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im pucking fissed offfff (4 Viewers)

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Happy Member
Jul 15, 2004
Generator said:
Haha yes, let us all think that there is no alternative and that the terrorists are at fault... We have no reason to be living in fear, and we all deserve to have our privacy respected.
we probably do have an alternative and we dont have to live in fear but there is a genuine need to have increased national security (and people see reasons to be fearful or cautious about these sorts of things. i know id be piss scared if we had an incident such as 9/11 in sydney but what can we do anyways). all im saying is that because of terrorism we are having our privacy taken away when it comes to these forms of communications because this is the form of communication terrorists take advantage of. what alternatives can you think of? to me it seems like an effective way to catch terrorists (but yes it does decrease privacy, but who really has privacy on the internet anyway. we only think we have privacy but who knows whos hacking onto our computers in the first place because it is already quite easy for people to do).

good for you if you dont live in fear but alot of the population do live in fear. the government cant please everyone and never will? what could be so important to discuss on the phone or email or sms? this sort of security could very well protect us from an attack. i think privacy will just have to be sacrificed for this.

i dont care about the whole privacy thing because if anything is that private i wouldnt discuss it on the phone or email or sms. a private phone call wont mean anything to a person tapping the call unless they know you anyway.
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Feb 29, 2004
You say 'fuck' alot. it's lost it's effect really


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
lukebennett said:
good for you if you dont live in fear but alot of the population do live in fear. the government cant please everyone and never will? what could be so important to discuss on the phone or email or sms? this sort of security could very well protect us from an attack. i think privacy will just have to be sacrificed for this.
Funnily enough, Australia is far from being a dangerous place, so why do they live in fear? It is not as though they have any real reason to be living in such a state of mind.

It should not matter whether it is important or not. Given that this is Australia (a (remote) liberal-democracy), the government has no reason to grant itself easier access into our private conversations just for the sake of 'protecting' the population from 'the terrorists'.


Happy Member
Jul 15, 2004
Generator said:
Funnily enough, Australia is far from being a dangerous place, so why do they live in fear? It is not as though they have any real reason to be living in such a state of mind.

It should not matter whether it is important or not. Given that this is Australia (a (remote) liberal-democracy), the government has no reason to grant itself easier access into our private conversations just for the sake of 'protecting' the population from 'the terrorists'.
it is not whether people should live in fear or not, because people do live in fear and these people need to feel and be accomodated for be greater security measures. we are a safer country but that doesnt mean we are safe and shouldnt take procautions. we get enough threats (which could be seen as scare tactics) and its not right to just rest on your laurels. i dont think that they should have that right but considering we dont truely live in privacy when we email or phones (we feel that we do). i dont see how it makes a difference.

what do you mean by JUST "protecting" the population from the "terrorists"? you may not think there is a genuine threat but i wouldnt rely on that just for the sake of some privacy. you might like to be cynical about it but i dont think its worth treating these threats lightly. it readily give up a private conversation if it meant that australia would be safer, even though you may think it wont make a difference. i agree that there is no point living in fear if there is nothing we can do about it but i believe in taking precautions.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
There is a slight difference between taking precautions and taking away our civil liberties (however intact they may be at the current time).
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Happy Member
Jul 15, 2004
i guess youre right there but i guess it depends on your priorities. some australian people have ruined it for everyone by getting involved in terrorism and misusing what is a civil liberty (ability to communicate) but something that we are lucky to have also.

what other alternative do you see aside obviously not invading privacy? (im not trying to challenge you by asking you this btw)


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Try and address the reasons for such behaviour (which I doubt is as widespread as you believe) rather than merely react to the events. That may be a good starting point.


Happy Member
Jul 15, 2004
i dont know how widespread it is, but does anyone? addressing the reasons for the behaviour is impossible


Happy Member
Jul 15, 2004
when you mean behaviour do you mean terrorist behaviour. the islamic terrorists wont stop till they have destroyed the "christian" countries who they see as infidels. the roots of this problem are very religious based and cant be solved easily and the only way to solve them is to give in to the extremists and let them have their way. the cant be any compromise as seen in the israel palestine issue.


Jun 27, 2004
luke bennet - are you stupid?

generator ur a genius :)

luke - dont pass the buck.................dont blame the terrorists for the actions of our government.

if our government didnt alllow middle easterners into the country..................we would pretty much be imune from terrrorism...................

secondly, the police can conduct surveilence etc.............but it needs to be reasonable........

many innnocent ppple are going to sufffer.... if we alllow the government to abolish all the safe guards put in place to protect the citizens against government abuse.

there hasnt beeen any terrorism here..........even if there was a bit.........big fucking deal..............................................its better to have freedom and all that......................

the government is using ur fear and ur stupidty against u...

People should have the right to have private conversations......and live a private life without interference from the government.

