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Does God Exist? (2 Viewers)


Oct 17, 2004
in cherry ripe heaven
Comrade nathan said:
Damn that is some reall bullshit there joujou_84 . Science was not 'made'. Sceince is a way of explaining the world in logice terms. If god was real scientist would explain him in words.

The animal under the rock is so fucking stupid example that my head is now hurting. If you cant grasp how animals eat then you a moron.
ok so obviosuly u have no better way to express urself then to be rude, that is a sign of weakness, u cant tell me how then animal knows to eat or where to find it so u attack me personally. i have had respect for all that have spoken on this forum, all but u.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Ok, how does an animal know to eat... like when it's born?

I'd like to point out... that while creatures are being formed either in their mothers... or in an egg, it's quite likely that they're already learning about the world around them... they have felt the desire to eat and they have been fed (yes, babies and animals are fed before they are born), thus they make the connection....
a bit of speculation there, but it sounds fairly justified.

I'd like to point out again tho.... you're just finding another mysterious hole that science has YET to fill ( i dunno, maybe it has, i'm not omniscient ).

Soon your only argument can be 'Science can't explain the mating ritual of mexican walking fish! GOD EXISTS!'


Oct 17, 2004
in cherry ripe heaven
Not-That-Bright said:
Yes however in many muslim countries they supress the voice of science..

'maybe you can't comprehend what we're saying!'

does it make you feel special... that you have a god?... sounds like it.

"i believe my god made science, all these ppl that think ur soo good making laws and finding cures for diseases, they are doing this by the grace of god."

If God has made the world appear to be such a natural way (he creating evolution, science etc) why is there a need for a God? To fill in the few missing gaps we have left?

I'll give you another scenario.. lets assume a god did create our universe... what makes you so sure he's sticking around?
You gave me the scenario earlier of 'even tho he knows what i'm going to say it comforts mee to talk to him anyway... like a friend who already knows what you're going to say', that would be true... except he is omnipotent, omniscient.... It would be like us talking to an ant (if even). Why would anyone possibly bother? Is it not as justifiable that a god could have created this universe then left?

The animal is a part of the natural world, as we are... however it probably isn't sentient (aware of its own existance). It abides by the same rules as ours.
umm i didnt say that quote. i dont know who ur talking about. i dont talk to god as my friend, he is my creator. who made the simple bacteria?. now ur the one who cant give me reason. what do u believe in, since ur not agnostic. u say no god. fine wat is it then? and by the way muslim countries do not supress science, some of the best mathematicians and scientists were muslims and coz they know about god and they believe in him, they apprecaite science more, they know where it came from. and yes i do fell special to have had the gift of finding the truth in my own heart


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
They do supress science (at least the aspects of it they disagree with), as i'm sure a catholic state would.
I think you need to research this a little more, don't make me have to proove myself.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
secondaly u have free will, u choose to do wat u want except god knows wat this will be, but again it is ur free will, it is not predetermined, god is not evil to make u do something then punish u. u have the free will to do as u like, god guides u, he guides everyone but if are adament to be bad that is by ur free will.
Sadly this is not true, humans dont have much free will when thinking, the material world forces ideas on to us. Its what we do with this ideas that is our free will.


Oct 17, 2004
in cherry ripe heaven
Not-That-Bright said:
Ok, how does an animal know to eat... like when it's born?

I'd like to point out... that while creatures are being formed either in their mothers... or in an egg, it's quite likely that they're already learning about the world around them... they have felt the desire to eat and they have been fed (yes, babies and animals are fed before they are born), thus they make the connection....
a bit of speculation there, but it sounds fairly justified.

I'd like to point out again tho.... you're just finding another mysterious hole that science has YET to fill ( i dunno, maybe it has, i'm not omniscient ).

Soon your only argument can be 'Science can't explain the mating ritual of mexican walking fish! GOD EXISTS!'
animals worhsip god too . i watch the birds when i wake up for prayer at dawn, sitting on trees and roofs bowing their heads the way we so, in perfect unison. i listen to the roosters crow at dawn, telling the animals its prayer time, this happens at exact time that the athan rings out in muslim countries, alerting ppl to prayer. they have their own kingdom, just like us. how do we know that we must eat and how do we know where to find this food. it is knowledge we aquire during our lives and without the will of god we cant do this ourselves. look at disbaled ppl (the really disbaled ones) they dont know where to find food, they dont know to eat it. these are signs from god that u should appreciate wat he has given u, coz most of us take it for granted that we have a heart, a tounge and a brain that functiosn normally.


Apr 19, 2004
Xayma said:
sub if that was the case then all of humanity would be agnostic at best ;) or religion kept changing, if I believe there is no god of any type it will be hard to change me to believe. Any higher being I do not believe can exist, a being that controls us like we control mice on the other hand is possible but I do not believe they are higher then us, just different and possibly smarter.
i take this to be in response to my question to moonlight sonata? actually no... being agnostic is when u believe there is a higher power, but not necessarily god. so if he were to believe that "yes, there is a god", he would no longer be an agnostic. hangon, there's something i dont get in that last quote i showed (above). if u can believe that a being is able to control u, then how is this being not higher than u? and yes, if u do not believe, of course it will be hard to make u believe....

