snickerdoodle said:First off, if I hear the word "wog" being thrown anymore, I will strangle someone. Don't you dare call myself, my family and a large portion of my friends "wogs". Lets get something straight: If I, of Greek descent, call a friend with a foreign background a "wog", it is done in jest. If someone on the street (particularly an anglo-saxon) turns around and calls me a "wog", they will be on a recieving end of a bitch slap. It's a derogatory term that highly offends me and pretty much everyone I know. I'm an Aussie, my friends are Aussie, and the fact that we speak another language doesn't negate that.
Everyone needs to get over it. Do you know how many times I've experienced the shit that dickheads dish out when I'm at the beach, or shopping, or in public in general? You think that brawling is going to stop this? The fact that those kind of men are disusting scum is not going to change. They are nothings. Insignificant loudmouths that crave attention, which people should STOP giving them. Let the police handle it. You feel threatened? Go to a higher authority. All this BS is just getting in the way of the 99% of people who just want to get a tan and swim a little.
Haha, then don't ever call me an 'Aussie.' You people are so touchy, get over yourselves.
I live in the Shire, i only just got back from Schoolies today but so i have missed a bit of it.. Though it seems to be pretty serious, and a lot of people seem to be up for tomorrow. I'm sure there will be plenty of Police though, which will probably stop anything major from happening.
Stupid Lebs.. They are not there to swim.. They hang around at the Wall and up in the Carparks in their 'fully sick, hottet up WRX's bro,' perving on hot aussie chicks, who they will never have a chance with, in their adidas tracksuits. Hopefully something does happen, so they piss off back to Bankstown and all those areas.. Or even better, back to where they came from.. What more, they all get wiped off the face of the earth.. Dickheads.