Engineering (1 Viewer)

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Jun 26, 2006
Anyone else notice that USYD bashing coming from retards who prolly got rejected from there. Musk maybe if you spent more time learning who to equate forces to 0 (im a civil engineer now daddy) instead of how to tear down one specific degree at a university 10x > UTS in every other field you would be getting first class honours.

Oh and yeah people from USYD civil do get hired and after 1/2 years no1 cares what uni you went to.

M@ster P

Feb 9, 2008
bigboyjames said:
i rather be in one building though. im fucking sick of walking around building x to building y. fucking bullshit.
no wonder your so fat

jks please don't hurt me
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Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
usyd civil is p gay from what ive heard


Jul 29, 2007
im gonna be honest here, all i would give a fuck about is which uni is easier to get to. thus UTS and then UNSW....followed by UOW, and then UWS....and not far behind USYD.

edit: i live in Liverpool.
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Jun 22, 2008
Bella Vista
Re: 回复: Re: Engineering

Musk said:
This has to be one of the most retarded, ignorant and just plain illogical statements i have ever heard of my life thinking grades are the key to being a successful engineer.

Hahahahahha no wonder why you think grades are everything your a business boy, why are you even retarded enough to display your presence here. You have to be mentally disabled, drunk and high to even fail a single subject and you rock up and tell me that grades is everything pfft business cockroach you dont even deserve the title of monkey. They have a higher order in society than where your going to be.

In commerce grades is everything as theory and pract in commerce go hand and hand not in engineering. Besides why would i want a university medal, im not gonna become a researcher and get paid crap im going to work and make actual money and go places while you will end up with a knife in your back after all the backstabbing your gonna suffer for your shitty degree.

Your saying Al-Azhar University, the oldest university in the world is alot better than Havard, your just plan retarded. Mentally lacking foundation how the world works in regards to practically, go and play some WOW so you can pick up chicks like retards like you have to do to get laid (if someone is as stupid enough or really really fat)

They train monkeys at japanese restaurants? big whoopee do, i go out, you spend your life on youtube. Feeling proud? Like seriously, have you even seen what a pair of tits look like without having the urge to find out on the net

Hes not your just plain retarded thinking that he is considering your so anti social, friends are rarer than a brothel who is willing to accept you as a client. Even the women there have better standards

I'm still waiting for the recession to make you employed the only difference I know its coming alot closer than your sushi and why sushi? are you a faggot? be a man and eat some fucking steak

for those who bitch about spelling

However inregards to commone sense 3unitz>Ben.Civiletti by a long shot

Ben.Civiletti? is that seriously a real name? what type of retard puts up a real name on bos? Its like saying, "oh here is my name i hope your not smart enough to steal my money!"

Don't you read the signs?

hahahahahahaha what a fuking nut. I actually do commerce/law you douchebag, soooo nooooo we can't just turn up stoned/drunk/afterfukingyourmum and still get HD's you fuktart.

I'm not saying engineerning is piss easy compared com/law, cos only ignorant fuktards decide to compare the difficulty of different degrees without even trying them, (I'm referring to you, just thought i'd point that out cos you might not understand?tooslow?).

However, on account of your spelling ability, inter alia, i doubt you would be able to find the ratio decidendi of a single case, let alone getting the uai needed for a law degree.

LOL i think a com/law graduate would probably have a higher chance of employment in the current financial turmoil. They can work for themselves, government, Big4, accounting firms in general, law firms, banks etc

A civil engineer would need to find empolyment with a construction firm/council pretty narrow employment prospects. Considering the lack of credit available for building projects new or renovation of buildings/houses/tunnels etc i think you'll find it difficult to gain employment with your lack of people skills. THINK ABOUT IT MONKEY, there are like 120+ civil grads each year at UTS alone?, more at UNSW, USYD, UWS, do you really think you'll get employment and work on the next sydney harbour bridge???? particularly with your shit people skills!

LOL how did you reject USYD? MORE LIKE USYD rejected YOU, hahaha thats hillarious, its funny cos from the way you bag out usyd and the level of anger you seem to portray, you didn't meet the uai cut for Usyd civil and didn't make it to UNSW and settled for UTS. And now hide behind the notion "oh uts is soo much more practical, USYD has shit course, unsw is too far and too many asians" excuse.

But i could be wrong, i do concede that, but chances are i'm right judging by your behaviour.

AND LOL NO!!! YOU don't choose not to get the university medal, your just UNABLE/NOT SmART ENOUGH. ANd again make excuses - oh only people who want to do research work their asses of to get it!!!

lol pathetic, how is UTS>USYD generally speaking. If you look at uni ranks its melb/anu, usyd, unsw, qld adelaid uwa monash and mac they are the government funding ranks lol UTS is like 13th. This doesn't matter when you go get employment and not a big deal, but when a noob like you goes oooooooooooh UTS is like soooooooo fuking gooooood USYD is 1970's trash it gets annoying.

