Not-That-Bright... Brother.. the story of which i told was not the reason in which i am now Muslim...
you are trying to spread the message about your Prophet
Brother i am simply interpreting an event.. im not Promoting Islam.. not to you anyway... my brother im not preaching either... and about the whole disscusion on the merits... do you go and tell a Christian that it is silly to believe Jesus(pbuh) was nailed to a cross?? because you said it is silly to believe in our story... why?? why is our story so wrong?? why is our story so "silly"? your saying a story in which over 1.8 billion people believe in is silly?
if you really want to get technical my Brother.. then read exactly what it is i said.. i said " if anyone wants to read a story about our prayer or our Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) journey then here is one..." my Brother.. understand nobody asked you to read the story.. you chose to read the story.. are you maybe interested in becoming a Muslim?you read the story of your own free will my Brother...
if you really must know.. it is a response to the very first post on this topic.. and about me explaining why i converted and why i believe in it.. i was asked by Soha..
my Brother... you have to right to voice your opinion but please dont let your opinion be one of hate.. or one that generates hate..
To those individuals who have yet to understand or consider the great system of Islam... we say peace be upon those who follow the guidence..
Alhamdu lil-lahi rab-bil alameen
Ar Rahmanir-Raheem
Maliki yawmid-deen
Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyake nasta'een
Ihdinas siratal mustaqeem
Siratal ladheena an'amata 'alayhim
Ghayril maghdubi 'alayhim wala daal-leen. Ameen
peace and blessings on all..