Kujah said:I think the raw cut-off for B6 is around 85-88~
inter108 said:Lol 32% i would get more then that leaving after 1st hour. :/
Excellent! that makes me feel very confident. and thanks too kujah. 85-88 WOOcem said:The couple of years that I did the aligning process it was mid-80s but exactly what I can't remember anyway.
I'm curious too though, haha. I can see myself raw getting like.. 90+? Give or take how harsh or loose they are with 2 and 3 of the Core. My modern teacher was a real hard Core marker, sooo, yeah.fallenstar said:Excellent! that makes me feel very confident. and thanks too kujah. 85-88 WOO
does that mean that people who earn a raw band 6 end up getting scaled up insanely well? like if the cutoff is 85-88 raw, then someone who earnt 92 raw ends up with 94 or something?
I can see this turning into another 'aligning/moderating' discussion, haha...
Yeah same!sonyaleeisapixi said:I'm curious too though, haha. I can see myself raw getting like.. 90+? Give or take how harsh or loose they are with 2 and 3 of the Core. My modern teacher was a real hard Core marker, sooo, yeah.
Don't worry hun, I never read over my essays when Im done. I find it either excites me too much or I want to go back and change everything, haha. Your approach sounds quite articulate and well thought, so you should do great.fallenstar said:Yeah same!
Core will be the decider methinks.
My mod teacher was a marker last year and in our half-yearly exam, trials and practice Core, she would mark so hard, reluctant to give a 10 (Sort of like your modern teacher) but I'm hoping she pushed us so that our answers in the Core were actually 9/10 instead of the 8-9 she gave out.
I can see myself getting 90+ raw as well. A bit worried about Personality though, because I took a historiographical approach - Gorbachev is only a winner through some lenses due to context and political partiality. Cold War rhetoric has meant that the US see him as a loser due to their desire to claim Cold War victory. However Eastern Europeans see him as a winner as he freed them from Soviet rule..While Russians see him as a traitor to Communism due to their context...A bit worried, perhaps I should have argued one way or the other, not assessed all these perspectives? My mod teacher said that was a great approach. But I'm worried because I hardly got to read over it due to time etc...
meeeemadelyneee said:Wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The only question that really got me was Arab-Israeli, bleh. My worst topic.
I linked the "history is for winners" question to Winston Churchill; you know his line about how "winners write the history." I thought i was relevant for Leni because she ended up writing her own history, it terms of her memoirs, and all her interviews etc. With the advantage of hindsight she was able to reconstuct her own past to an extent. Who else did Leni and said she was a winner?
Adam, I wrote 24 pages for all the essaysScissors said:i don't do this subject, but i just thought i'd tell you guys that a guy in my school wrote 24 pages for one of the essays. lol.
WTF!?!sonyaleeisapixi said:Adam, I wrote 24 pages for all the essays
hahaha. trust me, it hurtsScissors said:WTF!?!
i thought 24 pages was in-fucking-sane.