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If You're a Christian, Muslim or Jew - You are Wrong (1 Viewer)

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Aug 13, 2004
Im christian, i believe in physics and chemistry and science. atoms r wat everything is made of. This science is compatable with religion. The scientific laws of the world make it wat it is. the atoms make the world work. the subatomic particles are responsible for the forces, which we depend on to live.

Some science cannot be explained, just like God cant be explained. Like the big bang. how can nothing just turn into something. its totally uncomprehensible by the human mind and cannot make sense. think about it like this, how can something be around for infinity. wat was there infinite years ago. It couldnt have just always been there it had to be created, but how can it be created from nothing?? it seems to me that the human mind just cant understand this. and that leads me to believe there is more than just our world and there is a God. i think this is the closest thing to proving a God, it does not make sense without God.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
codereder said:
Im christian, i believe in physics and chemistry and science. atoms r wat everything is made of. This science is compatable with religion. The scientific laws of the world make it wat it is. the atoms make the world work. the subatomic particles are responsible for the forces, which we depend on to live.

Some science cannot be explained, just like God cant be explained. Like the big bang. how can nothing just turn into something. its totally uncomprehensible by the human mind and cannot make sense. think about it like this, how can something be around for infinity. wat was there infinite years ago. It couldnt have just always been there it had to be created, but how can it be created from nothing?? it seems to me that the human mind just cant understand this. and that leads me to believe there is more than just our world and there is a God. i think this is the closest thing to proving a God, it does not make sense without God.
No, that just proves that you are uncomfortable with the fact that there are some things that we cannot yet (if at all) comprehend.

P.s., science isn't a belief structure, and one cannot 'believe' in it (that may have just been a poor choice of words on your behalf, but I thought that I'd make the point regardless).


Apr 25, 2004
codereder said:
Im christian, i believe in physics and chemistry and science. atoms r wat everything is made of. This science is compatable with religion. The scientific laws of the world make it wat it is. the atoms make the world work. the subatomic particles are responsible for the forces, which we depend on to live.

Some science cannot be explained, just like God cant be explained. Like the big bang. how can nothing just turn into something. its totally uncomprehensible by the human mind and cannot make sense. think about it like this, how can something be around for infinity. wat was there infinite years ago. It couldnt have just always been there it had to be created, but how can it be created from nothing?? it seems to me that the human mind just cant understand this. and that leads me to believe there is more than just our world and there is a God. i think this is the closest thing to proving a God, it does not make sense without God.
maybe infinity is possible. After all when will the world end? the universe doesnt have a definite end, it doesnt have to have a set begining. i know kinda where you are coming from, because its just hard to grasp the idea of something being infinate and when i think about the universe being infinate or time being infinate its impossible for me to amagine that, but i think its more logical to believe and rely on scienific theories rather then just taking an easy way and saying someone just created it, cuase i cant explain it, even thought no evidence exists.
Aug 13, 2004
hmmm. if science tries to explain everything. there isnt a need for God to explain anything. if we did find out how the universe was created, it means God didnt create it.

we dont know that God created the universe, according to the bible he created the earth. God could have been created just likes planets or stars, In a "big bang".
i dont believe in that.

how can u say, the universe was created. if the universe was created wat was there before that. if there was nothing, nothing could have been created.


Twisted firestarter
Jun 26, 2005
Sydney University Village
'that is a horrible article, that man is an idiot in every sense of the word. He has NO basis for any of his claims etc etc etc'

my interpretation of all the posts criticising this article: 'he offended me because i am religious so now i shall criticise the article'


Twisted firestarter
Jun 26, 2005
Sydney University Village
MoonlightSonata said:
To be sure, it is a very potent comforting force. You have someone there to look out for you, to welcome you after this life, who allows you to bond with other people and share in united comfort, who you can turn to for hope in bad times, who isn't human so you aren't answerable to them in human affairs, and who relieves you of difficult thought about important questions.

