Hey Skip how you doing?
The first thing is, don't panic!
They say (they being the teachers, sheets of paper etc) to try not to get behind in the packages, but after doing LOTEs by correspondance last year, getting behind is inevitable. I finished year 12 and I got nowhere near finishing the XX packages! (Are you in Year 12 now, as in you are now doing the HSC course?). If you're using Noir sur Blanc, you'll no doubt find that the exercises are so repetitive and you end up falling asleep. This repetition is there to make sure you get it and understand all the things there I suppose, but this repetition gets
very tedious, as you've probably found, so by ALL MEANS just skip sections that get very same-old same-old. Though only if you have learnt the stuff and got the hang of it lol!
Balancing the dist. ed French work with 'real-live' assessments from school can be hard, as of course there's no one there breathing down your back to do the work [for French]. All I can say is even though you say you're behind, just do
some of the work each week, so at least you can work through the packages slowly. All of a sudden the half yearlies come and then you feel as if you're not prepared. It sounds really stupid but maybe save a few days out of the summer hols and do some French (some advice I tried to give myself but at the risk of undermining myself, I never did any work during the summer...
). It's just a matter of starting the work. Motivation is horrible! But I find once you start then you get a good rhythm going and it gets easier.
3/24 packages doesn't sound too bad. If you can aim do do like maybe 4-5 packages by the time term one starts, then maybe do 8 packages a term or something, then you should be fine. It sounds like a big goal, because near the end I don't think I did any of the packages (starting in year 11 we get the list with 50 packages on it, I think I eventually scraped my way to 40. Gave up before the trials lol... Don't listen to that though!
How are you finding it so far though? Hard or anything? It might be a bit harder if you're having a few
ennuis with French, but at this stage nothing should cause worry.
As well as the work packages maybe compliment your study with reading newsy/entertainment stuff on the net? There's no shortage of stuff there. If you're stuck, there's a couple of links threads on BOS that can help you.
Another Dist. Ed link on this topic that covers probably what's been covered hear. Perhaps what I have written here in THIS thread contradicts what is said in this thread but anyhoo
Hope this answers your question! I haven't been on BOS for ages (Que Telstra trouve la mort!!!!
) and lost all my communication skills.
Any other questions, n'hésite pas de les afficher ici