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HELP..... Please......! (1 Viewer)

Nov 16, 2004
Can someone please help me with these areas for my assessment, even references to any books would be appreciated

* Synthetic biopolymer production
* Commercial fermentation of biomass (flow chart needed)
* Ethanol as an alternative fuel



Jun 28, 2004
Pine Palace, St. Lucia, Brisbane.
download the dot point notes from the chemistry resource area of the bos website, its great for copying and pasting everything to use as research assignments :p


Jul 30, 2002


Mar 23, 2003
*scretch head* :confused:

Is this the new trend and the latest hip thing to do in Chemistry lately? People seem to be asking for help without actually doing the work themselves.. Whenever I say anything about anyone being lazy they usually reply me by saying that they have actually done the work but reeeally couldn't find the information.. That beats me how anyone could ever find anything for the HSC..

If you don't agree with me, well, read again, the keyword is seem..

And seriously.. As I have said before there are plenty of threads else where you can increase your post counts with, so don't do it here.. Read what's being posted before you even start posting.. (well, sorry if you are not one of them, because people actually do that) I really don't think we need more than two of the same advice.. I think we can do better than just pointing at resources
Nov 16, 2004
mitochondria said:
*scretch head* :confused:

Is this the new trend and the latest hip thing to do in Chemistry lately? People seem to be asking for help without actually doing the work themselves.. Whenever I say anything about anyone being lazy they usually reply me by saying that they have actually done the work but reeeally couldn't find the information.. That beats me how anyone could ever find anything for the HSC..

If you don't agree with me, well, read again, the keyword is seem..

And seriously.. As I have said before there are plenty of threads else where you can increase your post counts with, so don't do it here.. Read what's being posted before you even start posting.. (well, sorry if you are not one of them, because people actually do that) I really don't think we need more than two of the same advice.. I think we can do better than just pointing at resources
Well sorry your just too good, there are people who honestly need help, like myself and are struggling with the subject, also there are people who honestly dont have the right guidance from teachers like me or dont have that extra help like tutors, so give us a break, its a free world and if we want to post something so stupid or repetitive then let us, this site is to help us and give us the guidance we need to push us in the right direction......!


the chosen one
Sep 18, 2004
Uni Grad
mate we wouldn't post if we really didn't need it. its not that we don't try. it could be affected by the teachers, the environment of which we learn, or just the general ability of a person.

munchkins don't use the school textbook!! i've tried it, its a complete failure.


Mar 23, 2003
I thought I did say:

If you don't agree with me, well, read again, the keyword is seem..

swe3t_munchkins said:
Well sorry your just too good, there are people who honestly need help, like myself and are struggling with the subject, also there are people who honestly dont have the right guidance from teachers like me or dont have that extra help like tutors
I wish I were too good :confused:

Be honest to yourself though, did you really try?

We really don't mind giving any help out here but I just can't help but point out that maybe some of you are exploiting this help. We spend our time here to help people who genuinely can't comprehend something, not giving them information on their assignments or last minute study for assessments..

Don't blame it on your teacher or not having a tutor.. Many people including myself have never had tutition and we got through it.. The best help you can get is from yourself. You need to develop this ability to locate resources, process information and synthesise response. This skill is probably the most useful skill you can develop during the HSC. If that really doesn't work then you ask someone else.

swe3t_munchkins said:
..so give us a break..
I already did, took me about 1.5 years to start complaning about this sort of things again, long enough?

swe3t_munchkins said:
Its a free world and if we want to post something so stupid or repetitive then let us...
I never accused anything of being stupid but repetitive.. I have not doubted for a second that some people here really just want to help. Did you miss what I said?

I think we can do better than just pointing at resources

swe3t_munchkins said:
This site is to help us and give us the guidance we need to push us in the right direction......!
Yes I agree but I hope I'm not agreeing to an euphamism

lesmiester_dj said:
mate we wouldn't post if we really didn't need it. its not that we don't try. it could be affected by the teachers, the environment of which we learn, or just the general ability of a person.

munchkins don't use the school textbook!! i've tried it, its a complete failure
Did you mean:

"We wouldn't post if they're not urgent for assignments/assessments"


"We wouldn't post if we did understand it"

And excuse me? You're telling munchkins don't use the school textbook? It's completely fine if you don't use it. Telling others to not use it is, however, particularly malicious of you. I think you are the failure, not the textbooks..
Nov 16, 2004
Honestly you think your too good, i did try and i have been trying, i do have some information, i was just asking advice and someone to point me in the right direction, is that such a crime, but out of the 12 points for my assessment i had trouble with these three points, so dont came back on me saying im doing nothing, i use this site to help me and i started this thread to help me with my assessment and anyone else in my school, or year if there stuck on the same thing.....!


