hey, I screw up in English as well. I go to Sefton High and only get 50% in English exams. You go to Baulko, so you should be fine.
I dont really study english but my friends you can study for it. It depends on what topic you are doing. Say if you are doing newspapers, you can study by practising how to write feature articles, pratice the jargon for newspapers like masthead.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!
SChool Certificate aim: all band 6's (worried if I will get that for English)
HSC subjects (considering): Advanced English, 3 unit Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Business Studies, Ancient History.
uai aim:
if I stay at sefton, then it'll be: 95+
if change to fort street, then it'll be: 98+
if change to sydney girls, then it'll be: 99+