yenta said:
I wanna get some streaks in my hair, its natural colour is darkish brown, what colour do you guys think would suit me? I got told dark red streaks would look good?
I have bright red streaks.
Asian hair basically, I've had it straightened twice not really out of vanity but so I could put it up in a ponytail without embarassing glumps coming out at the sides. I hardly ever wear it down, the hair on neck sensation is not my idea of fun
The first time no dye, it lasted for like six months, grew out and I cut most of the straightened hair off. It was fucked for like three months afterward cos straightening does that. Then I went for a year with a stereotypical fob haircut, fringe and shoulder length
it grew and pissed me off so I got it straightened again, this time red with bright red streaks (it was a freaking accident and I got 'fire engine' a few times) but it sort of looks OK cos I'm asian. it was like halfway down my back but it took too much trouble to wash and so on so i got it cut again, another fob haircut
I am the queen of fob haircuts
and I gotta go study now