issues - Spit/ Military Road, Parramatta Road, Victoria Road, the M4, the M5 - Sydney’s most popular carparks. Instead we have a user pays road system, despite a 1995 pledge to make Sydney toll free..
- Failure to adequately invest in public transport - train fares increased by 31%, 1500+ fewer bus services, 400+ fewer train services
- Failure to adequately invest in infrastructure in the face of steady population growth
- Failure to address Sydney’s water supply issues
- Failure to commit to land release to reduce the housing affordability issues plaguing Sydney
- Failure to invest and improve health services, instead doctoring and altering measurement standards, centralising decision making (in the face of a commitment to halve waiting lists)
- Taxes and burdens on both the housing sector and business driving investors and business people interstate, failing to capitalise on the longest period of sustained growth in Australian history, instead the state faces a black hole..
- A failure to maintain ‘record police numbers’ through awful retention rates

The list could go on and on if we cite more specific examples of their complete incompetence... does the cross city tunnel come to mind?

the police and firefighters are the people he is going to cut, and if it's police you want then i believe Iemma has just put a record number of police through the college?
Do you have much of an understanding of the public service? The growth of bureaucrats has been incredible particularly positions focused on spin and political face saving. The Coalition has developed a policy that is not only feasible, but also realistic. After all, it was Michael Costa himself who stated that the public service could be reduced by up to 60,000 when he was first installed as treasure, and they still intend to reduce it by 5000 over the next 12 months.

Some prime examples:
• $147,296 for a ‘Manager, Workplace Change & Culture’ to “embed organisational values” at the RTA –
• $112,390 for an Office of State Revenue spin doctor
• $112,390 for a ‘Manager, Executive Support’ at the Education Department,
• $135,505 for a ‘Manager, Leadership Communication and Planning’
• $151,650 for a ‘Manager, People and Culture’ at the Sydney Opera House, to drive change and develop organisation culture… deliver objectives using best practice management

Or how about these ‘managerial’ positions advertised in the Sydney CBD:

The ALP merely has the vested interests of the PSA at heart, and this claim that front line police and firefighters will be cut is absolutely absurd and politicking at it's worse. In fact it is the Coalition that has committed itself to providing 1700 more police, almost 1000 more than the ALP; do the math.

How about someone list the achievements of this govenrment over the past 12 years?

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
You're all being fooled by the Liberal scare campaigns... they really will sack 20,000 nurses, teachers and police in the most critically short areas the moment they're elected! :D


Active Member
Feb 25, 2007
Captain Gh3y said:
You're all being fooled by the Liberal scare campaigns... they really will sack 20,000 nurses, teachers and police in the most critically short areas the moment they're elected! :D
i hope for your sake your being sarcastic It has been stated many times over a period of 4years all the retiring beauracrats will not be rehired. I hope he starts with Ken moroney as the first out of 20,000.... Optophobia is a communist.

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