my ecperience: wen one ozzie looking dude was talking about heroin in broad daylight on the platform and trying to sit next to me. then tlaked about something blowing up and i dunno, i just wlkaed off...
and i too hate it when peopel talk to you for no reason. i was walking home and this old man asks me what i thought of this building that is being built like? im like i dunno, dont livve there do i? and on the train too, some abo [ok, aboriginal] keeps talking to other peopel and staring like a hawk. Ive only joined in a conversation when its aobut how late the trains are though, thats all im guilty of.
ive never ben mugged or anthing else.
also, remember that some tutorials arent going to be offered on the first week but start on the second week. this often happens in the school of computing and IT so watch out. i wasted 2 tickets becoz i didnt know and went there and all these other first years like me were waiting and aksing each other wtf? but i made some classmates like that, know each other and what classes we were in and stuff.
first week of uni: easy. tutes end early, so do lectures. you ask as many questions as you like, since there are like alot of problems. with enrolments/times etc.
bring some paper to write down notes but for me, its all about emails/rooms and homowork to do but nothing big.
you wont get lost, as long as you get to uni half an hour before the time, you can go check out classes and stuff. thats what i did, wlakaround consulting a map but i explored most of kingswood by foot but i know where everything is.