Andrew Quah
Hopefully more than everyone else.
hyperbole said:amoz_lilo: if i were in Year 10 i probably would have been studying several weeks before, or at least revising. Nowadays, I can't really be bothered. I cram a few nights or the night before which is a pretty poor study habit. Must change before Year 12. Good Luck in your exams. Are you in Year 11? Why are your exams so early? At my school, Year 12 Trials are during Week 3 so we can't use the hall.
hyperbole said:I'm in Year 11. It's holidays, and I'm not really studying.
My goal is to finish all my assessments and make summaries for business studies, economics and chemistry.
Good Luck for your trials.
nahh, you'll just end up pulling a few all-nighters the week before it is due...or maybe even the DAY before it is duePersephone87 said:So far Ive steadily avoided doing my major works.
I am so dead.
Fair enough. Nobody can force you, I guess. But the HSC demands more of your time than the mere 6 hours a day (more if you do extensions after school or whatever), 5 days a week for barely 3 terms. Nevertheless, if you think you can do well enough with that amount of effort, then go for it.Auto Wah said:holiday is the time where you should relax and let all the school work go, Study is bad, don't study in holidays. Go out and have fun in holidays, but certainly no studying. Studying only applies at school days. that's my opinion.
nah, you're thinking of life increases 10 fold when you're at uniAuto Wah said:high school is the time you're suppose to have fun.