Illegal Immigrants (2 Viewers)

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Oct 30, 2011
Lets do a quick analysis of the Illegal Immigrants/Asylum Seekers/Boat People problem.

A group of people arrive in Australia from Indonesia claiming to be from Afghanistan; they lack passports and all other forms of identification.
So question 1: How do these people get to Indonesia from Afghanistan without passports?

This question begets two answers, either they didnt have passports and illegally crossed the boarders of multiple countries to get to Indonesia, or
They did have passports when they arrived in Indonesia all of which subsequently magically dissappeared before they arrived in Australia.

Thus either these people are happy to flout and ignore international laws giving no indication that they won't treat Australian laws in the same manner, or they have purposefully obscured information about their backgrounds before they arrive.

As it happens it appears that in a large number of cases the "asylum seekers" destroy their own passports while in transit to Australia.

Having spoken with a number of people affiliated with the naval actions regarding such "boat people" a common complaint was that prior to being boarded they sabotage their own boats by such actions as flooding the engine with seawater; jettisoning the engine, setting fire to the boat or scuttling the boat thereby attempting to force the navy to "rescue" them and take then back to the mainland. An example of this occured during the Tampa affair when upon being told that the Norwegian vessel would not be taking them to Australia, they proceeded to spend the rest of the trip spitting on the crew.
Yet these people want to become part of our community?

The next claim is that it takes too long to process the "asylum seekers"; it is not surprising that this is the case given that their past history is obfuscated (willfully or otherwise) and that refugee status is only given to people from certain regions of Afghanistan; which all such "boat people" claim to be from. Thus the process is to not only determine whether such people are indeed from Afghanistan, and are who they claim to be, but to determine their actual places of residence. This has led to some cases only being resolved by a translator attempting to determine the "refugee's" accent by speaking to them. Following determining whether they are legitimate or otherwise a security check needs to be done in order to determine any past criminal records or war crimes affiliations; often any "refugees" with such black marks have undergone a change of name just prior to departing their original country such that when asked the records have not yet been transferred to the new name and they appear to be unblemished.

An example of how fast identification can be occured when a man convicted of manslaughter in Canada attempted to arrive in Australia claiming to be from Afghanistan; he was identified before the boat made landfall.

At no point do these "asylum seekers" assist the authorities in their identification or processing, generally they languish in the detention centres and after a period of time they apply for inhumane treatment, their processing is stopped and they are basically let out into the community. With this regard Australia has a 100% retention rate of those who claim to be "asylum seekers" due to this level of obfuscation, as opposed to the maximum level in Europe being 18%; (82% are discovered to have lied about their origins or past records).

For those who advocate "community detention" it is of note that at least 5 people of Middle Eastern descent are currently fugitives from the law in Melbourne, and the police suspect that they are being harboured by their ethnic groups. There is nothing to say that once said "asylum seekers" are placed in community detention that they dont just claim to be a legal migrant or Australian born citizen of the same ethnicity and vanish into their own cultural enclaves.

(And this is before we consider why if they had reached Indonesia without being apprehended [The biggest country of the Islamic religion in the world] they didnt just stay there)

inb4 tldr
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Australia is already over populated compared to the available resources. Legal immigrants need to be reduced illegal ones need to be STOPPED. I mean when you look at Sydney you see all these gangs and how many of them are Muslims? I say you come here you live by our rules forget the Muslim bullshit we shouldn't have to change our rules for them.


Liberty Matrix
Jul 22, 2008
Australia is already over populated compared to the available resources. Legal immigrants need to be reduced illegal ones need to be STOPPED. I mean when you look at Sydney you see all these gangs and how many of them are Muslims? I say you come here you live by our rules forget the Muslim bullshit we shouldn't have to change our rules for them.

Are you fucking kidding me

'available resources'

'muslim gangs'

Please cite your sources for 'available resources' preferably in whitepaper form and for the 'muslim gangs' actual crime statistics.

Fuck me.


Liberty Matrix
Jul 22, 2008
Lets do a quick analysis of the Illegal Immigrants/Asylum Seekers/Boat People problem.

A group of people arrive in Australia from Indonesia claiming to be from Afghanistan; they lack passports and all other forms of identification.
So question 1: How do these people get to Indonesia from Afghanistan without passports?

