Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
Did nt you arabs rejected the UN partition plan? Why use it as a basis for your claim if you rejected it? You cant have it both way. Either way you lose. You are too greedy, you wanted it all and lose almost all of it. Even Allah hates greedy people like you, thats why he helped jews defeat arabs countries who wanted to steal lands from jews and kill them all.
So?? even if the arabs rejected the partition plan, does that mean that israel can then greedily go and steal more land, that does not belong to them, and displace over 7000000 palestinans in the process??

Wrong. Most arabs left on their free will. yes there was violence on both sides, All started by arabs and jews retaliation. Arabs left, because they have arabs countries to go (where they belong). Jews stayed despite arabs massacre of jews in tel aviv, jerusalem, haifa, hebron, nazareth etc, because they have no where else to go except their rightful country Israel. They endured 50 years of arabs hostilities and violence.

This shows arabs left on their free will
The Arab Liberation Army embarked on a systematic evacuation of non-combatants from several frontier villages in order to turn them into military strongholds (Gelber, p. 79). By the end of March 1948 around 100,000 Palestinian Arabs had fled to other parts of Palestine such as Nazareth, Nablus and Bethlehem or had left the country altogether (Morris, p. 67) to settle in Transjordan or Egypt. Many of these were Palestinian Arab leaders, middle and upper-class Palestinian Arab families from urban areas In 1951 the United Nations gave the final estimate of their number as 711,000.

By 1951, about 30 percent of the population in Israel was accounted for by Jews from Arab countries and about 850,000 Jews emigrated from Arab countries between 1948 and 1952. During this time 586,269 Jews came to Israel from Arab countries, and 3,136,436 people live in Israel today including their offspring, which account for about 41 per cent of the total population.

The fact is there are more jews who were forced to leave their country by arabs countries 850,000 compared to a mere 711,000 palestinians who willingly left palestine. Palestinians do so at their own choice where as jews were expelled.

You always flip flop on your so called facts, earlier you claimed 7 million now just 5 million, probably lebanese soldiers killed another 2 million palestinians? :rofl::rofl:
those arabs, were telling palestinans to flee or they will get killed by the israelis. that doesnt mean that the palestinians left their country according to thier own free will.
lol, or do you expect them to sit around until the israeli terrorist groups come and massacre and butcher them and burn them alive, just like what they did in deir yassin, lod, jenin, rafah, and in every other part of palestine? Those monstorous massacres committed by israel displaced over 7000000 palestinians.

And what does an arab needs to go in a jewish settlent road? to commit suicide bombings? By all means israel must protect its citizens.
once again, Do you see christian only suburbs, muslim-only suburbs or jewish only suburbs in australia? israel is the only place that has such a system of jewish only suburbs/settlemnts and jewish only roads. Even christian reporters from the U.S or U.N arent allowed to use the "jewish-only" roads.

What are you complaining about Israel phasing out palestinian employments who are NOT inside Israel and are not its citizens while you lebs actually banned them for 50 years from most employment eventhough they live INSIDE lebanon?
Palestinians with a israeli citizenship are not allowed to work in israel, infact by 2008, according to sharons plan, not one arab-israeli would be allowed to work in israel. (as indicated in my source, in my other post).

if they wanted to be united they can go to palestine and live with them. israel does not have a problem with that, it only have problems with terrorists using and abusing the trust and sympathy of Israeli government by allowing them into israel, then blew themselves up to kill innocent people. if they stopped their terrorists activites, ther would be no restrictions. End your violent terrorism before you beg for israeli visa.
Israel doesnt want the arab-israeli's having their spouses living and unitng with them in israel, because they dont want palestinians (arab israelis) in israel, its a just another filthy way of making sure that they are politely forced out of the country. However, the whole world can see right through that filthy little trick, which is why human resources organization are strongly against these policies. Israel is doing that because they want to exterminate and annihilate all signs of arab existance in israel. They do that on purpose because they kow that the israeli-arabs will leave their homes, to live wth his/her partner in the west bank. A great oppurtunity for israel to steal their homes and lands.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Whatever, if you want to stop using logic in your arguments, that’s fine by me ê it should be clear to anyone who has been following this debate that I have clearly shown how this is wrong...

