BALI GOIN OFF THIS YEAR 4 skoolies! (1 Viewer)


"oh go back to supre"
Mar 5, 2004
uck, i moved to sydney.
Rightio... so many things that aren't true about bali! :chainsaw:

One - if you lock your bag no-one can open it to put drugs in, you won't get firing squad and you can have fun at schoolies and go home to your mummy and daddy.

Two - Beers, Cocktails etc are not the same price as Killer Pythons. Beer - Bintang is actually the only product that has a fairly consistent price with australia. Its not 30 cents. Thats how much water is.

Three - If you want to actually experience SOMETHING remotely different to the everyday norm of australia (which most people do) in your life, travelling to a country with a contrasting culture is usually the first thing to do. They do it and they do it without giving a two hoots about media protests/government warnings/schapelle corby rumours (yeah i heard of my mothers brothers sister in-law's cat's uncle that....) because if you get scared by stuff like that you may as well live under a rock because thats about the level of cultural diversity you will experience.

Four - the people of bali are the kindest and most beautiful you will ever meet. before you start on about bali bombers, they were actually from java, which is NOT bali. By boycotting their island to make some pathetic protest based on lies heard in the media you are ruining almost the entire economy that supports them so they can give you mindless zombies a smile when you try to rip them off in their sarong shops.

As you may have noticed, i am fairly defensive of my second home. Think of the magnitude of the stuff your saying - imagine if someone wrote off greece or italy or i dunno turkey... im sure your italian/greek/turkish mates would love you writing off their heritage.

But hey, if your going to bali for schoolies i'll see you there! I'm staying with my family over there - free accommodation - in Seminyak. and if you surf, i'll probs see you out at uluwatu. peace.
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Born Dancer

I can't go for that
Jun 26, 2004
The Chateau
clairebear said:
before you start on about bali bombers, they were actually from java, which is NOT bali. By boycotting their island to make some pathetic protest based on lies heard in the media you are ruining almost the entire economy that supports them so they can give you mindless zombies a smile when you try to rip them off in their sarong shops.
i second that

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