I can see why it has such a strong influence and why even intelligent people are drawn to it. It becomes central to a lot of people's lives as well, to the point where questioning it seems unthinkable and might prove crushing to those intensely brought up with such beliefs. So on the one hand, for those who have structured their whole lives around religion it is wise to tread as lightly as possible. It is also one argument as to why unfortunate people, by nature or circumstance, should not be deprived of their hope.

But on the other hand truth is so much more important to me than comfort so that I hate to see what I consider a waste of life. Religions that place the emphasis on "the next life" steal from the potential of human beings. Not only that, but blindness can be very dangerous. I personally think humanity stands a better chance of finding prosperity through applications of reason and compassion, not the dogma of our own myths. They may serve some purposes such as comfort. But if we learnt to 'worship' each other instead of a deity we would be much better off. Humankind has come a long way and we don't need religion anymore.

Unfortunately, it is a residue of the past that still shackles much of the world today.

best. post. ever........


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
Islam a religion?

Islam isnt a real religion, in order for it to be a religion people need to be given a choice over wether to believe in their god or not. Currently they follow their religion out of fear, as those who “turn from their faith”[read: discover the truth] often end up dead. In order for it to be a real religion, people need to be given a choice, that way when they choose to be Muslims then they are truly following what they believe, even if it is wrong.
I can see the male’s angle, they get to have as many wives as they want, all laws completely favour them and they are like a god in their own home. Bush may be an imbecile but hey, at least if his daughter ever gets raped he is unlikely to beat her to death for dishonouring him. At least he isn’t likely to strap some explosives to his chest and murder innocent people.
Not all muslims are bad people, many of them cringe along in compliance, hoping to peep something of worth from the less psychotic directives of their genocidal belief system all because they don’t have the intellect or the nerve to build a completely new religion. Well hey, if it worked thousands of years ago it must be good now right? Oh my, you poor misguided people.
Its the women that actually choose this life that I don’t understand. Some women of western society might dress slutty but atleast they are living their own lives as if it belongs to them, instead of abasing themselves at the feet of any fucking baboon who can grow a beard and external genitalia.

But I digress, the life of a man isn’t all honey and roses with 72 virgins waiting at the end of the trail, they are themselves enslaved. Enslaved to a religion that does not allow them to live their own lives. They are afraid to not pray and give up their religion, cause lets face it most of them aren’t millionaires, they cant escape their muslim country and if they stay they will probably be killed by fanatical idiots.

You know what I see when all those Muslims bow down prostate in prayer? I see a bunch of easily influenced and scared fools bowing down, scared because if they don’t bow down, maybe they will come home and find their wife missing, or maybe they will walk into their home, containing several men and a nasty looking weapon.
Those poor sheep aren’t following a religion; they are following a hierarchy of men, and the bloke at the top? Well he is a slave to the fanatical masses, because if he doesn’t follow the recorded ravings of a man long dead, he will be up the Euphrates without a paddle

blah blah black sheep you poor little fool
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Apr 25, 2004
Sireus , you say what i cant express in good words. Thats what i see Islam and every other religous as. the differnce between muslims and chirsitans is that, Christians wont have barberic acts commited to them for speaking out or questioning their belief. Islam uses the hundreds of references to hell and torture to make people be scared of even questinign islam becuase if one questions it, they automaticly will burn in hell.
just look at the amount of refernces that deal with disbealivers facing doom in hell.
why people are scared to question islam
dotn belive this site if your so scared of reading it. Use the verses and look them up yourself if u cant cant this source
And to add my view regarding what moonlight said. Religious is just an answer to the question of meaning of life. People ponder about their existance and why they are there, and then sadly the most logical conclusion they can make is , they are here only for a short time and to prove to god that they can get into heavven. Then they just conclude that prayer to god is the only way , and spend a large chunck of their life at church/mosques etc., not even questionoing anytihng that they are fed as soon as they join the religious masses. They just accept it , without any logic and dont stop for a second and think rationaly how can this be true, is this really true or is it just sometihng someone wrote becuase people would listen to him.

i think the quran in the old days was just a way of makign rules. kinda like the constitution, it set out rules people have to follow and how to treat others properly, however sadly these rules where interlaced withrules on how powerful allah is , and to fear him and prey becuase he is so great.