actually anyone following this thread will realize that you never ever have shown that this was wrong, lol :rofl:

No, it was actually the Arabs who warned about supposed IDF massacres in those cities. The rest has already been addressed previously, stop the rhetoric.
Actually the terrorist group irgun, were killing people and they were using trucks with speakers, and they were telling people to flee or they will massacre them. they terrorised the palestinians, and they frightened them, so they left their home and land, which israel stole.
Actually Zionism was created as a response to anti-Semitism, or did you not bother researching it? If it was only based on the Torah (not Bible) then why didn’t they move back earlier? Palestinians were displaced because they started a war and lost and now refuse the many peace offers that Israel has tried.
palestinians were displaced because israel committed atrocious massacres against them. I dont like repeating myself, but unfortunalty, you are to thick to understand that, which is why i have to repeat myself till the your tiny little brain grasps the fact, lol :D
No, they were constructed because the Palestinians in the West Bank refused to use the roads that Jews used. As well as this in response to shootings by Palestinians, some highways, especially those leading to Israeli settlements, are completely inaccessible to cars with Palestinian license plates, while many other roads are restricted only to public transportation and to Palestinians who have special permits from Israeli authorities. Due to numerous shooting assaults targeting Israeli vehicles, the IDF bars Israelis from using most of the original roads in the West Bank. Israel's longstanding policy of separation-to-prevent-friction dictates the development of alternative highway systems for Israelis and Palestinian traffic.
nope those roads were created only for jews, because they dont want any other human being using it, even christians and budhists, or people from any other religion are not allowed to use the roads. Its not only racism against the palestinians, but its racism against every other human being in the world who is not a jewish person. kinda sounds like a apartheid......

Atilla89 said:
You idiot, he is not part of the Israeli government. Therefore he doesn’t reflect their opinions. What he says is different to those in power.

My point stands.
well whether you like it or not, thats ariel sharons opinion too, its one of israel's future rules for empolyment that will take place in 2008.
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Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
[/color] Actually the terrorist group irgun, were killing people and they were using trucks with speakers, and they were telling people to flee or they will massacre them. they terrorised the palestinians, and they frightened them, so they left their home and land, which Israel stole.

palestinians were displaced because israel committed atrocious massacres against them. I dont like repeating myself, but unfortunalty, you are to thick to understand that, which is why i have to repeat myself till the your tiny little brain grasps the fact, lol :D
First put down a source for what your saying. Secondly they used those trucks with speakers to warn civlians to get out of the towns so the Irgun and other offensive forces could attack. But then you always ignore that is Israel who tries to minimise casaulties in a war, don't you?

MaNiElla said:
nope those roads were created only for jews, because they dont want any other human being using it, even christians and budhists, or people from any other religion are not allowed to use the roads. Its not only racism against the palestinians, but its racism against every other human being in the world who is not a jewish person. kinda sounds like a apartheid......
Once again putting down a source helps. Also you I have already defeated that argument in my last post to you. BTW, Apartheid is based on race, not religion, or did you forget to learn South Africa's history as well?

MaNiElla said:
well whether you like it or not, thats ariel sharons opinion too, its one of israel's future rules for empolyment that will take place in 2008.
Sources??? I seriously doubt what you are saying. Try make your source as non-biased as possible please...


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
First put down a source for what your saying. Secondly they used those trucks with speakers to warn civlians to get out of the towns so the Irgun and other offensive forces could attack. But then you always ignore that is Israel who tries to minimise casaulties in a war, don't you?

Once again putting down a source helps. Also you I have already defeated that argument in my last post to you. BTW, Apartheid is based on race, not religion, or did you forget to learn South Africa's history as well?