This question begets two answers, either they didnt have passports and illegally crossed the boarders of multiple countries to get to Indonesia, or
They did have passports when they arrived in Indonesia all of which subsequently magically dissappeared before they arrived in Australia.

[citation needed]

Thus either these people are happy to flout and ignore international laws giving no indication that they won't treat Australian laws in the same manner, or they have purposefully obscured information about their backgrounds before they arrive.
It is not illegal to arrive in Australia undocumented.

As it happens it appears that in a large number of cases the "asylum seekers" destroy their own passports while in transit to Australia.
[citation fucking needed]

Having spoken with a number of people affiliated with the naval actions regarding such "boat people" a common complaint was that prior to being boarded they sabotage their own boats by such actions as flooding the engine with seawater; jettisoning the engine, setting fire to the boat or scuttling the boat thereby attempting to force the navy to "rescue" them and take then back to the mainland. An example of this occured during the Tampa affair when upon being told that the Norwegian vessel would not be taking them to Australia, they proceeded to spend the rest of the trip spitting on the crew.
Yet these people want to become part of our community?
Jesus fuck where do you get your information? Stormfront?

This is just a pack of lies.

The next claim is that it takes too long to process the "asylum seekers"; it is not surprising that this is the case given that their past history is obfuscated (willfully or otherwise) and that refugee status is only given to people from certain regions of Afghanistan; which all such "boat people" claim to be from. Thus the process is to not only determine whether such people are indeed from Afghanistan, and are who they claim to be, but to determine their actual places of residence. This has led to some cases only being resolved by a translator attempting to determine the "refugee's" accent by speaking to them. Following determining whether they are legitimate or otherwise a security check needs to be done in order to determine any past criminal records or war crimes affiliations; often any "refugees" with such black marks have undergone a change of name just prior to departing their original country such that when asked the records have not yet been transferred to the new name and they appear to be unblemished.
No the question is how long do we keep them behind bars when 99% are released into the community. Community detention is cheap and works. It is NOT against the law to arrive undocumented into Australia.

An example of how fast identification can be occured when a man convicted of manslaughter in Canada attempted to arrive in Australia claiming to be from Afghanistan; he was identified before the boat made landfall.
again citation fucking needed you copy paste champion

At no point do these "asylum seekers" assist the authorities in their identification or processing, generally they languish in the detention centres and after a period of time they apply for inhumane treatment, their processing is stopped and they are basically let out into the community. With this regard Australia has a 100% retention rate of those who claim to be "asylum seekers" due to this level of obfuscation, as opposed to the maximum level in Europe being 18%; (82% are discovered to have lied about their origins or past records).

For those who advocate "community detention" it is of note that at least 5 people of Middle Eastern descent are currently fugitives from the law in Melbourne, and the police suspect that they are being harboured by their ethnic groups. There is nothing to say that once said "asylum seekers" are placed in community detention that they dont just claim to be a legal migrant or Australian born citizen of the same ethnicity and vanish into their own cultural enclaves.
citation needed cuntstain

(And this is before we consider why if they had reached Indonesia without being apprehended [The biggest country of the Islamic religion in the world] they didnt just stay there)
Maybe because if you've spent all of your money and all of your time trying to get out of your hellhole you want to go somewhere you know is stable and you'll have a great chance at a good life for your family.

You have no more claim to this country because you were born here than they do because they are fleeing here you arrogant little racist turd.


Oct 30, 2011
Evidence for "muslim gangs" ==> Cronulla Riots

Putting aside the dubious selectiveness of some examples (Such gangs are certainly not prevalent throughout the country); were any of us to migrate to another country we would be expected to conform to their social and enforced laws and customs; in some cases with our migration and due to the corresponding media hype some groups of immigrants do not feel the need to respect or follow Australian laws, in worse cases they feel they can implement their own laws in its place. (see the various homicides and assaults across Sydney with regards to this issue, most recent being a person given "40 Lashes" in their appartment)

Again; hopefully this is a minority of cases.

As for resources; Sydney (the major destination for immigrants) is currently overpopulated due to poor planning, corruption and political divides thus the social resources of that area are already insufficient for its own population; let alone any additional people wishing to join it. (For examples see the traffic and congestion problems though Sydney, in particular through Northern Sydney, along with the lack of reliable public transport; and the large areas unserviced by railway lines.


