Your myMQ Student Portal password.
This will be the original MQID password that was sent to you on enrolment (2 random characters followed by your date of birth in ddmmyy format), unless you have already changed your password in the myMQ Student Portal.
Note that both your username and your password are CaSe SeNsItIvE.
When you have finished using the web site you must log out, or exit or quit your browser. To log out of CE6, click the 'logout' link near the top right of the screen. If you don't log out, or exit or quit your browser, other people can continue to use your account which means they can use your mail, discussions and other course tools.
Student IT Help
If you require assistance or information about student email accounts, technical problems associated with using the Internet or instructions for using Library Services via the Internet, contact Student IT Help:
Student IT Help
Building C5C Room 244
Phone: (02) 9850 HELP, (02) 9850 4357 (in Sydney) or 1 800 063 191 (outside Sydney)
Email: via the Just Ask form at
The ITS Helpdesk also has information on student labs and printing services. The ITS Helpdesk can be contacted at