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Homosexuality in Australia (1 Viewer)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
bshoc said:
Nobody is stopping homos having gay anal sex, however using that as a criteria to somehow suggest a special set of rights for these people is truly laughable. Marriage rights and marriage status aren't accorded to poeple for just paying tax you know.
No one has ever used anal sex as marriage criteria particularly since not only do not all gay couples engage in anal sex, but it is not a phenomena restricted to gay couples either.
bschoc said:
Its not becuase they pay tax or were born into Aus. society, people do that whether they are married or not, but rather it is the governments reward to poeple who have children and thus make one of the greatest social and economic contributions a citizen(s) could possibly make to the state.
If it were a reward to people who reproduced then the marriage would be a retro-active benefit which it is not. Instead it is viable for sterile couples, women who have experienced menopause and those who choose not to reproduce...I don't see the logic that states marriage is a government award for reproduction.
bshoc said:
Most gay segregation however is not due to anything we normal people do, but rather their own insistance on doing so.
I would say that when people make labels like 'normal' about themselves, then they are participating in the segregation.

bschoc said:
We all live under the same state and federal laws, name one thing I can do that gays cant (and dont give me the whole teary-eyed "marry the one you love" bs, becuase I cant marry men either, not that I in any way wish to).
Well we can make just as many empty marriages as you, if thats the answer you wish to hear, but considering there is an expectation in our society to marry one you do 'love' then that is a completely valid reason. If you wanted a parallel it would be like being told that you had to marry a man and not to give me any of that homophobic 'but i don't like men' bs.
bschoc said:
Its very safe to assume that nearly all marriages are conducted with the eventual aim of children.
Since when? I was under the impression that people married each other mainly because of each other, not the children they might have.

sam04u said:
A lack of order or regular arrangement; confusion
An ailment that affects the function of mind or body
Under that logic, why should we not argue that heterosexuality is a social disorder of epidemic proportions?

sam04u said:
I'm getting sick of seeing 'homosexuals' in nearly every movie, on t.v, in video games... it's just way to much.
There are homosexuals in videogames now? Gosh that seems funny, I'm not sure why but it just makes me laugh *ninja gay kick level up!*


New Member
Jul 29, 2006
Lindfield, Sydney
sam04u said:
There is no evidence to prove same-sex couples will raise children any differently then regular couples. I just don't like the Idea of a baby being exposed to It. I'm getting sick of seeing 'homosexuals' in nearly every movie, on t.v, in video games... it's just way to much.

Especially, having a young kid taught 'subconsciously' that "It's fine to be a homosexual" and "Perhaps you're a homosexual". It's unfair to children to be under that impression. Homosexuality is a 'social disorder', I've mentioned it before few argued, even fewer agreed.

In my opinion it depends on your definition of a 'social disorder'.

dis·or·der ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ds-ôrdr)
A lack of order or regular arrangement; confusion
An ailment that affects the function of mind or body
Wow, you are intolerant.

I'd say that seeing homosexual characters in movies, on TV, in video games (where?) would be a result of it becoming more accepted. Change happens, deal with it.

How are young kids being taught subconsciously that they might be a homosexual? I remember being taught in PD about homosexuality, but never once was there anything we were told that said "Maybe you're gay", and I don't remember ever being taught anything about homosexuality before PD. I think you're worried that gay people are going to "recruit" people to be gay, as so many others believe. It doesn't work that way. Someone is either straight or gay, and that never changes. They just discover that being with the same sex or the opposite sex is right for them.

And homosexuality doesn't affect the function of mind or body. Gay people don't have any negative effects on their capability to function as normal people, unless they're constantly faced with discrimination and oppression, in which case they can develop depression and other issues. Anyone else would react the same way.

I personally feel that it's great that people are being exposed to the diversity of humanity. People are becoming more tolerant, which is always a good thing. Hopefully one day people will be able to live side by side with no tension or prejudice, be they gay or straight.


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
I wonder what would happen if his best friend or cousin turned out to be gay. That would test his tolerance to the extreme, it is sad when people who claim to be oppressed only oppress others because they have "fixed" beliefs.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Aaaaaahhh I made a long post and it was lost because of these damned forums.

You can't pretend to know my position on this matter. You may not know this but I'm a moderator (GM) in 2 mmorpgs (games). And I deal with the issue of homosexuality all the time where people complain and what not. Once however a pair of friends had a particularly difficult situation.