Love Addict - Nakashima
Jan 16, 2005
well, if you're in year 12 i would assume you have textbooks, because if you don't, and you don't know how to use them, you'll probably fail anyhow.
if you have conquering chem it says on page 24 abd 25 how synthetic polymers are made - it really isn't that hard, is it?
and since conquering chem isn't said to be the best textbook, i'm sure others would have either similar or better information.
if it was something really specific that you can't figure out then yeah, go ahead and ask, but broad topics such as synthetic polymers, biomass and ethanol should be general knowledge in chem, if you happened to pay any attention in class, which i assume you don't, seeing as many schools are already way past this topic, and you still don't seem to know anything about it.
and yeah, if you really need help with such beginner topics, then we really are too good.
oh and by the way, you really suck at research because similar questions have been asked in this forum, and you might want to check next time before you repeat someone else's question.

Synthetic biopolymer production
a recently developed biopolymer is PHA (polybetahydroxyalkanoate). the simplest form of PHA is PHB (polybetahydroxybutanoate).
properties PHB has similar properties to polypropylene, with the important difference that PHB is biodegradeable while polypropylene isn't. it has a different chemical structure, but physical and mechanical properties are very similar.
manufacture PHB is produced when a culture of a microorganism such as Alcaligenes Eutrophus is placed in a suitable medium and fed appropriate nutrients so that it multiplies rapidly and grows into a large quantity. Then the "diet" is changed to restrict the supply of one particular nutrient (such as nitrogen). under these conditions the organism is no longer able to increase its population but instead begins to make the desired polymer which it stores for later use as an energy source. the amount of PHB that the organism can produce is from 30 to 80% of its own dry weight. the organism is then harvested and the polymer separated out.
potential uses PHB has great potential for use where biodegradeability is a prime consideration. eg, nappies, packaging, medical supplies.

Commercial fermentation of biomass (flow chart needed) flow chart needed? somebody's demanding... why don't you take two minutes and find one for yourself?
molasses or wheat are used for fermentation. the suitable grain or fruit is mashed up and mixed with water to form an aqueous paste. yeast is added and air is excluded. the mixture is kept at an ideal temperature of 37 degrees celcius. if the temperature is too high it will kill the yeast.
enzymes in the muxture first convert any starch or sucrose in the mixture into glucose and/or fructose, then other enzymes convert glucose or fructose into ethanol and carbon dioxide.
C6H12O6(aq) --yeast--> 2CH3CH2OH(aq) + 2CO2(g)
bubbles of carbon dioxide are slowly given off.
yeast can produce ethanol contents up to about 15%. alcohol concentrations above this level kill the yeast and stop further fermentation. to produce higher alcohol contents it is necessary to distil the liquid.
pure ethanol can be obtained by further distillation to separate ethanol from water.

Ethanol as an alternative fuel
ethanol is a liquid which readily undergoes complete combustion.
it has been used as a "petrol extender" in the past during WWII. now, it is possible to use 10 - 20% of ethanol in cars without modifying the engine.
ethanol has been promoted as a fuel on the grounds that it is a renewable resource. basically it is made from CO2, water and sunlight (via glucose), and when it is burnt it returns to carbon dioxide and water which can be re-converted into ethanol.
ethanol has also been advocated as a fuel because it's a greenhouse neutral gas: the CO2 it liberates when burnt is just that which was used in its synthesis.
currently it has potential as a liquid fuel, particularly for transport. when crude oil runs out ethanol can be used as an alternative fuel. however it has some disadvantages:
1. large areas of agricultural land will need to be devoted to growing suitable crops with consequent problems of soil erosion, deforestation, fertiliser run-off and salinity.
2. disposal of the large amounts of smelly waste from fermentation - environmental problems.
3. ethanol burns quicker than petrol, and therefore a larger tank will be needed.
advantages are:
1. it is a renewable resource.
2. it could reduce greenhouse emissions.
3. it has a lower flash point than petrol.


the chosen one
Sep 18, 2004
Uni Grad
i have the right to my own opinion about the textbook . i'm in the smae class as her. i'm enititled to this opinion in this case, aren't i not?

mitochondria said:
"We wouldn't post if they're not urgent for assignments/assessments"
"We wouldn't post if we did understand it"
i don't mean it like that. i meant it as in a 2nd opinion to what the question may mean. when looking at something, do you thnk that there is only one view to it? of course there isn't. if you want to succeed, you need to know all the possible avenues to answers.

and i don't meant that i know all the answers. and i definately don't do well in chemistry though i may try. it is not always about procrastination.

