Why do we keep hurting the ones who love us,
and keep trying to impress those who did mean things to us?
i find myself asking the same questions, every single day of my life. but i would change the second question to
and keep trying to impress those who hurt us emotionally.
now because i made that mistake of hurting the one that loved me, im scared that i'll never get that same trust back again. its possible but its gonna take a long time to repair the damage i've caused. i do put myself down a lot because of what happened, and i do hesitate a lot to show my feelings cause im just scared i might say too much at once and scare him off. i do have hope and do believe that me and my ex have something between us. but this has been the hardest obstacle that i have ever encountered. it's worse than actually breaking up, because the closer you get to that thing that you so heartly desire, the more anxious you get to know that you could get what you want or you could be hurt all over again. its a 50/50 scenario. i never knew what i wanted before. but now i know its him that i want and for the first time im 100% sure about it and i have no doubts whatsoever. ima keep pushing on strong and keeping my head high. life is short. if your dream is to be with that special someone, then go for it and dont give up.
okay yeah i fink thats enough rambling from me. lols