They were friends for quite some time when one of the two admitted to being a homosexual and having a crush on the other. The straight guy got really pissed and decided to change the other guys password, throw their items away and steal anything of use. (they shared accounts). So I was forced to ban the straight guy as it is against server rules to do that. However, I had no obligation to restore the other guys account. (I could have but didn't) many people opposed the decision but it was one I had to make. Also the idea of 'Gay Marriages' ingame, I allowed it but only for a bit of fun. ( I'm a scripter and it only required a little bit of programming) another issue that I deal with as a GM (mainly in the other mmorpg) is characters who 'cross-dress', is it fair for people to call them 'transvestites'? I mean theoretically they are. It's however a RPG at the end of the day (Role Playing Game) so could they just be role-playing? Well how about when they lie about their real life gender and spend time with other guys then eventually tell them that they're really a Male. How do you expect people to act?

Basically, I have to deal with something which really shouldn't be a problem on a daily basis. I hate hearing a man acting like a women or seeing it as it defies logic in my books. It's hard for me to accept that 10% of the population is mentally incapable of reproducing with the opposite sex.

Homosexuality is a Social Disorder and can also be considered as a 'meme' to find out about 'memes' search the 'Does God Exist' thread somebody linked the idea of 'memes'. It basically states that traits which are catchy can be 'mentally consumed' by people and then transpire in their own character. An example of this is the common saying 'Fat Bitches need Love", or alternatively 'Fat Bitchaz Need Lurve'. I don't know who started it but the particular rhythm and meter of the phrase makes it 'catchy' this 'phrase' is repeated throughout society and slowly the idea behind it 'sinks in'. Therefore slowly people see 'fat b**ches as more appealing' it's relatively new but slowly it takes effect. It's much like homosexuality it's a social disorder and the sooner we realise the sooner we'll have a better functioning society.

I also challenge you to prove that homosexuality is in anyway beneficial to society and ofcourse looking at the negative effects of it. (we need babies here in australia so we 'offer a bonus' to women who make a baby, does that make sense?) In a country such as china it would probably be 'slightly' beneficial but the rate of occurence is way to high. Perhaps a 3% would be a slightly better figure.

I don't condone homosexuals as individuals or treat them any differently. I respect them as regular people just like any one of us. I also think that some sort of gay unity (like marriage) should be accepted and gay adoption be (trialed) but I think acceptence : Occurence (they're proportionate).


Jan 30, 2006
ihavenothing said:
I wonder what would happen if his best friend or cousin turned out to be gay. That would test his tolerance to the extreme, it is sad when people who claim to be oppressed only oppress others because they have "fixed" beliefs

*nods* uh-huh,exactly what i said:D

I mean, i dont mind people having different views on things, i accept it....but i don't tolerate people who don't learn to accept other peoples views and see where they're coming from.

It's not like you can choose your sexuality, you're either gay or not, and if you are no one can fault you for it.It's like discriminating against people with disabilities, they didn't CHOOSE to be disabled, you can't take away their rights as well as whatever hopes and dreams they have in life just because they are the way they are.
People can't help the way their brain functions, and the way it perceives things...if you're gay you should be able to embrace it, and be able to be freaking damn proud! You shouldn't have to be subjected to any form of discrimination...i guess in a way its like any form of global injustice, just like racial dscrimination-you can attempt to alleviate certain stereotypes and make people more accepting but there will always be someone out there that just won't accept other people..

But still, sitting here right now i don't think i can imagine half the injustice that homosexuals have to go through...i have some idea becuase im friends with a few..but i just couldn't imagine living a life where i have to be even slightly ashamed or apprehensive about my actions, let alone if someone implied that the way i live my life isn't tolerated by people and as a result of this im somewhat punished and unable to to live a life that every other person is entitled to.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Dora_18, I don't think you see the links between Acceptance and Occurence. I agree with some of what you stated. How would I react if somebody in my family was a Homosexual? Well, I'd joke about it alot (that's the truth) But then again I joke about all things It's how I accept people. If someone in my family had a large head I'd call them 'Big-Head' if they had flat feet I'd call them 'Flipper'.

I wouldn't treat them 'badly' but I wouldn't necessarily sudenly decide to be their closest relative. Mainly I would feel sorry for them and saddened by it.


