Samantha Rose
okay so, nobody really knows about the course i got first in. human services - health services assistance.
it allows you to work as an AIN in a hospital or as a carer in an aged care setting. good part time work if you like making beds and hearing old people stories.
very easy exam paper, which i thought was a complete joke. i felt very out of place at the ceremony because i'm an average/slightly above average student, and everyone there (except the native hungarian first in hungarian who sat next to me) had worked extremely hard. i didn't. i didn't take a notebook to class. we had big folders given to us by TAFE - i left mine in my car most lessons. the exam was essentially a first aid paper + some OH&S that can be learnt in a week. so, if you want to be misquoted in 5 odd newspapers/articles and glorified by your school/family, this is the course for you! there is literally no competition, because the academically inclined students wouldn't risk their ATAR on a course with no past papers (one past paper now), and no actual teachers - only nurses.
also - you get to be on the excel success one cover! personally for me this is the greatest part.
and for those who want to get into medicine one day but already know there is no way they'll get the high atar + umat score, the nursing course has a nice fat section on medical terminology (the only part i studied which isn't even in the god damned exam), which could be useful
it's like practising the naming of anatomy and procedures and such. -ectomy -otomy -scopy TRULY RIVETING STUFF. one more thing for prospective med students, there is a hospital work placement so you'll get a taste of what it's actually like to work in that environment. i had the pleasure of shadowing a radiologist on one of my placements which was the coolest thing ever. but for the most part, fuck being a doctor. the guy was like 33 and had only just finished his training. you only get one set of 20s!
anyway. enough rant. want a good chance of being first in a course? nursing (human services) is the way to go!
it allows you to work as an AIN in a hospital or as a carer in an aged care setting. good part time work if you like making beds and hearing old people stories.
very easy exam paper, which i thought was a complete joke. i felt very out of place at the ceremony because i'm an average/slightly above average student, and everyone there (except the native hungarian first in hungarian who sat next to me) had worked extremely hard. i didn't. i didn't take a notebook to class. we had big folders given to us by TAFE - i left mine in my car most lessons. the exam was essentially a first aid paper + some OH&S that can be learnt in a week. so, if you want to be misquoted in 5 odd newspapers/articles and glorified by your school/family, this is the course for you! there is literally no competition, because the academically inclined students wouldn't risk their ATAR on a course with no past papers (one past paper now), and no actual teachers - only nurses.
also - you get to be on the excel success one cover! personally for me this is the greatest part.
and for those who want to get into medicine one day but already know there is no way they'll get the high atar + umat score, the nursing course has a nice fat section on medical terminology (the only part i studied which isn't even in the god damned exam), which could be useful
anyway. enough rant. want a good chance of being first in a course? nursing (human services) is the way to go!