Well, it was easier than I thought it would be but it was still hard.
The teacher made up Section One because we hadn't finished Pompeii and Herculaneum by the time the trials rolled up. It wasn't hard, it was just remembering people's names and what ancient thingymabobs were.
Section Two - Athens in the Time of Pericles - wasn't exceptionally hard but the last question on architecture got me, which I thought was stupid because it was worth the most marks.
Section Three - Pericles - consisted mostly of unstructured bullshit on all that I could remember on the man. I really do despise Pericles with a passion.
Section Four - Greek World: 500-440 - was by far the worst for everyone in my class. I did the one on Salamis and Plataea because I couldn't remember anything on Sparta. Half my class came out of the exam going: Plataea was that one where the Spartan King martyred himself, right? Oh, no, wait... that was Thermopylae - oh, shit.
For once, though, I'm glad the exam was 3 hours long. It gave me time to go back to each section and add something extra that hopefully gave me more marks. Althought I'm not holding my breath for an amazing overall mark, but I will be extremely happy with 80%. (But it'll be more like 70%)