Xayma said:
A god that puts humanity gives them free will then punishes them forever because they do not believe in him/her/it is a tool who needs to punish things because he made a mistake, it is like giving a toddler a knife, and sticking it in a play pen if it cuts another child accidently you punish it even though you were the one who gave it the knife. If there is a god all beings must be accepted to humanity or they do not have the intelligence to realise they fucked up by putting them there. I would have rather not been born then suffer for eternity because God didnt give me the ability to believe because he is a dickhead.
ok...so ur saying its human nature not to believe... i disagree. everyone has the innate naure of looking up to something. even u. u have somethign that u look up to - that u idolise per se...it may be another person (like your "hero") or a statue, or aliens...but there is something that u look up to - that IS part of human nature. it is human nature to look up to something, but u have been given reason to work out what that something u look up to is.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
I'd like to point out again tho.... you're just finding another mysterious hole that science has YET to fill ( i dunno, maybe it has, i'm not omniscient ).
Thats why i was "rude". Its not that mysterious that a animal eats.


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
I covered that above, different areas of the brain have emperical evidence to show that they are what creaate believers. Some of humanity do not have the necessary brain structure to truly believe.

A brain that functions properly but condems us to hell for all eternity because we do not have the capability to believe, Yay all atheists are disabled *goes down to centrelink and uses this new found knowledge to help me survive*


Oct 17, 2004
in cherry ripe heaven
Not-That-Bright said:
They do supress science (at least the aspects of it they disagree with), as i'm sure a catholic state would.
I think you need to research this a little more, don't make me have to proove myself.
hmm ill admit, that the darwin theory is not taught in muslim countries, muslim countries being "the islamic republic or iran" and not for example lebanon where nothing is banned from being taught. however the big bang for example is not something worth teaching, coz it has no grounds and is refuted by most ppl anyway. look in this day and age, everyone has access to knowlege, if u really feel something is wrong with wat u believe in then u have the right to search for answers


Oct 17, 2004
in cherry ripe heaven
Comrade nathan said:
Thats why i was "rude". Its not that mysterious that a animal eats.
its not mysterious to u, coz god has given u the brain to understand wats going on. u should be thnakful that u have this brain


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
Most people do not have the same knowledge of physics that those who mostly believe in the Big Bang do.

Most people do not understand that matter can be created from energy and converted back leading to this "everything" from "nothing" state.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
look at disbaled ppl (the really disbaled ones) they dont know where to find food, they dont know to eat it. these are signs from god that u should appreciate wat he has given u, coz most of us take it for granted that we have a heart, a tounge and a brain that functiosn normally.
You just shot yourself in the foot. I wonder how many people are going to offended by you implying that disabled people are the cursed ones of god. You just stated why disabled people arent like us, god does not help them. So does god hate this people. This type of thought is what causes caste. I bet if you were running a country you would throw all the "cursed" disable people into a pit and burn them, ohh you would like that would you.


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
I am sure he would throw more then just disabled into the pit. Lets see you have homosexuals, thieves, muderers those who swear, and pretty much every pope and priest that has ever existed.

Wait why I haven't gotten a response to how amino acids are created by lightning in Ammonia rich environments, oh wait thats because he doesn't have anything more to back it up with so mysteriously that section is dropped.


Oct 17, 2004
in cherry ripe heaven
Comrade nathan said:
You just shot yourself in the foot. I wonder how many people are going to offended by you implying that disabled people are the cursed ones of god. You just stated why disabled people arent like us, god does not help them. So does god hate this people. This type of thought is what causes caste. I bet if you were running a country you would throw all the "cursed" disable people into a pit and burn them, ohh you would like that would you.
ok yeh i knew u were going to say that, i dunno when u rocked up but everyone else knows im not hear to offend people. i didnt say disabled ppl were cursed. i said they were examples to ppl like u who dont believe in god and his mercy. now there is a verse in the qoran, when i find it ill print it. it says something like god creates everyone in their best form. however ppl cause their children to become disbaled. either they took drugs, alcohol or they cursed god, as some of u seem to be doing, this is not only in islam. if u curse god in any religion u will be punished, for some it is now, for others it will be in the afterlife. however i know of a lady that due to her disabled son (down syndrome), converted to islam, she became a believer. god does not create sick children, they are a result of their parents blasphemy or alcohol/drug related stuff. actually if i were running a country i would treat the disabled with the most respect and my faith would increase coz these are the signs from god that make me appreciate my health. and once again dont presume to tell me what i will or would not do coz u dont know the first thing about me


Oct 17, 2004
in cherry ripe heaven
Xayma said:
I am sure he would throw more then just disabled into the pit. Lets see you have homosexuals, thieves, muderers those who swear, and pretty much every pope and priest that has ever existed.