When we have this sort of system that the government is trying to develop - unrelstricted surveilllence of its citizens, even decent ppple who speak out against the government willl be dragged through the coals.

Bennet ur a fucking disgrace -------terrrerism is nothing its bullll shit...............what u should be scared of is ur government abusing its powers to infringe on ur rights.
terrorism is a myth, where as governmetn abuse of power is a reality.

Once they take liberties from u...........they dont give them back. There pretty much gone forever,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we must take a stand if we want australia to be a freee country.

Loook at iraq ---------------we went to war and killled a shit load of innocent ppple..........cos of wmd's that seeeem to not even exist.................dont u get it man ----------------------the government is using fear, to drum up a big scare compain so we alll surrrender alll our rights and freeedoms........................wake up u fucking spastic.

we have 20 million freee ppppl.e................so lets say we have a terrorist attack..... like an average attack only kills like 20 pppple or lesssw.................

that equals like 1/1000000 of the population.........who gives a fucking rats arse....i would prefer to have 19,999,980 freee australians......................than 20,000,000 enslaved australians.

if 20 die we can always just let another 20 immmigrants come over....................big fucking deal.


Happy Member
Jul 15, 2004
tattoodguy said:
luke bennet - are you stupid?

generator ur a genius :)

luke - dont pass the buck.................dont blame the terrorists for the actions of our government.

if our government didnt alllow middle easterners into the country..................we would pretty much be imune from terrrorism...................

secondly, the police can conduct surveilence etc.............but it needs to be reasonable........

many innnocent ppple are going to sufffer.... if we alllow the government to abolish all the safe guards put in place to protect the citizens against government abuse.

there hasnt beeen any terrorism here..........even if there was a bit.........big fucking deal..............................................its better to have freedom and all that......................

the government is using ur fear and ur stupidty against u...

People should have the right to have private conversations......and live a private life without interference from the government.

When we have this sort of system that the government is trying to develop - unrelstricted surveilllence of its citizens, even decent ppple who speak out against the government willl be dragged through the coals.

Bennet ur a fucking disgrace -------terrrerism is nothing its bullll shit...............what u should be scared of is ur government abusing its powers to infringe on ur rights.
terrorism is a myth, where as governmetn abuse of power is a reality.

Once they take liberties from u...........they dont give them back. There pretty much gone forever,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,we must take a stand if we want australia to be a freee country.

Loook at iraq ---------------we went to war and killled a shit load of innocent ppple..........cos of wmd's that seeeem to not even exist.................dont u get it man ----------------------the government is using fear, to drum up a big scare compain so we alll surrrender alll our rights and freeedoms........................wake up u fucking spastic.

we have 20 million freee ppppl.e................so lets say we have a terrorist attack..... like an average attack only kills like 20 pppple or lesssw.................

that equals like 1/1000000 of the population.........who gives a fucking rats arse....i would prefer to have 19,999,980 freee australians......................than 20,000,000 enslaved australians.

if 20 die we can always just let another 20 immmigrants come over....................big fucking deal.
hey im entitled to my opinion!!! and dont forget the second "t" in bennett please (makes for a slightly stronger put down when someone can spell your name properly too).

i never said i like the idea of less privacy but i can understand why the gov has acted in this way. immune from terrorism if we had no middle easteners???? thats a bit unrealistic (unless pauline hanson was in power) and its not because of all middle easteners, its because of extremists.

I dont think the gov could be bothered wasting their resources on surveillance if they didnt see terrorism as a problem. you know sometimes there are people to blame for gov actions, not always scapegoats pulled from thin air.

innocent people going to suffer? you make it sound like we're all going to die if we lose a little privacy!!!!! what if we were attacked? i think that would be suffering!!! you dont want to regret saying all that about attacks on australia. the bali bombings were bad enough and i think alot of the victims would happily give up some privacy if it could have stopped that attack. i think those deaths and people whose lives are changed forever have sufferend more than some people who are having some private convos about their last sexual experience or husbands asking "whats for dinner?" listened into.

i can understand what you are saying even though i dont agree. its not a simple topic and you cannot sit on the fence with this. these are my priorities and id like it if youd respect that as i have yours. you just sound like an absolute fool with a small dick, who swears to compensate for it. honestly your argument is poorly written. how is terrorism nothing? it is sensationalised in cases but is nothing to take lightly. we are at risk and you can understand what the country could lose if it we're attacked and how our economy could go down the drain. its not simple. it would be great to have both privacy and safety from terrorism.

btw several hundred died in the bali bombings. i would readily give up my privacy on the phone or internet if they copuld be saved. what if they were your family killed there? we are hardly enslaved. think through what you just said. 20 deaths affects alot more than 20 people. having your phone and net tapped is hardly enslaved. its not great, but id rather people lived.

