Homosexuality in Australia (1 Viewer)

What do you think of homosexuality in Australia?

  • Yes, i strongly support it.

    Votes: 674 48.5%
  • I somewhat support it.

    Votes: 201 14.5%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 182 13.1%
  • I do not support it.

    Votes: 334 24.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Jul 19, 2009
Durga said:
You say it's because the majority of Australia is Christian, yet 3/5's of Australian's want the law changed so that gay marriage is legal.

The majority of Australia IS christian but the difference is that unline Name_Taken, most Australian christians are open minded and are willing to perfectly accept Homosexuals in society.


Feb 21, 2010
And 4% of 22 million is around 850 000, not the figure you have cited. The 10% figure has been shown to be a grossly inflated one and was only adopted by gay activist movements as a dishonest means of demanding legitimacy for their cause.

I, and a lot of other people would be very happy if Austrlia became a Christian throcracy. In fact there are more Christians than there are gays
, so in regards to numbers of people alone, this might be considered a more pressing issue than gay marriage. But as a reason as to why we should actually change, simply because it makes me, or 25% of the population (who are Christian, IDK the exact figure) happier, is quite weak.

I was exposing the irony of him calling me a c**t and complaining how I was insulting him, despite the fact that it was he who was hurling the insults, despite how I have always been civil and polite in my posts.

The comparison to bestiality and incest is justified, because, now religiously speaking, all three are perversions of sex, love and possible in the future marriage and family.

I am opposing homosexual unions as being accepted under civil marriage and fighting for the rights of Churches and other religious authorities to reject the legitimacy of homosexual unions should they so which (on this we all seem to be in agreement).

I never claimed that all marriages are great, or that they are all perfect environments for kids to be raised. Some, unfortunately fail miserably, and this can severely affect the development of any children involved. The institution of marriage, provides the secure legal and social framework however that is essential to the cohesion and stability of the family itself.

And yes it is sickening. If you promote 2 men as being just as suitable "parents" as a heterosexual couple, you are effectively denying a child the right to a mother, and also sending the message, that mothers are not required for a childs wellbeing during their "growing up".
Wait, you want Australia to be a theocracy? That's getting a little ridiculous, sure 25% of the nation might be Christian on paper, probably only half that number actually practice the religion (remember? we don't believe statistics here because they are all a conspiracy) and also, not all of them are intolerant and batshit insane enough to believe that their religion is more important then all the others.

And Hey! God most likely doesn't exist, so why worry about people getting married who believe in a religion which most likely doesn't exist? Who cares if they don't follow a TWO THOUSAND YEAR OLD book? There's things written in the bible saying you should kill your wife if she cheats on you, would you do that just because a book written in a primitive time says so?

What makes your religion more real than anyone elses? Christianity is just a product that's been marketed well, people believed it and stories spread, I mean, You look at Hinduism and you might think "I respect that religion, but I don't believe in it", why do you find yourself believing in Christianity? Because it's the most popular religion and therefore it must be right?

The thing about your civility in your posts is, it doesn't really exist as much as you think it does, saying things like "They can adopt (tho this sickens me)" isn't exactly polite. If you went on a date with someone who you liked and they said "Oh, you sicken me!", would you be offended?

Perversions of the Christian idea of Sex and Love, and several other religions.

"I am opposing homosexual unions as being accepted under civil marriage and fighting for the rights of Churches and other religious authorities to reject the legitimacy of homosexual unions should they so which (on this we all seem to be in agreement). "

You're not really, you're just insulting some people in a forum, you aren't on an epic crusade, not all religious authorities reject homosexual marriages, majority do, but that is due to the fact that the majority of these religions are thousands of years old and were based on what was SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE at the time, when people were robots and didn't have courage to stray away from conventions, just because something is convention doesn't make it right.

It's not sickening, do you find yourself feeling like vomiting at the thought? Because the thoughts of Gays being able to adopt makes me and many other people, hopeful and impressed by how far society has come.
And giving an orphan two fathers, is better then denying them no parents, you seem to forget lesbian relationships, I assume denying a child a father is equally as bad? It's all just conventions, and a child can grow up just fine no matter who they are raised by, it's about personality, not ancient sexist principles.