Wait why I haven't gotten a response to how amino acids are created by lightning in Ammonia rich environments, oh wait thats because he doesn't have anything more to back it up with so mysteriously that section is dropped.
firstly its she not he, secondly im being attacked left right and centre so be patient. thirdly ammonia rich environment developed on its own huh? it just appeared, like magic. something is making all this, come on u ppl all seem intelligent. wat makes sense to u, it appeared on its own, or it was made? there is a force creating this and this force is labelled god. call it what u want but i choose to call it god. i refuse to believe i was made fom nothing, to be nothing, to have no purpose in life, to go nowhere.


Oct 17, 2004
in cherry ripe heaven
Xayma said:
Most people do not have the same knowledge of physics that those who mostly believe in the Big Bang do.

Most people do not understand that matter can be created from energy and converted back leading to this "everything" from "nothing" state.
energy needs to be made, i cant just have energy, energy has a power source

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
however ppl cause their children to become disbaled. either they took drugs, alcohol or they cursed god, as some of u seem to be doing, this is not only in islam
This is not true, some cases yes but some no your just wrong. Many people have had kids that are born disabled in some way, yet the parents have not done anything to cause this. It is just in their gen makeup.

however i know of a lady that due to her disabled son (down syndrome), converted to islam, she became a believer. god does not create sick children, they are a result of their parents blasphemy or alcohol/drug related stuff.
The lady did nothing wrong. I know families who have down syndrome children. The children are sometimes in the middle, sometimes the last child some times the first. You just so wrong.

and once again dont presume to tell me what i will or would not do coz u dont know the first thing about me
But your so simple. Your the type who has never gave a thought to life. You get scared about death and what not and since you never cared to take time to do a bit of personal research, instead you take the easy way out and read about religon. It is so much easier to just say god to every question. God caused your problems , god made that rabbit, god made that pen.

Your so simple. You remind me of david hicks. You would probaly go to an Islamic country like Iran. You would see all the womens right removed you would see people justifying everything on god. Since your not a free thinker you would accpet all of this. Then you would believe the lies they tell and would join a Maytr group and would kill yourself because you believe what they say.

Now once you read this you will say "no Islam is about peace and i follow true Islam". But the reason you are not yet radicl is because you havent had some one face to face tell you about radical Islam. Once they do you will do what you do and just agree you want ask questions and if you do then you will aggree and think how wonerful it is.

it just appeared, like magic. something is making all this, come on u ppl all seem intelligent. wat makes sense to u, it appeared on its own, or it was made? there is a force creating this and this force is labelled god. call it what u want but i choose to call it god. i refuse to believe i was made fom nothing, to be nothing, to have no purpose in life, to go nowhere.
Still cant comprehend cant we. You cant understand things just are as they are, you have run off on some spiritual.

OUCH MY BRAIN HURTS CAN THINK oh why dont i just believe in god, thats a great idea.


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
Big Bang made ammonia ;).

Time is a weird concept since it did not exist before the big bang, the big bang being the singularity that it is, allows a very small room for a god, but that is the extent of their involvement. None of this miracles etc. and that is only because it is a singularity indeed it could have been happenging forever, it does not need a starting point as we can only look as far back as the big bang.


Apr 19, 2004
Comrade nathan said:
But your so simple. Your the type who has never gave a thought to life. You get scared about death and what not and since you never cared to take time to do a bit of personal research, instead you take the easy way out and read about religon. It is so much easier to just say god to every question. God caused your problems , god made that rabbit, god made that pen.
srsly what do u get out of slurring against other people? u seem to make a judgement about the characters of people u haven't met. it's easy to put down people, and that's all ur doing. u are not aruging based on facts anymore...ur off on a tangent and being vindictive.

Comrade nathan said:
Your so simple. You remind me of david hicks. You would probaly go to an Islamic country like Iran. You would see all the womens right removed you would see people justifying everything on god. Since your not a free thinker you would accpet all of this. Then you would believe the lies they tell and would join a Maytr group and would kill yourself because you believe what they say.
thats just GREAT...it's great to see ur opinions about what islam holds, but u are mistaken. have YOU gone and done some research...u seem to just take the easy way out and demean others for miscommunication. it is NOT ur place to judge others, and imply what they might or might not do...all u are doing are putting forward ur biased opinions which give nothing to the argument. if u truly feel this way about ANY person on this thread (or anywhere else for that matter), i suggest u keep them to urself. this thread was NOT created as a payout session.

Xayma: just a question, but has the big bang theory actually been proven? or is it still at a thoery stage? i know about the radiation fossil thing they found as evidence of the big bang, but is it now considered a FACT?
also, u cannot assume the thoery of evolution, because based on ur reasoning of logic, it MAY be wrong. i dont care whether at the moment it makes more sense than creationism...u cant base ur theory of how u came about on evolution, as "we believe because we have faith" is equally not accepted for the same reason.

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