St Gregory's College - Private - Catholic
Maths - Best teachers, except a really good few have left over the past couple of years and there is one or maybe too bad teachers.
English - Shit. Some of them are good/okay, but the department isn't even good enough to run EE2 and there is like one Advanced teacher and he's a wanker.
Sciences - Chem - Decent
- Bio - Good. But a good teacher left last year (MY TEACHER!) but I'm still doing well.
- Physics - Shit.
- Junior & Senior Science - Decent.
HSIE - History - Good. (We had a teacher that got class state rankings in legal and modern but he left for the moniehz)
- Legal - good
- Geography - No...
- Economics - Decent
- Studies of Religion - Meh... Is it really even a subject?
- Business - Good... I think.
- PDHPE - Good. We usually get 1 to 3 band 6s out of like <20 students.
Computers - Software - GOOD! Nicest, funniest, best teacher out.
- IPT - Meh...
- IST - Who cares?
D&T - Good.
Creative Arts - Drama - The last year it ran was my year 7

- Visual Arts - Decent. (Although they didn't run it for my year! D: )
- Music - Hahahahahaahha. They wouldn't let me sing in year 9 and 10 because I didn't get singing lessons, but they let people sing that fucking sucked compared to me.
I don't know where this fits in but:
Agriculture - Apparently the Board of Studies said our Ag department was up to if not higher than the standard of Ruse and Hurlstone... but our principal said this to us so I'm not sure how true it is...
"Our band got a gold metal for their performance yesterday" - Principal
*2 minutes earlier*
"We got a silver metal yesterday..." - Band teacher