OH and my real name is not ben civilleti you dum fuck, why don't you search for on wiki pfft, don't even have the initiative to search for it properly, prob searched it on FACEbook found some random civilleti:rolleyes::headbang:

GO get me some sushi you CAD monkey, wait even CAD monkey's have people skills, maybe you'll be one of those "engineers" that go around certifying homes after storms for insurance companies.

lol even nigerian fraudsters have more people skills than you lol, they don't go flame and hijack threads with a rant over USYD being shit and UTS>USYD.

I'd rather be a nigerian fraudster than being you

I'm still waiting for sushi..., why not steak? cos the japs havn't trained monkeys like you to stop dropping steak on the floor. WHy? cos monkeys like you are perfectly happy to eat of a dirty floor? WHY? ask your self that MONKEY!
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Aug 25, 2008
Re: 回复: Re: Engineering

Ben.Civiletti said:
hahahahahahaha what a fuking nut. I actually do commerce/law you douchebag, soooo nooooo we can't just turn up stoned/drunk/afterfukingyourmum and still get HD's you fuktart.

I'm not saying engineerning is piss easy compared com/law, cos only ignorant fuktards decide to compare the difficulty of different degrees without even trying them, (I'm referring to you, just thought i'd point that out cos you might not understand?tooslow?).

However, on account of your spelling ability, inter alia, i doubt you would be able to find the ratio decidendi of a single case, let alone getting the uai needed for a law degree.

LOL i think a com/law graduate would probably have a higher chance of employment in the current financial turmoil. They can work for themselves, government, Big4, accounting firms in general, law firms, banks etc

A civil engineer would need to find empolyment with a construction firm/council pretty narrow employment prospects. Considering the lack of credit available for building projects new or renovation of buildings/houses/tunnels etc i think you'll find it difficult to gain employment with your lack of people skills. THINK ABOUT IT MONKEY, there are like 120+ civil grads each year at UTS alone?, more at UNSW, USYD, UWS, do you really think you'll get employment and work on the next sydney harbour bridge???? particularly with your shit people skills!

LOL how did you reject USYD? MORE LIKE USYD rejected YOU, hahaha thats hillarious, its funny cos from the way you bag out usyd and the level of anger you seem to portray, you didn't meet the uai cut for Usyd civil and didn't make it to UNSW and settled for UTS. And now hide behind the notion "oh uts is soo much more practical, USYD has shit course, unsw is too far and too many asians" excuse.

But i could be wrong, i do concede that, but chances are i'm right judging by your behaviour.

AND LOL NO!!! YOU don't choose not to get the university medal, your just UNABLE/NOT SmART ENOUGH. ANd again make excuses - oh only people who want to do research work their asses of to get it!!!

lol pathetic, how is UTS>USYD generally speaking. If you look at uni ranks its melb/anu, usyd, unsw, qld adelaid uwa monash and mac they are the government funding ranks lol UTS is like 13th. This doesn't matter when you go get employment and not a big deal, but when a noob like you goes oooooooooooh UTS is like soooooooo fuking gooooood USYD is 1970's trash it gets annoying.

OH and my real name is not ben civilleti you dum fuck, why don't you search for on wiki pfft, don't even have the initiative to search for it properly, prob searched it on FACEbook found some random civilleti:rolleyes::headbang:

GO get me some sushi you CAD monkey, wait even CAD monkey's have people skills, maybe you'll be one of those "engineers" that go around certifying homes after storms for insurance companies.

lol even nigerian fraudsters have more people skills than you lol, they don't go flame and hijack threads with a rant over USYD being shit and UTS>USYD.

I'd rather be a nigerian fraudster than being you

I'm still waiting for sushi..., why not steak? cos the japs havn't trained monkeys like you to stop dropping steak on the floor. WHy? cos monkeys like you are perfectly happy to eat of a dirty floor? WHY? ask your self that MONKEY!
Ahahahaha although this guy isn't an engineering student his argument is pretty funny.


Jun 26, 2006
Musk said:
considering you have agreed to its failures then why is this still going
I think all Civil is crap, also its funny trolling you.