and in reference to your 2nd question, that is partially true. if we did understand it we wouldn't need to post our problem, but we still might post to get a 2nd opinion.
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Love Addict - Nakashima
Jan 16, 2005
if you learnt it properly, you won't need a second opinion. :)
it's ok if you're behind and you need to ask questions, but two things:
1. see if any previous threads answer your question first.
2. better to pay attention in class and do your homework than coming on BoS asking what you should have been learning the day before :p
Nov 16, 2004
Thankz Dreamerish and everyone who posted up there ideas, i just need something so simple as your help to direct me in right direction and i get attitude from all of you, and if i fail then thats my problem, seriously does everyone has PMS lately, or something seriously up their behinds, id rather ask a stupid question then be wondering about it for the rest of my life.....!
Anyway yous are pathetic for putting down people who are struggling, coz if you did open your eyes a bit wider there are many of these strugglers, and we dont need your attitude we just need the right push in the right direction especially if we arent getting from people around us
Nov 16, 2004
I do listen in class, i sit by myself so i aint distracted, i listen to the teacher, but its so pathetic when you ask the teacher a valid question and he says " i dont know the answer" many times this has happened, i find it a losing battle with a hopeless teacher who only reads whats on this booklet he gives us,like he doesnt have any other knowledge then what is on these pieces of paper and yeah i do admit for not checking the other thread, geez im sorry....! and there is many other people who do the exactly some thing, not that im hiding behind that.....!


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
swe3t_munchkins said:
and there is many other people who do the exactly some thing, not that im hiding behind that.....!
And that is why we are getting annoyed lately. It would do nobody any good if a trend emerged such that people saw Bored as a place where people do their homework for them. It is not and never shall be such a place.

I don't mean to preach but there is something far more fulfilling about doing things yourself. I can appreciate that you would like pointers on your assignments and research sometimes, but if that is the case, be sure you mention that clearly in your post.

Good luck with your task.
Nov 16, 2004
look all i did was ask for some help, i didnt ask you to write my essay did i and i wouldnt ask anyone because i do want to do it myself, i just had 3 points i wasnt sure on and i asked for help rather then not asking for some help, i feel like its such a crime to ask for help when you cope flack from your fellow peers, yeah it might be one of the easier topics, but geez give me a break, if i cant get advice from people on a simple site thats meant to help people then who am i going to turn to, thank you for your very bias opinions


Mar 23, 2003
swe3t_munchkins said:
if i fail then thats my problem, seriously does everyone has PMS lately, or something seriously up their behinds, id rather ask a stupid question then be wondering about it for the rest of my life.....!

Anyway yous are pathetic for putting down people who are struggling, coz if you did open your eyes a bit wider there are many of these strugglers, and we dont need your attitude we just need the right push in the right direction especially if we arent getting from people around us
If you fail it's also our problem because we are filling you information and we want you to utilise that information to its maximum potential.. This is not a pick-up-and-go thing if you haven't already noticed. How well you do reflects on how well we are doing to help you.. Ask yourself honestly once again: have you tried hard enough? Seriously if anyone "has PMS" or "something seriousl up their behinds" that person is not one of us but the accuser. I'd rather teach a hard-working and intellectualy-challenged person - not a lazy but cunning procrestinator..

Anyways, pathetic we may be, we have not put down people who are struggling, not to mention that you don't seem to be sturggling since you have plenty of time to call us names.. When I open my eyes I see that the academic population comprises of 80% bludgers + manipulators, 15% hard-working people, 5% hard-working and intelligent people but not a single struggler.. I suppose a struggler would fit into the 80% population.. And we don't need your attitude for you are the one who haven't tried hard enough and asked for our help..

Learn to keep an open-mind to comments directed/related to you. Read the bold sentence of my second post in this thread again and see if you get a new insight girl..
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Nov 16, 2004
well geez i wont bother asking for your help in the future, sorry i ever asked for it, since you all wanna gang up against me and accuse me of being lazy, i thought the whole idea of this site was to help the less fortunate or am i wrong here, coz this is the impression i have got from everyone on this chemistry part of the forum, ive asked for help on other subjects and dont get all this negative feedback.......!


Mar 23, 2003
Girl, your argument all along is to blame us for yelling at you.. And that's not what we're trying to do, honestly.

I can assure you that "the whole idea of this site was" not "to help the less fortunate" Simply because none, with a textbook and the Internet, is less forunate.. The purpose of this website is more or less to share information and get "advices" (not help on homework and assignments) from your peers and superiors so that you understand the subject..

May I sincerely ask you to clear up your mind and calm down a bit and take 10 minutes to read through what everyone have said so far? This reply of yours occurs to me that you haven't actually gone back to my second post and read the bold sentence.. so here you go:

You need to develop this ability to locate resources, process information and synthesise response. This skill is probably the most useful skill you can develop during the HSC.

That's the whole point of me posting in the first place and I hope you can think through it again..

Make this my last post in this thread.. because further debates is futile if you still don't understand..

The help is always here if you need it, just don't be one of the "many other people who do the exactly some thing"

Good luck U____U

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