I really wish a person could come back to life after they die, just so they realise that they foolishly wasted their life on prayer and there isnt an afterlife, or god.
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Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Islam isnt a real religion, in order for it to be a religion people need to be given a choice over wether to believe in their god or not.
You already failed.
There is no 'choice' in belief, I as an atheist cannot CHOOSE to believe the muslim faith.


Sep 2, 2005
It doesn't matter what one believes because everyone is the "centre of the universe" as their life experience is mostly defined by their perception of the world. While I'm an atheist, I don't think it's necessary to "enlighten" others with the "truth" as truth is a pretty overrated notion IMO - what matters is how you see the world and not objective truth.


Twisted firestarter
Jun 26, 2005
Sydney University Village
SashatheMan said:
Sireus , you say what i cant express in good words. Thats what i see Islam and every other religous as. the differnce between muslims and chirsitans is that, Christians wont have barberic acts commited to them for speaking out or questioning their belief. Islam uses the hundreds of references to hell and torture to make people be scared of even questinign islam becuase if one questions it, they automaticly will burn in hell.
just look at the amount of refernces that deal with disbealivers facing doom in hell.
why people are scared to question islam
dotn belive this site if your so scared of reading it. Use the verses and look them up yourself if u cant cant this source
And to add my view regarding what moonlight said. Religious is just an answer to the question of meaning of life. People ponder about their existance and why they are there, and then sadly the most logical conclusion they can make is , they are here only for a short time and to prove to god that they can get into heavven. Then they just conclude that prayer to god is the only way , and spend a large chunck of their life at church/mosques etc., not even questionoing anytihng that they are fed as soon as they join the religious masses. They just accept it , without any logic and dont stop for a second and think rationaly how can this be true, is this really true or is it just sometihng someone wrote becuase people would listen to him.

i think the quran in the old days was just a way of makign rules. kinda like the constitution, it set out rules people have to follow and how to treat others properly, however sadly these rules where interlaced withrules on how powerful allah is , and to fear him and prey becuase he is so great.

I really wish a person could come back to life after they die, just so they realise that they foolishly wasted their life on prayer and there isnt an afterlife, or god.

this ones funny

'Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 2:191 '

seriously its just heaps of quotes saying the same thing in different words, its called reinforcement, repetition and BRAINWASHING.

religious documents are just a form of disciplinary power
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland
The aritlce about everyone being wrong is quite interesting, although I think the author could have expressed himself better. The funny thing is, the piece was quite convincing, but there are so many examples you can give of how religions are a load of crap.

I know many at time Ive had discussions with my mum (I dont believe in anything, she a christian) where she tried defending christainity, and most of the time I win the discussions. One example is about Noahs ark. The reason for the flood was that humanity's behavior had become so hopelessly evil that God could no longer tolerate them:

"The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him to His heart. So The Lord said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the ground, man and beast and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them." (Genesis 6:5-7 RSV)

Yet God is merciful? And God is so nice, that he killed EVERYONE, so out of millions that would have been alive, there were no non-evil, spiritual people except for Noah and Co? And he kills all the animals, who have no say in religion and have nothing to do with is...they cant speak, and they dont go to heaven. He also hasnt flooded the world again, because I think their is far more "evil" in this world now then EVER before.

Then you've also got to contend with the fact that we are all insest, Adam and Eve were more than likely related (she was made from his rib) but even if she wasnt, their kids would have had to have been insest. THEN, even if this goes out the window, the earth was re-done after the flood, theirs some more insest!! So we are all related somehow? :rolleyes:. I thought that DNA would prove this? Then christians will try to say 'Oh, your not meant to interpret it literally', when its convient for them....well I say bullllllllllshit! The bibles makers meant it to be literaly for the most part, but because they were peasants, it comes acorss in the modern world as if no-one could possibly be that dumb...so they say its metaphorical etc :rolleyes: . I also like how some chrisitans believe that if you dont praise god, it means ur in allegance with the devil....how about If you dont believe in god, you dont believe in the devil either and your only taking the common sense road :rolleyes:.

