So you think that the government allowing two people of the same sex to adopt a child is going to make more people don strap ons and/or poke each other in the bum hole.i agree with iron. im all in favor with gay people fucking each other and showing their affection in public without being prosecuted. however, i do think homosexuality is wrong. do i care what gays do ? no. but by approving adoption for gay couples i feel the government is encouraging homosexuality. which i am against.
I hate Paul. Apart from the superstitious crap, the Gospels are great. They really are. Then Paul comes along and turns it back towards the religion of hate whence Christianity sprang. /rageWhy does Jesus never actually mention homosexuality, but Paul goes nuts.
The 'nature' argument doesnt do much for me. Various percentages are or may be biologically predisposed to do certain harmful things - it doesnt make it right. Homosexuality, like a ream of other things such as drug abuse, violence, material greed etc, is a serious cross to bear.Why does homosexuality occur at certain prevalences within animal and human populations, though?
Why does Jesus never actually mention homosexuality, but Paul goes nuts.
Sociological studies will not appease Him.I can't see the harm in letting homosexual couples adopt kids that would otherwise be wards of the state.
The sociological studies show no real difference in social outcomes between homosexual parents and heterosexual parents. I like to base my arguments on evidence... thus.
Just pretending that it was definitively proven that homosexuality was unnatural, why would this matter? Humans do unnatural things all of the time, (such as typing on a keyboard, drinking coke, using condoms), but we don't think that the unnaturalness of these things results in them being immoral. So why would it be so with homosexuality?tbqh, the homosexuality in animals/nature argument isnt all that persuasive to me, simply because it is such a statistical anomaly.