Aslightissue said:
Your age divided by two plus seven is a good formula for the minimum age you can date. That kinda rules out 13.
gah I tried typing this before, then I went to post it and the net at uni kicked it. Yeah I dunno about that formula, you see that guy is 13.5 and shes 18. BUT if she were 28 and he were 23.5, it wouldnt seem so bad.
So I guess its not the age difference as such but how old you are with the difference. Example a 21 y.o dating a 16 y.o. which is wrong, BUT a 31 y.o. dating a 26y.o. isnt wrong... get me?
That rule applying to me would mean (ok Im turning 20 on the 22nd sept, so for aruments sake lets say Im already 20) 20/2+7=17.... theres no way in hell I'd date a 17 y.o. cos I'd feel like a pedo. If he were 18 I probably still wouldnt.
My current BF is 22 turning 23 hehe so thats almost 3 years and I think thats a good age difference. Because Im still technically 19 and a teenager his friends tease him and call him a cradle snatcher hehe. He's the youngest out of his friends (only by year or so), so when I hang with them Im like the baby of them all haha.
I wouldnt date anyone younger than I (unless it was by a month or so), and I wouldnt date anyone 5 years older than me... it just wouldnt feel right.