Jan 31, 2010
Wait, you want Australia to be a theocracy? That's getting a little ridiculous, sure 25% of the nation might be Christian on paper, probably only half that number actually practice the religion (remember? we don't believe statistics here because they are all a conspiracy) and also, not all of them are intolerant and batshit insane enough to believe that their religion is more important then all the others.

And Hey! God most likely doesn't exist, so why worry about people getting married who believe in a religion which most likely doesn't exist? Who cares if they don't follow a TWO THOUSAND YEAR OLD book? There's things written in the bible saying you should kill your wife if she cheats on you, would you do that just because a book written in a primitive time says so?

What makes your religion more real than anyone elses? Christianity is just a product that's been marketed well, people believed it and stories spread, I mean, You look at Hinduism and you might think "I respect that religion, but I don't believe in it", why do you find yourself believing in Christianity? Because it's the most popular religion and therefore it must be right?

The thing about your civility in your posts is, it doesn't really exist as much as you think it does, saying things like "They can adopt (tho this sickens me)" isn't exactly polite. If you went on a date with someone who you liked and they said "Oh, you sicken me!", would you be offended?

Perversions of the Christian idea of Sex and Love, and several other religions.

"I am opposing homosexual unions as being accepted under civil marriage and fighting for the rights of Churches and other religious authorities to reject the legitimacy of homosexual unions should they so which (on this we all seem to be in agreement). "

You're not really, you're just insulting some people in a forum, you aren't on an epic crusade, not all religious authorities reject homosexual marriages, majority do, but that is due to the fact that the majority of these religions are thousands of years old and were based on what was SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE at the time, when people were robots and didn't have courage to stray away from conventions, just because something is convention doesn't make it right.

It's not sickening, do you find yourself feeling like vomiting at the thought? Because the thoughts of Gays being able to adopt makes me and many other people, hopeful and impressed by how far society has come.
And giving an orphan two fathers, is better then denying them no parents, you seem to forget lesbian relationships, I assume denying a child a father is equally as bad? It's all just conventions, and a child can grow up just fine no matter who they are raised by, it's about personality, not ancient sexist principles.
Wow, didn't see that he wanted a theocracy. Rather than this disgusting secular society (or half-secular at the moment) where everyones morals are so distorted...

That way, Name_Taken, you could go back to just burning us heretics for pointing out simple fallacies in your holy book!


Dec 27, 2009
The majority of Australia IS christian but the difference is that unline Name_Taken, most Australian christians are open minded and are willing to perfectly accept Homosexuals in society.
You mean they don't actually read what the Bible has to say on such issues?

I have nothing against homosexuals. Homosexual sex however, "marriage" and Heaven forbid "families" are all perversions, and sins to which the punishment they deserve will be duly awarded upon their perpetrators.


Feb 21, 2010
You mean they don't actually read what the Bible has to say on such issues?

I have nothing against homosexuals. Homosexual sex however, "marriage" and Heaven forbid "families" are all perversions, and sins to which the punishment they deserve will be duly awarded upon their perpetrators.

but heaven doesnt exist!


Jan 31, 2010
You mean they don't actually read what the Bible has to say on such issues?
No, not at all. Many children are indoctrinated (read: brainwashed), into half-believing their parents religious positions. What results are generations of people who say they are of a particular denomination, yet they have not read any of the positions of the denominations they belong to.

I remember on ABC's Q&A, the one with Christopher Hitchens on the panel, one women on the panel labelled herself as a Roman Catholic, yet didn't believe the Pope was an infallible authority. This prompted Hitchens to stop the discussion and ask "are you or are you not a Roman Catholic?" I'll wager that many of that 25% majority of Christians do not have a clue about the teachings of the religion they profess to.

