Andrew Ross was great; very helpful tutor...doesn't force anyone to participate, and reluctantly writes the answers onto the whiteboard...usually done in 30-40 minutes, instead of the full 50 minutes required.
More tips to the FINS1612 exam, since Andrew read over it the day before of our last tute...(in addition to Jerry's one)
1. Fairly evenly spread between Ch8-14 in the 75MC
2. A more thorough section on Financial Fowards and Futures, you need to know
a) the difference between the two
b) the applications and situations of the two
c) calculations of Forwards and Futures
3. know the application of the Interest Rate Parity Formula (in conjunction with the formula sheet)
4. NO calculuations on Swaps/Options, only Theory...
Luck with all for studying this pretty boring textbook...