Liberty Matrix
Jul 22, 2008
Which obviously indicates australia can't take in any refugees anywhere? Last I checked Sydney wasn't the only city in Australia.


Dec 22, 2010

Live a day in the life of a refugee and take that silver spoon out of your mouth. You don't know the hell and torture refugees and asylum seekers have to go through, so shut the hell up, gain some perspective, do some proper research and don't comment on shit you have not experienced.


Oct 30, 2011
[citation needed]
For the first point it is a common logical scenario; either a person is in possession of a passport when they are in Indonesia or they are not; then one can collude the remainder of the argument from that point.

It is not illegal to arrive in Australia undocumented.
Actually; if you arrive in Australia by plane without your documentation; you are put back on a plane to your point of origin. Ergo its legality is dubious; but under normal circumstances you certainly don't get to stay.

For citations; I advise that you speak to Naval personnel; in my cases those stationed at the bases in Townsville and Garden Island, along with engineers from DSTO and affiliated organisations, I wouldnt bother trying to get to DSTO through DMO; its just a bureaucratic mess there.

For your next point; you seem to be under the impression that such illegal immigrants as are accepted are all happily working in the community; I will not take a stance on that issue as the Government has so far refused to release the associated figures, whichever implications you wish to make of this action or lack thereof is your own buisness.

Next; the use of swearwords does not make your opinion any more valid than facts and events which have occured; please refrain from utilising such terms in an effort to attempt to pull down argument you dont like; a logical debate is far more favourable.

Maybe because if you've spent all of your money and all of your time trying to get out of your hellhole you want to go somewhere you know is stable and you'll have a great chance at a good life for your family.

You have no more claim to this country because you were born here than they do because they are fleeing here you arrogant little racist turd.
For the last point; accusing me of being racist; I would like to ascertain that I attend James Ruse, given the racial population of the school, and the current applied definition of racial descrimination does not seem to thus apply.

By my continuation of such a presentation of facts, and being consquently sworn at, I would like to affirm that I am not a "copy-paste champion" and that I have no idea as to what "stormfront" is; I suspect that were I to google it I would find it to be a right wing propaganda site.

Thank you for your time.

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
I'm pretty sure immigrants are "expected" to confirm to Australian law at least in the sense that they go to jail if they don't...


Oct 30, 2011
I'm pretty sure immigrants are "expected" to confirm to Australian law at least in the sense that they go to jail if they don't...
They are; but there are notable cases where they dont.

That is a much better form of argument, thank you, yes it is true that they may settle elsewhere, and from my time there Melbourne is a city that is excellently laid out for a potential population growth with Adelaide not far behind; however Sydney still seems to be the preferred destination of choice, were this to change this would relieve quite a few of the pressures on the system.

For whatever problems these people may feel they have encountered I am sorry for them; unfortunately it does not assist the authorities who are attempting to help them when such people arrive on boats illegally without documentation and are actually given a form of special privilage even to be processed at all. The majority of refugees come by aeroplane and are processed reasonably quickly as they bear the correct documentation.
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Dec 22, 2010
Excerpts from the Declaration of Human Rights to which Australia has agreed

Article 3.

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person

Article 7.

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 9.

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 14.

(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Article 22.

Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security and is entitled to realization, through national effort and international co-operation and in accordance with the organization and resources of each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the free development of his personality.

Article 28.

Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.

Now please tell me how many of these rights is the government in violation of by locking men, women and children in over crowded and badly maintained detention centres away from a means of establishing a proper lifestyle.

Chemical Ali

지금은 소녀시대
Feb 22, 2006
This question begets two answers, either they didnt have passports and illegally crossed the boarders of multiple countries to get to Indonesia, or
They did have passports when they arrived in Indonesia all of which subsequently magically dissappeared before they arrived in Australia.

Thus either these people are happy to flout and ignore international laws giving no indication that they won't treat Australian laws in the same manner, or they have purposefully obscured information about their backgrounds before they arrive.