The problem with the bible is that it was made some time after all the events that supposedly occured in it, and that it was made when technology wasnt available. Sooooo, even if all the events occured, I think tryin to gain evidence decades after the event would be difficult, and we've all learnt via chinese whispers that things get distorted between a group of ten 10, try 10000000 people through many generations and see how it goes......you'll create a man called jesus who perofmred miracles (which could have merely been allusions cos the peasants would believe magicians to be miracle workers :rolleyes: ) and some supreme being called god who is merciful (despite being a mass murderer, the likes of which this world has never seen) and wants you to praise him and no-one else.
Also, as I said technology, well they would have loved this because then they would have realised that genetically thru DNA you can prove if people are related.....and that genetically insest creates deformities etc. They would have also liked to have known that people cant live to 500, or women cant have children at like 100....especially when the dying age back then was like 50....if your lucky. MAYBE if they had technology and more reliable evidence....they could have created a more 'believeable' lie that is the bible.

(And theres more exposing of bullshyte where that came from, the bible is quite easily exposed for the lie it is by any educated person)

In short, If God exists, he sounds like a madman - if you oppose him, your dead. And even if your are nice person, who does lots of community work etc, BUT dont praise him....you dead. Assuming this alternate worlds exist, and from what Ive heard.....I think Id like to go to hell, because god seems like a butt raping, twisted, sick, greedy, muderous freak who gets his rocks off people believeing in him and not going to the 'devil' :rolleyes:


Apr 25, 2004
hiphophooray123 said:
this ones funny

'Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kil them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. 2:191 '

seriously its just heaps of quotes saying the same thing in different words, its called reinforcement, repetition and BRAINWASHING.

religious documents are just a form of disciplinary power
u have to actually click on the verse number for proper wording , but the message is the same

2:191And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.


Apr 25, 2004
Alright all you God believers say that humans and the life on earth is much to complicated to be created by chance and that god must have created it. Ok fine i am going along with this theory, however where do you pull heaven and hell from? With the agrument that god created the universe, is more belivable becuase theres actually physical world, that noone knows for certain how it came to be. However believing that there is a heaven and hell, and that people must praise god, has no evidence what so ever. Nothing anywhere sais that you will go to heaven. This is just shit made up by humans who only had some vision, rom god.

even if your arguement that god exists is based on the complexity of everythign in the world, it doesnt explain the afterlife and everything thats said abouit it, its just fiction that multiple writters have been adding on for 2000 years.


poulet de montagne
Oct 31, 2003
Schoolies_2004 said:
The aritlce about everyone being wrong is quite interesting, although I think the author could have expressed himself better. The funny thing is, the piece was quite convincing, but there are so many examples you can give of how religions are a load of crap.

I know many at time Ive had discussions with my mum (I dont believe in anything, she a christian) where she tried defending christainity, and most of the time I win the discussions. One example is about Noahs ark. The reason for the flood was that humanity's behavior had become so hopelessly evil that God could no longer tolerate them:

"The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him to His heart. So The Lord said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the ground, man and beast and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them." (Genesis 6:5-7 RSV)

Yet God is merciful? And God is so nice, that he killed EVERYONE, so out of millions that would have been alive, there were no non-evil, spiritual people except for Noah and Co? And he kills all the animals, who have no say in religion and have nothing to do with is...they cant speak, and they dont go to heaven. He also hasnt flooded the world again, because I think their is far more "evil" in this world now then EVER before.