Nov 22, 2004
Darling It Hurts!
sam04u said:
I also challenge you to prove that homosexuality is in anyway beneficial to society and ofcourse looking at the negative effects of it. (we need babies here in australia so we 'offer a bonus' to women who make a baby, does that make sense?)
Homosexuality has no "benefits" as it is not a choice. Simple as that. People can either be gay or straight or bi but it is their choice whether they have sex with men or women, I can say that I am gay because I am attracted to guys and share intimacy with them. This is a free country there is no law to who you can't sleep with as long as its consentual.

The baby bonus also have negative affects that people like you who have 5 or more kids because you believe them to be "God's presents" when it is causing a strain on the environment. The flipside of that is the economy but I don't wanna get into that right now I'd be here all night.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
bshoc said:
Its very safe to assume that nearly all marriages are conducted with the eventual aim of children.
formal recognition of one's affections for each other, citizenship, access to each other's bank accounts to register the name of wealth in ( especially for fraud and bankrupcy insurance ), other entitlements you don't receive in a relationship without marriage.


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
sam04u said:
Basically, I have to deal with something which really shouldn't be a problem on a daily basis. I hate hearing a man acting like a women or seeing it as it defies logic in my books. It's hard for me to accept that 10% of the population is mentally incapable of reproducing with the opposite sex.
It may really surprise you, but cross-dressing and gender dysphoria are not isolated to homosexuals and there is no direct correlation between someone being gay and effeminate.

It also sounds like you would have a hard time accepting asexuals but are fine with bisexuals if the only criteria was desiring to copulate with the opposite sex.

sam04u said:
Homosexuality is a Social Disorder and can also be considered as a 'meme' to find out about 'memes' search the 'Does God Exist' thread somebody linked the idea of 'memes'. It basically states that traits which are catchy can be 'mentally consumed' by people and then transpire in their own character. An example of this is the common saying 'Fat Bitches need Love", or alternatively 'Fat Bitchaz Need Lurve'. I don't know who started it but the particular rhythm and meter of the phrase makes it 'catchy' this 'phrase' is repeated throughout society and slowly the idea behind it 'sinks in'. Therefore slowly people see 'fat b**ches as more appealing' it's relatively new but slowly it takes effect. It's much like homosexuality it's a social disorder and the sooner we realise the sooner we'll have a better functioning society.
Would you be able to provide a logical example showing how the concept of memes is applicable to homosexuality in preference to other current theories?

I also challenge you to prove that homosexuality is in anyway beneficial to society and ofcourse looking at the negative effects of it. (we need babies here in australia so we 'offer a bonus' to women who make a baby, does that make sense?) In a country such as china it would probably be 'slightly' beneficial but the rate of occurence is way to high. Perhaps a 3% would be a slightly better figure.
Hmm, well the world has kinda been overpopulated for a while and will probably continue to be so for some time to come however the effect of homosexuality on population growth either way probably is rather negligible - there simply aren't enough homosexuals. I'd be focusing more on the growing infertility rates, contaceptive use and the HIV/AIDS problem as impeding population growth (if for some reason you were keen to see the population grow).


Active Member
May 16, 2005
Not-That-Bright said:
I challenge you to prove that your life is in any way beneficial to society.
lol, you actually made me laugh. Well done.

I don't think that comment is quite inline with the type of discussion that sam04u was putting forward, but you made me laugh anyway.


Jan 30, 2006
sam04u said:
Dora_18, I don't think you see the links between Acceptance and Occurence. I agree with some of what you stated. How would I react if somebody in my family was a Homosexual? Well, I'd joke about it alot (that's the truth) But then again I joke about all things It's how I accept people. If someone in my family had a large head I'd call them 'Big-Head' if they had flat feet I'd call them 'Flipper'.
Ok...Your post doesn't make sense, tell me how exactly HOW i dont understand the fact that homosexuality occurs within society and that homosexuality also needs to be accepted..or these "links" that you speak of

And yes...jokes are all fun and games, but sooner or later that person is going to need you for actual support...whether its becuase their feet are giant and they cant go out without being laughed at, or whether they are gay and are having issues with their relationship, you can't exactly laugh it off then

I hate hearing a man acting like a women or seeing it as it defies logic in my books
see and this is what i mean about your ignorance...how stereotypical do you want to be?
i dont think you know anything about homosexuality, you just fell off your cloud and was told " this is bad" and followed that..


