theories=made up based on reasoning(my opinion)
if thats teh case, aren't big bang theory and evolution theories justified?
justified= no longer theory????
therefore become law???
I wish to hear some comment thx
Definitions from BoS:
Law: A simple and precise statement that has been shown to be universally reliable. It describes phenomena that occur with unvarying regularity under the same conditions. Laws do not provide explanations, they simply state the relationship between two relevant variables. No scientific law is ever conclusively verified.
Law: A simple and precise statement that has been shown to be universally reliable. It describes phenomena that occur with unvarying regularity under the same conditions. Laws do not provide explanations, they simply state the relationship between two relevant variables. No scientific law is ever conclusively verified.
Theory: A coherent explanation of a body experimental evidence, based upon a small number of assumptions. A theory provides predictions that can be tested against observations but is open to doubt and refutation.