As it happens it appears that in a large number of cases the "asylum seekers" destroy their own passports while in transit to Australia.
You're a member of an ethnic minority in a South East asian country; the government of the day doesn't like your ethnicity. You can be forcefully evicted, your land can be confiscated and you aren't considered a full citizen of your country. You're not entitled to a birth certificate or a passport.

You go to Malaysia or Indonesia, but you find the corruption and racism are just as bad and you can't get access to refugee procedures. You manage to get an ID card from UNHCR but corrupt cops take it off you.

You work illegally in Indonesia for a few years, constantly in fear of being put in detention because you're stateless. You manage to save up ~$1000 and get on a boat to Australia.

Where do these people fit in your scheme here?


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
Lets do a quick analysis of the Illegal Immigrants/Asylum Seekers/Boat People problem.

A group of people arrive in Australia from Indonesia claiming to be from Afghanistan; they lack passports and all other forms of identification.
So question 1: How do these people get to Indonesia from Afghanistan without passports?

This question begets two answers, either they didnt have passports and illegally crossed the boarders of multiple countries to get to Indonesia, or
They did have passports when they arrived in Indonesia all of which subsequently magically dissappeared before they arrived in Australia.

Thus either these people are happy to flout and ignore international laws giving no indication that they won't treat Australian laws in the same manner, or they have purposefully obscured information about their backgrounds before they arrive.

As it happens it appears that in a large number of cases the "asylum seekers" destroy their own passports while in transit to Australia.

Having spoken with a number of people affiliated with the naval actions regarding such "boat people" a common complaint was that prior to being boarded they sabotage their own boats by such actions as flooding the engine with seawater; jettisoning the engine, setting fire to the boat or scuttling the boat thereby attempting to force the navy to "rescue" them and take then back to the mainland. An example of this occured during the Tampa affair when upon being told that the Norwegian vessel would not be taking them to Australia, they proceeded to spend the rest of the trip spitting on the crew.
Yet these people want to become part of our community?

The next claim is that it takes too long to process the "asylum seekers"; it is not surprising that this is the case given that their past history is obfuscated (willfully or otherwise) and that refugee status is only given to people from certain regions of Afghanistan; which all such "boat people" claim to be from. Thus the process is to not only determine whether such people are indeed from Afghanistan, and are who they claim to be, but to determine their actual places of residence. This has led to some cases only being resolved by a translator attempting to determine the "refugee's" accent by speaking to them. Following determining whether they are legitimate or otherwise a security check needs to be done in order to determine any past criminal records or war crimes affiliations; often any "refugees" with such black marks have undergone a change of name just prior to departing their original country such that when asked the records have not yet been transferred to the new name and they appear to be unblemished.

An example of how fast identification can be occured when a man convicted of manslaughter in Canada attempted to arrive in Australia claiming to be from Afghanistan; he was identified before the boat made landfall.

At no point do these "asylum seekers" assist the authorities in their identification or processing, generally they languish in the detention centres and after a period of time they apply for inhumane treatment, their processing is stopped and they are basically let out into the community. With this regard Australia has a 100% retention rate of those who claim to be "asylum seekers" due to this level of obfuscation, as opposed to the maximum level in Europe being 18%; (82% are discovered to have lied about their origins or past records).

For those who advocate "community detention" it is of note that at least 5 people of Middle Eastern descent are currently fugitives from the law in Melbourne, and the police suspect that they are being harboured by their ethnic groups. There is nothing to say that once said "asylum seekers" are placed in community detention that they dont just claim to be a legal migrant or Australian born citizen of the same ethnicity and vanish into their own cultural enclaves.

(And this is before we consider why if they had reached Indonesia without being apprehended [The biggest country of the Islamic religion in the world] they didnt just stay there)

inb4 tldr
If you have open borders you don't have illegal immigrants.

antonio primo

Sep 28, 2011
but if you do have open borders you have people with downs syndrome in charge

antonio primo

Sep 28, 2011
I don't understand your logic, please justify your statement
well see

open borders is a policy supported by
1) one world liberals
3) people with downs syndrome (never unoverlapping categories)

people with downs syndrome will only vote for other people with downs syndrome (downs syndrome nepotism)


1) only people with downs syndrome will support open borders
2) people with downs syndrome will only support people with downs syndrome
3) an elected governing body that advocates open borders could therefore only consist of people with downs syndrome

there's my logic
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