Then you've also got to contend with the fact that we are all insest, Adam and Eve were more than likely related (she was made from his rib) but even if she wasnt, their kids would have had to have been insest. THEN, even if this goes out the window, the earth was re-done after the flood, theirs some more insest!! So we are all related somehow? :rolleyes:. I thought that DNA would prove this? Then christians will try to say 'Oh, your not meant to interpret it literally', when its convient for them....well I say bullllllllllshit! The bibles makers meant it to be literaly for the most part, but because they were peasants, it comes acorss in the modern world as if no-one could possibly be that dumb...so they say its metaphorical etc :rolleyes: . I also like how some chrisitans believe that if you dont praise god, it means ur in allegance with the devil....how about If you dont believe in god, you dont believe in the devil either and your only taking the common sense road :rolleyes:.

The problem with the bible is that it was made some time after all the events that supposedly occured in it, and that it was made when technology wasnt available. Sooooo, even if all the events occured, I think tryin to gain evidence decades after the event would be difficult, and we've all learnt via chinese whispers that things get distorted between a group of ten 10, try 10000000 people through many generations and see how it goes......you'll create a man called jesus who perofmred miracles (which could have merely been allusions cos the peasants would believe magicians to be miracle workers :rolleyes: ) and some supreme being called god who is merciful (despite being a mass murderer, the likes of which this world has never seen) and wants you to praise him and no-one else.
Also, as I said technology, well they would have loved this because then they would have realised that genetically thru DNA you can prove if people are related.....and that genetically insest creates deformities etc. They would have also liked to have known that people cant live to 500, or women cant have children at like 100....especially when the dying age back then was like 50....if your lucky. MAYBE if they had technology and more reliable evidence....they could have created a more 'believeable' lie that is the bible.

(And theres more exposing of bullshyte where that came from, the bible is quite easily exposed for the lie it is by any educated person)

In short, If God exists, he sounds like a madman - if you oppose him, your dead. And even if your are nice person, who does lots of community work etc, BUT dont praise him....you dead. Assuming this alternate worlds exist, and from what Ive heard.....I think Id like to go to hell, because god seems like a butt raping, twisted, sick, greedy, muderous freak who gets his rocks off people believeing in him and not going to the 'devil' :rolleyes:
Just a lil' thing... realise that we are all doomed to death anyway (regardless of how good/bad we may behave) and that the reality is that God is offering to restore us (through Jesus) to the wholeness and immortality that was enjoyed before the fall. Think about it, He could have put the entire human race permanently into the "too hard" basket. Yet He hasn't, instead He has chosen to offer us the gift of eternal life. Doesn't that tell you anything about God's actual character?

I understand where you are coming from, because I've had the exact same hostile attitude and thoughts re: the nature of God in the past. But truth be told, your understanding of God's character sounds like my current understanding of Satan's character. Little wonder you don't seem to like God! I wouldn't like the god you described either. No-one would. People who do like God do so because they have come to know His true character. People that don't like Him, don't know Him.

Taste and see that the LORD is good (Psalms 34:8a)
'ava good weekend :)
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A Restless Member
Jan 13, 2005
Somewhere yonder where the sun never rises
The problem with the bible is that it was made some time after all the events that supposedly occured in it, and that it was made when technology wasnt available. Sooooo, even if all the events occured, I think tryin to gain evidence decades after the event would be difficult, and we've all learnt via chinese whispers that things get distorted between a group of ten 10, try 10000000 people through many generations and see how it goes......you'll create a man called jesus who perofmred miracles (which could have merely been allusions cos the peasants would believe magicians to be miracle workers ) and some supreme being called god who is merciful (despite being a mass murderer, the likes of which this world has never seen) and wants you to praise him and no-one else.
Also, as I said technology, well they would have loved this because then they would have realised that genetically thru DNA you can prove if people are related.....and that genetically insest creates deformities etc. They would have also liked to have known that people cant live to 500, or women cant have children at like 100....especially when the dying age back then was like 50....if your lucky. MAYBE if they had technology and more reliable evidence....they could have created a more 'believeable' lie that is the bible.
the muslims have kept record of all the narrators (ie on the narration of __ who heard from __ who heard from __ that the prophet pbuh said:"....")
so there to chinese whispers!!


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
yeah wrong thread, but thats a paraphrasing, click on the numbers and it gives the real quotation
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