Peoples concerned with the FLAGBURNER and who are still dicusted with his actions and are upset that the australian legal system hasnt responded hard enough... ohhhh have i got some first hand knowledge for you!!!!!
I actually visited his home today (he wasnt there, [where family friends]). The first thing i saw was a approximately a 6 by 4 metre Australian flag clipped onto the face of the home !!!!!.Gees i'd like to see homes witha huge flag like that at the front of them. Obviously as we settled into the home, the topic automatically arose and i am totally discusted with what i heard during the conversation.
As you all know The RSL brought up the possibility that he marches with the ANZACS on anzac day. The family and he both agreed that yes that would be a great way to reconcile and basically say SORRY. But people from within the ANZAC organisation said if he even comes close and marches with us, where going to hit him or basically some how curse him using either physical force or even words.
Now yes there still hert about what he did but how on Earth is that AUSTRALIAN.
"How to live in harmony and how to live as minority." Hows the various responses given from the anzac organisation to someone who acknowledges his mistake and is willing to do acions to make up for it harmonious. DOUBLE STANDARD THEME... AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
"If you already gone through primary school and still don't knwo what your flag represent or signifies, i'd say the education system has failed you or you already failed"
That also goes for the various people who make such thuglike barbaric comments about wanting to hit him. Our flag definately doesnt represent revengeful mentalities like that so i guess the education system failed so many years ago and also more recently with this younger bloke. Or is it the double standards that many people possess that may give the right to an anglo or whoever to make comments like that to a leb-wog-muslim etc etc but the leb-wog-muslim couldnt dare and do the same thing back.
I wonder... why isnt this in the media and huge fusses made about it. I think this relates to the MEDIA theme of GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE. It is without reasonable doubt that what gains attention in the media since septemebr the 11th is..... wait for it...
Are people starting to get the pattern... Both sides of the story arnt shown. Therefore a large majority of a certain community such as the lebanese are alienated due to what less that 0.5% of them being thugs.
Double Standards!!
I actually visited his home today (he wasnt there, [where family friends]). The first thing i saw was a approximately a 6 by 4 metre Australian flag clipped onto the face of the home !!!!!.Gees i'd like to see homes witha huge flag like that at the front of them. Obviously as we settled into the home, the topic automatically arose and i am totally discusted with what i heard during the conversation.
As you all know The RSL brought up the possibility that he marches with the ANZACS on anzac day. The family and he both agreed that yes that would be a great way to reconcile and basically say SORRY. But people from within the ANZAC organisation said if he even comes close and marches with us, where going to hit him or basically some how curse him using either physical force or even words.
Now yes there still hert about what he did but how on Earth is that AUSTRALIAN.
"How to live in harmony and how to live as minority." Hows the various responses given from the anzac organisation to someone who acknowledges his mistake and is willing to do acions to make up for it harmonious. DOUBLE STANDARD THEME... AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
"If you already gone through primary school and still don't knwo what your flag represent or signifies, i'd say the education system has failed you or you already failed"
That also goes for the various people who make such thuglike barbaric comments about wanting to hit him. Our flag definately doesnt represent revengeful mentalities like that so i guess the education system failed so many years ago and also more recently with this younger bloke. Or is it the double standards that many people possess that may give the right to an anglo or whoever to make comments like that to a leb-wog-muslim etc etc but the leb-wog-muslim couldnt dare and do the same thing back.
I wonder... why isnt this in the media and huge fusses made about it. I think this relates to the MEDIA theme of GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT TO SEE. It is without reasonable doubt that what gains attention in the media since septemebr the 11th is..... wait for it...
Are people starting to get the pattern... Both sides of the story arnt shown. Therefore a large majority of a certain community such as the lebanese are alienated due to what less that 0.5% of them being thugs.
Double Standards!!