it seems like a scare campaign i admit, but in iraq hussein genocided millions upon millions of people. i agree with them getting rid of sadam but not going in there for "wmd's". they could have gone in there in a better fashion too and it seems they would have been better off not going into iraq at all. they arent using fear in this little conspiracy of yours. i think the 9/11 attacks did that easily enough. i also dont see what interest they would have going through our emails and phone calls anyway if there was no reason to. i frankly dont care about them listening in or recording calls of mine. i just use it to communicate with people and get a message across etc what could be so private anyways.
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Jun 27, 2004
alot of ppple have private conversations.............................espececially with a gf or whatever......wife....................and it should remain private.

its not only privacy...........its gauntanomi bay.........................its random searches...................its all that type of thing.

its a whole series of things........and the trend.......that im concerned about...............

im sympathetic to those who died in bali. but i dont wnata let the police read my fucking emails .......just because a few ppple got burnt etc.

btw 200 big fucking shit.......thats still not very many.

i said the average was like 20..............

in the filopines etc..pakistan.....there are plenty of terrorist attacks that kill like 5 ppple etc. so thats where i got 20 from.........

If my family got killed in the bali bombings................i wouldnt be happy..but like...........i wouldnt want to give up my privacy, just so they could be alive - its selfish.......just cos my family died all australians should looose all the liberties???????????? im not a selfish person.

btw most of ur response was respectful-- thank you..........sorrry for my abuse.


Happy Member
Jul 15, 2004
tattoodguy said:
alot of ppple have private conversations.............................espececially with a gf or whatever......wife....................and it should remain private.

its not only privacy...........its gauntanomi bay.........................its random searches...................its all that type of thing.

its a whole series of things........and the trend.......that im concerned about...............

im sympathetic to those who died in bali. but i dont wnata let the police read my fucking emails .......just because a few ppple got burnt etc.

btw 200 big fucking shit.......thats still not very many.

i said the average was like 20..............

in the filopines etc..pakistan.....there are plenty of terrorist attacks that kill like 5 ppple etc. so thats where i got 20 from.........

If my family got killed in the bali bombings................i wouldnt be happy..but like...........i wouldnt want to give up my privacy, just so they could be alive - its selfish.......just cos my family died all australians should looose all the liberties???????????? im not a selfish person.

btw most of ur response was respectful-- thank you..........sorrry for my abuse.
it is quite difficult to decide which stance to take when youd rather sit on the fence so i dont mind your opinion i just have different priorities to you. but with private convos being monitored, i dont even thikn youd realise they are screening your calls anyway but i guess its fair enough to want privacy. i personally dont have that many private convos on the phone, mostly face to face with people. id have a problem if it was someone i knew listening in on the call though, but i dont think the gov would know the personal context so it wouldnt really bother ME that way. i cant speak for everyone though


so don't even ask me
Nov 30, 2003
ok, I didn't read this whole thread but the one thing that struck me was - no one seems concerned that many of our civil liberties are being compromised or degraded by the government. I'm not saying we shouldn't be careful, but we can't just fail to question all these changes re:phone tapping etc, because if we don't, where does it end?


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
What are you worried about from the phone tapping etc?

If the government didn't do this... and we were attacked, most would say they didn't do enough.


Happy Member
Jul 15, 2004
Not-That-Bright said:
What are you worried about from the phone tapping etc?

If the government didn't do this... and we were attacked, most would say they didn't do enough.
thats what i think. but there is definately the danger of it slowly escalating i must admit. i honestly dont think that it is that much of a privacy invasion. its not like everyone is allowed to hear your phone calls or see your emails is it?


Jun 27, 2004
look at guintanimo bay ---------------- locked up for 3 years before getting a trial....................its not right.

there are so many exmaples of abuse..........................by government departments its not even funnny.

there needs to be strict guidelines........................just beacuas the government or someone doesnt like someone...............they can probably abuse their powers. to attack individuals...........

why was pauline hanson put in jail ---------------is there a link to the government?
like the government.......encouarged her to be prosectuted etc?????used its powers etc?

our government goes into iraq...........to disarm the wmd's it was all a fucking scam. we can not trust our government.

the government made pple register their weopons.......then a few years later..they confiscated them.....................the governemtn is so morally corrupt..........they can not be trusted.

it does alot of harm. --- when we have laws like -------------------interogating ppple with no lawyers, holding ppple without charge for a few days, not allowing ppple to face and question their acccusers- allowing the police to conduct random searches on innocent pppple,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and many other controsl such as making everyone cqarrry around id cards..............................or putting metal chips in ppples heads..............

we are a freee nation..............freeedom is important..............if we surrender our freeedoms to our government..................the terrrorists fucking win......
being freeee is victory over the terrrorists i recon.........cos they wnat us to be unahppy and.........scared and shit..........
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