Jul 29, 2007
doink said:
I think all Civil is crap, also its funny trolling you.
when i was fucking your mum in the missionary position, she asked me what type of engineering i am studying. i said civil, she orgasm'ed.

now, get off your computer and ask your mum what she thinks of civil.
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Nov 18, 2006
Re: 回复: Re: Engineering

Musk said:
pfft please you try to hijack this threat and you think i dont have the skills, a monkey can do your degree, like seriously retards cant fail it
judging by your posts, i dont think you could pass any subject which relies on any form of literature whatsoever (would bet substantial amounts of money).

note: providing links to youtube doesn't make you look any less of a moron


Jun 22, 2008
Bella Vista
LOL you've got to be the biggest douche on BOS. You can't even put a sentence together. I cringe when i read your sentences.

Lol engo dropouts maybe 40%, but if you think about it monkey, the minimum uai for engo is anywhere from 82-85ish?, the minimum uai for law is 90@uws and 95+ for Mac, 97 for UTs and 99+ for Usyd/UNSW. I concede that people with lower uais have and will continue to whoop me and others that have higher uai's than them. But i think its fair to say that the ability or the initiative for an engo student to complete their engo degree after getting uais in the 80-90 range is alot lower than the initiative/drive and academic ability of a law student that has to work heaps hard to get 95+. I say this with the greatest respect to engo students and people with 80-90, i don't mean to sound elitist or anything cos im not, but i think i'm making a fair statement.

Instead of exagerrating everything like a homo MUSK, why don't you make fair statements. You know very well that the failout percentage for law is not 0%. Infact for each law unit the fail rate is 10% thats per unit. There are prerequisits for each unit, and so if you fail you have to wait one extra year.

Yet you still compare engo with law, you shouldn't when you have not tried law, i don't go out and say "oh engo is piss easy i could be stoned and still get HD's" like you, because i havn't tried engo. Only dumbfuks who can't put a sentence together and reference youtube for spelling errors make such statements.

"hahahahahahahahahahahahah you judge by uai? are being serious? your still holding onto that useless crap number, wow your one fine product of listening to the media why dont you just run along and watch Today Tonight, find some injust story of someone having two different colours of socks, i bet you would be as retarded as labor left and make a petition about it 2"

^ OK i think its fair to say that a nigerian fraudster could put together an argument that actually makes more sense than your pathetic attempt.

What does today tonight have to do with UAI? Whats a labour petition got to do with uai??? speak English you moron!!! If monkeys could speak/type they could make more sense than you. pathetic

"expiernece is the fundamentals" you mean experience is fundamental to....
fukin pathetic, if your able to get second class honors at UTS, its fair to say the standards at UTS is shithouse.

And why can't com/law grads work for themselves? I didn't say they would make 1000000000000000000 bucks? After doing their PLT course they could work for themselves, they won't make 100k but they would make something. UNlike you, i don't think you could work for yourself, and design the next empire state building

Oh since your graduating next year/this year your going to be hardest hit by the financial turmoil? mate even the british government can't get credit for the olympic buildings they've put that on hold, how do you think our Rudd will get credit for projects, pfft use your common sense, yet again nigerian fraudsters have more common sense.

I have 4 more years to graduate, 1 year of clerkship too, I have a feeling the worst of the credit crunch will be over by then

ah, no recessions don't mean infrastructure booms you dumcunt, i don't think there were skyscrapers built during the great depression, but heck what would i know, why don't you search youtube, or better yet, just ask your grandpa when your fuking him??

I dare you to go on the law BOS forum and make statements like "compared to shit floaters such as commerce and law"

Hey just wondering, how do you "reget" an offer? Gee i would love to know...

Oh and how do you "srape" the bottom? bottom feeders like you would know right?

Lol macquarie does have engineering lol, and macquarie is ranked 9th this year 7th last year, UTS has been 13th??? gee i donno ranks are ranks Your probably as old as UTS lol

Well i wouldn't mind working 60+ hours if i get paid well for it? lol junior to mid level associates get 120-150 an hour partners get much more more like 300-400+

what do senior engineers get 60? tops. You dumkunt, the only reason engineers get paid 3x more than inflation is because u have to work in shithouse locations, middle of the desert for mining, risking your life for 60 bucks an hour tops? Engineers that work in the cities and in offices like lawyers etc don't get 3x more than inflation. Mining engineers are NOT brainsurgeons, they get 200k cos their covered in mud all day living in caravan parks, use some common sense moron.

hey how do you "runned down" experience? fuk i wanna try it

"you just bullshit out of your arse just to see a spin out of it but a yr10 student can perform much better." lol i think its fair to say a year 5 student could speak better english than you, i think its even fair to say, a refugee who hasn't spoken a word of english after 5 years could speak better english, and reason concise and logical arguments. Your a disgrace, someone who was (probably) born here, was educated here through tax payers money, and now in uni again through tax payers money, cannot speak english, cannot spell and cannot make a concise argument, without referencing youtube? absolute disgrace.

lol "uni ranks = research <> work, retard = Ben.MEGA DOWN SYMDOME .Civilleti"

why are you bagging out down syndrome kids? 1 in 500 couples have kids like that, chances are you could have one. Lol why insult disabled individuals? no dignity what so ever.