also challenge you to prove that homosexuality is in anyway beneficial to society and ofcourse looking at the negative effects of it. (we need babies here in australia so we 'offer a bonus' to women who make a baby, does that make sense?) In a country such as china it would probably be 'slightly' beneficial but the rate of occurence is way to high. Perhaps a 3% would be a slightly better figure.
You can't seem to fathom that homosexuals want children as well, they can't have them themsevles, but whats wrong with giving a homosexual a baby to raise? Whether gay women produce a baby through sperm donation, or if two men ask a woman to have a baby for them? sure i mean its not an easy procedure but at least you know that those people are willing to go to great lengths to have children, and not everyone is willing to carry a child for 9 months and hand it over ..but...if you ask me its much better then having some heterosexuals reproduce and have children that will be disadvantaged for their entire lives.
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Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Would you be able to provide a logical example showing how the concept of memes is applicable to homosexuality in preference to other current theories?
It can apply, there's no real reason to give it preference to say normal genetics ... but even so, I don't see his point? Homosexuals do still have children, there are alot of lesbians as we speak whom are carrying children, in the past lesbians/gays would be forced into hetero relationships and have kids.... You only need to have sex with the opposite ONE time in your entire life to have a chance at having a baby, but in the average lifetime we will have sex many more times.

I don't think that comment is quite inline with the type of discussion that sam04u was putting forward, but you made me laugh anyway.
Well my point was to essentially try to make him realise there are other considerations than the basic ones that might first come to mind. For instance, freedoms, it is beneficial to society to give people the freedom to have relationships with whom they want because those people make up a part of the society.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
I never said we should 'deny them of their rights' or the 'rights of any other people', I just want people to know that it isn't 'fine' it's like a disability and only very few people actually have the hormonal imbalance which constitutes to homosexuality. (perhaps 1-2%). Homosexuality can be triggered by insecurity and also by 'society' through culture. There are feminen men that's common and It's normal but when it gets to the stage where a man can't 'reproduce' that goes against nature. I'm not necessarily against bi-sexuals I guess... But as I said I'm not 'delighted to meet them', It's their decision and It's much better then homosexuality in my books.



Jan 30, 2006
But as I said I'm not 'delighted to meet them'
yeah? well people aren't delighted to meet you either.

I just want people to know that it isn't 'fine'
well i want people to know that it isnt fine for you to be wondering the streets possessing rights either

I'm not necessarily against bi-sexuals I guess
im glad that "you guess" and aren't entirely sure

and... you never explained how i dont know the difference between occurence and acceptance...


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
I never said we should 'deny them of their rights' or the 'rights of any other people', I just want people to know that it isn't 'fine' it's like a disability and only very few people actually have the hormonal imbalance which constitutes to homosexuality.
Well what do you mean by 'fine' ? You're trying to tell us that homosexuality is a mental disease or something are you? Even if it is, it doesn't seem too detrimental to their lives (other than via jerks) so I see no need to combat it... it would be like declaring 'desire to eat cucumber' a mental disease as less than the majority enjoy eating cucumber...

There are feminen men that's common and It's normal but when it gets to the stage where a man can't 'reproduce' that goes against nature.
But as I explained... they can reproduce and they do.


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
sam04u said:
I just want people to know that it isn't 'fine' it's like a disability
I don't understand how it can be like a disability when they don't lose any abilities. Also, you seem to believe that there is something wrong with homosexuals because they don't desire reproduction via sexual means... so are you also against asexuals? Is something 'wrong' with them by your definitions?

sam04u said:
and only very few people actually have the hormonal imbalance which constitutes to homosexuality. (perhaps 1-2%).
sam04u said:
It's hard for me to accept that 10% of the population is mentally incapable of reproducing with the opposite sex.
sam04u said:
Perhaps a 3% would be a slightly better figure.
So which one exactly should be taken as your stance...I'm confused.:confused:


There are feminen men that's common and It's normal but when it gets to the stage where a man can't 'reproduce' that goes against nature.
I suppose you extend your hatred to the impotent and infertile as well, then? Or have you only been programmed into homophobia?


Aug 2, 2006
I don't particularly ' strongly support' homosexuality in that I don't speak out for the rights of gay people at any given time, yet I feel they should be treated just as everyone else and have exactly the same kinds of opportunities as everyone, especially when it comes to marriage. How would you feel if you were outcast just because of a very small aspect of your life?

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