I have nothing against homosexuals. Homosexual sex however, "marriage" and Heaven forbid "families" are all perversions, and sins to which the punishment they deserve will be duly awarded upon their perpetrators.
What if Australia had a majority of Muslims? Under their Koran, since you are an unbeliever, you are performing a sin in not believing that the great Allah is the one true God, and must be punished, or converted to Islam. Would it be fair to say that since the vast majority of Australia are not Christians, (75%) that they do not have to live their lives according to Christian doctrine?


Active Member
Jul 19, 2009
Name_Taken said:
I have nothing against homosexuals. Homosexual sex however, "marriage" and Heaven forbid "families" are all perversions, and sins to which the punishment they deserve will be duly awarded upon their perpetrators.
How could you have nothing against something when you are completely opposed to what that something stands to have to be equal...?


Oct 29, 2009
How could you have nothing against something when you are completely opposed to what that something stands to have to be equal...?
"But buttsecks makes kittens cry..."

I believe this sums up religious intolorence of homosexuality but tolerance of homsexuals
Last edited:


i'm a fireball in bed
Mar 6, 2008
island of screaming orgasms

Would you care responding to mine Name_Taken, or are you just going to ignore it? (And possibly this one too...)
C'mon guys cut him some slack. We're all ganging up on him and peer pressuring him LOL

He's just here to present his point of view like we all are, and we're no sooner to convincing him than he is to us. He's not obligated to answer any of our questions.

Alex dear, do you want a hug? My place 8pm tommorow night ;) Bring champagne. I got chocolates, a heart shaped bed, and mirrors on the ceiling.


Dec 27, 2009
Is dodging questions a favourite past time of yours...? :)
...At least when I do, I actually respond to other peoples arguements :rolleyes:


Would you care responding to mine Name_Taken, or are you just going to ignore it? (And possibly this one too...)
Uuuh I plan to, its just a painful excercise during the school week. Consider too, there are plently of you, and only one me :(

C'mon guys cut him some slack. We're all ganging up on him and peer pressuring him LOL

He's just here to present his point of view like we all are, and we're no sooner to convincing him than he is to us. He's not obligated to answer any of our questions.

Alex dear, do you want a hug? My place 8pm tommorow night ;) Bring champagne. I got chocolates, a heart shaped bed, and mirrors on the ceiling.
Chocolate better be dark (90% cocca), else no deal. ;)

Whats with the bed and mirrors tho?! :uhoh:


Active Member
Jul 19, 2009
This thread just keeps going around in circles :S it never gets anywhere.

Time of thread death....Name_Taken. lol


Dec 27, 2009
This thread just keeps going around in circles :S it never gets anywhere.

Time of thread death....Name_Taken. lol
And what threads in NCAP actually do get somewhere?

Anywho back on topic; "Homosexuality Is Not Hardwired," Concludes Dr. Francis S. Collins, Head Of The Human Genome Project

Dr. Collins succinctly reviewed the research on homosexuality and offers the following: "An area of particularly strong public interest is the genetic basis of homosexuality. Evidence from twin studies does in fact support the conclusion that heritable factors play a role in male homosexuality. However, the likelihood that the identical twin of a homosexual male will also be gay is about 20% (compared with 2-4 percent of males in the general population), indicating that sexual orientation is genetically influenced but not hardwired by DNA, and that whatever genes are involved represent predispositions, not predeterminations."


Jan 31, 2010
It doesn't matter if a person is completely predisposed to homosexuality or not. It is the barricading of people from a social norm because of a life choice, which does not effect anybody but two consenting adults. Similar to a non-Christian theocracy declaring that there is one true God, and Christians are not born as such, so they must either convert, or be barred from common social practices.

It's discrimination in its basic form, and your religion is trying to pull us back to the Bronze Age.


Dec 27, 2009
It doesn't matter if a person is completely predisposed to homosexuality or not. It is the barricading of people from a social norm because of a life choice, which does not effect anybody but two consenting adults.
Hence why their relationships, religion aside are not eqaul to that of marriage and should not be referred to as the same or even entitled to the same rights and preferencial treatment offered to heterosexual unions.

My friendships don't affect anyone else but me and my friends (they're still based on love, trust and committment), but the reason they only affect us is why they are not regulated by the government.

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