Lol despite the disabilities people with down syndrome have, they can put together a sentence with less spelling errors, heck i think they would be able to spell syndrome. lol ur pathetic "SYMDOME"

can you at least reference properly, next to each spelling error can you please put the youtube link or footnote it?

LOL ben.civiletti is not my role model, lol who said that pfft, what the fuck is musk???? do you smell musky after fuking your mum??? is that what your trying to convey?

"yea your black, maintain my farms nigger" -- lol i doubt you have the balls to say that to a black person, but i guess if you do, you'll definitely put it on youtube, i would pay to see that, itl be a 10 min video, of you getting smashed, not only by the "nigger" but by every white/asian/indian person that heard it cos, its fair to say non bigots would find such a statement abhorrent and distasteful.


1. Disgusting, loathsome, or repellent.
2. Feeling repugnance or loathing.
3. Archaic Being strongly opposed.


One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

^ Just making it easier for you to understand your own language, i assume you don't know the meanings of those words. Sorry i couldn't find a youtube link:wave:

"i dont give a flying fuck about japan this is australia you gotta be an international student to keep thinking about it or , stupid insecure asian cunt im not even gonna read the first line, your insults hare irrelvant and just plan illogical"

sorry i got the first bit, mind you, i fell of my seat, but i missed the last bit could you possibly translate? a youtube link would suffice. - "your insults hare irrelvant and just plan illogical""


suf·ficed, suf·fic·ing, suf·fic·es
v.intr.1. To meet present needs or requirements; be sufficient: These rations will suffice until next week.
2. To be equal to a specified task; be capable: No words will suffice to convey my grief.

^ always happy to help:wave:

"btw you didnt answer my question about you seeing womens breats or am i going to assume you google to see what they look like?"

Oh i'm sorry, i thought i answered that already, guess you missed it/couldn't read/no i do not speak english/ ey?

Fuk why would i google breasts when your mumma and your sister let me see it all the time, heck they even ring me???

but after seeing them, i don't ever paln (whoooooops spelling mistake) i mean PLAN to see breasts ever again, to this day i shall remain mentally scared.

(translation for a dumfuk like you who have been taught english since kinder, yet cant understand english) = I DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUK I SAW, THEY DIDN'T LOOK LIKE WHAT I WAS TAUGHT AT SEX ED.

give me my fuking sushi dumkunt (notice how i'm not calling you a monkey? why? cos monkeys are more worthy than you)

just drop out of engo, and do an english refresher course or GTFO of BOS, i don't mind the use of BTW, and WTF and stuff like that but when mofos like you come on here thinking they rule the world and hijack threads and they can't spell, write a sentence and reference youtube it questions not only their integrity (dw i'll give you a definition musk) but lowers the standards of discussion on BOS.


1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness.
3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.

dw i don't want sushi from a "greasy secretion" like you:rolleyes: you smell like shit


. a. A greasy secretion with a powerful odor, produced in a glandular sac beneath the skin of the abdomen of the male musk deer and used in the manufacture of perfumes.
b. A similar secretion produced by certain other animals, such as the otter or civet.
c. A synthetic chemical resembling natural musk in odor or use.

2. a. The odor of musk.
b. An odor similar to musk.

3. A musk deer.
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i am number -e^i*pi
Feb 18, 2007
lol ben, it kind of helps to spell your words correctly if you're going to target over their spelling of words.


Nov 18, 2006
tommykins said:
lol ben, it kind of helps to spell your words correctly if you're going to target over their spelling of words.
nothing compared to musk


Aug 25, 2008
Please come back Ben.Civiletti, your statements are far more comprehensible, interesting and humourous than Musk because I don't understand the way of the Musktard.


Jun 22, 2008
Bella Vista
hahaha hey, yeah i'm still here i'm waiting for musktard to reply so i can pounce, mind you i'm kind of getting bored and sick of pouncing on him;)
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M@ster P

Feb 9, 2008
bigboyjames said:
im gonna be honest here, all i would give a fuck about is which uni is easier to get to. thus UTS and then UNSW....followed by UOW, and then UWS....and not far behind USYD.

edit: i live in Liverpool.
I'm not surprised since your so fat, I think you should be thinking of which uni is the furthest away so you at least have a chance of shedding a couple of grams off.

Please don't hurt me :(
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M@ster P

Feb 9, 2008
bigboyjames said:
if i fucking meet you, just pray.
relax fat boy, go get your mobile and call a fast food joint, since all your contacts are fast food joints anyway.
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