ok so since i loved tonights episode like heaps, im just going to type anything and everything i can think of so if its long, which i pray it wont be, i dont expect you to read it.
Ok first of all, i dont think i have laughed so much when watching HAA. Tonights ep was hilarious, well the Alf in the Santa suit part was at least. I could not stop laughing. Im glad i didnt have dinner otherwise i would of choked on my food. And was that suit orange or was it just me?? But anyways, Alf looked hilarious in it, and when he bent down and tore it, i could not stop laughing. Soooo entertaining

It was good to see a happy HAA episode with minimum drama.
Ok, now Tony. What is up with him??? I cant believe he just shut Beth down like that. I wonder whats crawled up his butt *thinks* I dont think their relatioship is going to go anywhere. I think they may head to splitsville. They obviously have differences, which annoys Beth, and well since Beth is leaving next year, i think they may just split up. Sorry for the spoiler, but i think ive already told most of you that, but whatever. Yeh, he was acting really strange around Beth in tonights episode, well after he got that phone call from the Dept of Education about the redundancy payment. Hmmm...makes me wonder if Tony will finally get a storyline, but i dont know.
Jack- jack jack jack...i dont know what to say about him. His just...his my McDreamy. I fell in love with him all over again in tonights ep. Not only did he look incredibly HOT, but that smile, *sighs dreamingly* that Jack smile, any girl could fall in love with him from that smile. I love Jack

Ok im going to stop dreaming now. But yeh, Jack was heaps cool tonight, especially with little Rory. Awww, Rory is so cute. His almost as tall as Sam, that made me laugh, but yeh so cute. And yeh, Jack is going to be a great dad, now i really want Jack and Martha to have a baby

Jack and Sam have some chemistry going on there, pity i hate Sam, otherwise i so would approve

But yeh, im glad Jacky boy is going home. And we get to see more of Rory with Jack, so that will be awesome next week and the week after

Ummm…what else can I say about Jack *thinks* Oh, nothing more, except that his looked sooo hot *dies*
Martha- was it me or did Martha look really skinny in tonights ep. Her arms are like twigs, hehe Martha is twiggy. Im going to call her twiggy from now on

Kidding. But yeh, she was like hotness to the maximus tonight. Siz I hope you watched tonights ep, otherwise you missed another ep with a gorgeous Martha. But yeh, that dress she wore was awesome as well, so pretty. Kah! Lucky bum, I wish I was as pretty as she is <_< But yeh, it was nice to see her happy and laughy without whatshisface around. Kah! Whatshisface is just ruining the show. The ratings for last nights ep dropped dramatically, and I bet it was because of whatshisface. Ppl are too scared to see his ugly face and his stupidness. Kah! I hate him and his ruining this show. But next week his secret is finally revealed, but stupid Martha, kah! I really hope she dumps him before the end of the year (3 weeks left) because yeh, whatshisface just annoys the crap outta me. Anyways, enough about Martha. Just overall, she looked gorgeous tonight.
Rachel and Kimmy and Baby Joe. OMG Baby Joe is the cutest, smallest little thing ever, and just makes me want a baby even more when I see him. I can understand why Rachel wants to adopt him, his just adorable, you can give him away I hope Kim says yes to the adoption, this show needs a baby, and I aint waiting for Jack and Martha to have one. But yeh, Rachel is an awesome mother. Motherhood suits her heaps. I read in an article about Rachel and Baby Joe, and Amy (the chick do plays Rachel) said it was hard to do the scenes because the baby who plays Joe was just so cute and a big distraction. I wouldn’t blame her, I wouldn’t even be able to concentrate. I wonder what Jodi and Paul will like around a baby

Anyways, my point it, I hope Baby Joe stays on the show, because that’ll just be awesome

I love babies, if you haven’t guessed that already.
What else. I think that was it. That was the whole episode. I loved tonights ep, definitely one of my favs in a loooong time, since like before Jack and Marthas wedding. And I cant wait till next week, whatshisfaces secret is finally revealed, and I just want to see Marthas reaction. Pity she still stays with him. I swear she has rocks in her brain. Why leave Jack, the hottest guy on the show, and tonights ep just proved that, oh and not to mention that sexiness in his smile, Martha cant resist that, no girl can, but yeh, why leave Jack for that thing, that ugly, horrible, evil thing. Geeeez…the writers are really screwing Marthas character up :angry: I just hope that by the end of the year, or by the beginning of next year, Martha I back to the fun loving girl, who is with Jack and not whatshisface, that we all love. Oh and next week, Peter and Amanada. Yaaaaaaay, that will make my week, so excited for that. I think that’s the only thing im looking forward to mostly next week. And Jack but I don’t think he has much going on, just his Sam dramas and him going home. But he will be wearing the jacket which my brother has
Ok im going to stop typing now, ive written like over 1000 words. And if your wondering how the heck I know that, I always type my long posts on Word first, because im not supposed to be on this forum, and It taken me like almost 30mins to type this up, and if my brother walked in, I’ll get a lot of crap from him, and im already annoyed wit him, so I don’t need no more. Ok im going now. Hope you had fun reading this, if you even read it.

Have a good weekend all *bye*