Sources??? I seriously doubt what you are saying. Try make your source as non-biased as possible please...
Atilla, please read my post carefully, because i provided sources on everything you want in my other posts. Although you might have to go back a page or two and you'l find them.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
no they are not, all forms of racism are exerted on the palestinians in israel every single day. Even israelis know that

this article is about a british jewish lady, who is living in israel, she explains how arab-israeli's face racism in israel every single day of their life.
If you really want to see what racism is I can provide you from how you lebs treated Palestinians, your so called arabs brothers.
Palestinians in Lebanon are denied access to a large number of professional occupations, cannot own property, and have limited access to health, education, and social services. The lack of access to work and its related income are creating an increasingly illiterate, unemployable and resentful population within its border, though Lebanon has the option of issuing temporary and renewable work permits to Palestinian refugees. In addition, last fall Lebanon passed a law depriving only Palestinians of any real estate ownership in Lebanon as well as forbidding the passing on of property to their heirs. For many, the stroke of a pen cost them the investments they had collected over a lifetime. These factors, taken together with little access to health and education outside UNRWA services, have created a nearly unbearable situation for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
:rofl::rofl: Now thats what I call systematic racism of arab lebanese towards their fellow arabs palestinian. Is that what they called arab brotherhood or muslim brotherhood :D? Discriminating your own people and treat them as slaves?

Israel allied with the U.S, U.N, and France the strongest army forces of that time and till this day, helped israel fight the arabs, who didnt have as much weapons as they did.
UN where did and when did UN/US/France fought alongside Israeli soldiers? France is the strongest opponent of Israel actions on palestine, if you even care to evaluate their policy. Accept it, you arabs are backward, you have tanks, jet fighters the best made in USSR and Russia, the only thing you lack is courage and ability to use those weapons. You are weak and coward and ran away as soon as your soldiers saw Israeli soldiers :rofl::rofl:

israel did confiscate land owned by arab-israelis, it also forcefully stole it from them, and they are not even allowed to rent the land, even the land that once belonged to them.
So does arabs, Egypt confiscate thousands of homes and properties of jews and expelled them or arrest them and torture them. Whatever you accuse jews of doing it has already been done to jews by arabs. Whatever Israel did is just a retaliation.

Do you see christian only suburbs, muslim-only suburbs or jewish only suburbs in australia? israel is the only place that has such a system of jewish only suburbs/settlemnts and jewish only roads. Even christian reporters from the U.S or U.N arent allowed to use the "jewish-only" roads.
Beirut have christian suburb, muslim suburb, hizbollah suburb etc. all areas in Jerusalem and other major cities in Israel have already been divided along religious line before jews started mass migration or Israel was formed. You should blame Ottoman empire for that if you think that was bad. By the way, i know that muslim live in lakemba areas and crime is rampant there.

yes Switzerland does have tough citizenship laws, but they still allow anyone from any religion to become a citizen, unlike israel. The only people who are allowed to become israeli citizens are jewish people only.
They do not allow anyone to become citizens, they have strict laws and they definitely do NOT allow muslims to become citizens except on rare cases. For your information Most (88.3% as of 2000) Muslims in Switzerland are not Swiss citizens, and you know why. And again you are wrong, spouses of israeli citizens from any religion can have Israeli citizenship. restrictions are placed only on people from palestinian areas which Israel have every right to do, just like Ausatralia have the right to refuse visa to your lebanese husband.

lol, plenty of palestininas work in any part of the world, its only israel who doesnt allow that. in israel employment is only for jewish people, no one else can work there.
And Plenty of Palestinian, in fact 25% of Palestinian work inside Israel where as Lebanon banned them from all kinds of works except in lower and slave like condition of work. You should lick israeli feet for employing Palestinians whom your country refused them work.

As for the border guards, they are sick perved men/women (like yourself) who are willing to rape anyone, and when i say anyone, im talking about, women, men, babies, infants, boys, girls, you name them!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
since you love accusing them of what they did not do. I'd say maybe they copied your paedophile prophet Muhammad? :rofl::rofl:

Lol, you are such a retard ;)
do you see the UN human resources, here in australia, trying to persuade the government to allow family unification for people. Well thats what the UN human resources, are doing up in israel. Israel is denying palestinians to unite with their family at all expenses, which is why the UN is trying to persuade Israel to revoke this law and to allow family unification for arab Israelis
Wrong, they are free to go to palestinian areas if they want to unite, they are free to visit them anytime. Israel have the right to refuse visa to anyone entering its territory just like Australia refused visa to your lebanese family.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ROFL @the 1st sentence :rofl::rofl:
Actually, the word gay pride and pink, are used by you, to represent yourelf, and to represent your deep hidden desire that you can only express in a forum ;)
Yeah I noticed how retarded you could be, Gaypride is the term used all over on the press to be exact by BBC
controversial gay pride rally has taken place in Jerusalem despite calls from religious leaders to ban it. About 4,000 gay men, lesbians and civil rights supporters gathered at the Hebrew University stadium.
I noticed your folks are retards and are not up to date with vernacular english. And your obsession with the gay part shows typical muslim discriminating attitude towards homosexuals who are regularly hanged and beheaded by muslims under Islamic Sharia Law. Under liberal democracy of Israel, gays and women oppressed by your religioous leaders are safe.

My source says that the israeli's were ordered to shoot anyone, whether they are armed or unarmed, dont try to cover up for the actions of the cold-blooded, savage, blood-thirsty israeli soldiers. Their vicious treatment of the palestinians are one of the worlds most horrifying actions.
Your source also said that it happened during 2nd intifada in which children as young as 10 were used as suicide bombers and women are forced to hide bombs inside their burka. Perfectly valid target :D
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Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
So?? even if the arabs rejected the partition plan, does that mean that israel can then greedily go and steal more land, that does not belong to them, and displace over 7000000 palestinans in the process??
yes Israel have the right to seize lands it earned with the sweat and blood of brave israeli soldiers in a war started by arabs. You are just a sore loser in those wars, your greed destroyed palestinian dreams.

those arabs, were telling palestinans to flee or they will get killed by the israelis. that doesnt mean that the palestinians left their country according to thier own free will.
lol, or do you expect them to sit around until the israeli terrorist groups come and massacre and butcher them and burn them alive, just like what they did in deir yassin, lod, jenin, rafah, and in every other part of palestine? Those monstorous massacres committed by israel displaced over 7000000 palestinians.
Exactly, they told lies to palestinians telling them to leave because Israel is gonna kill them. 1.4 million arabs stayed and No they were not killed. They are wise enough to stay and trust israelis instead of believing the lies of lebs, syrians and egyptians. Most of those massacres you mentioned are infact committed by invading arabs armies to create fear among palestinians to force them to leave. Many Palestinians knew that arabs armies cannot be trusted and they trusted Israel instead and stayed. :rofl::rofl:

once again, Do you see christian only suburbs, muslim-only suburbs or jewish only suburbs in australia? israel is the only place that has such a system of jewish only suburbs/settlemnts and jewish only roads. Even christian reporters from the U.S or U.N arent allowed to use the "jewish-only" roads.
I see christian/muslim/druze/hizbollah suburb in your own country Lebanon. As long as those suburb exist you have no reason to critisize Israel :D

Palestinians with a israeli citizenship are not allowed to work in israel, infact by 2008, according to sharons plan, not one arab-israeli would be allowed to work in israel. (as indicated in my source, in my other post).
Bwa ha ha more lies. If they are not allowed to work ther would not be 12 arab MP in Israeli parliament. :rofl::rofl: That is more diverse than australia where you have NO muslim (because of your ugliness and backwardness)

Israel doesnt want the arab-israeli's having their spouses living and unitng with them in israel, because they dont want palestinians (arab israelis) in israel, its a just another filthy way of making sure that they are politely forced out of the country. However, the whole world can see right through that filthy little trick, which is why human resources organization are strongly against these policies. Israel is doing that because they want to exterminate and annihilate all signs of arab existance in israel. They do that on purpose because they kow that the israeli-arabs will leave their homes, to live wth his/her partner in the west bank. A great oppurtunity for israel to steal their homes and lands.
More filthy lies, Arab israelis can bring their spouses except from palestinian areas. That is to make sure palestinians do not immigrate into Israel. Israel have every right to maintain its demographic balance, and australia restricted immigration to high skilled people on demand only. That is NOT racism either. Its a privilege. foreigners have NO rights to enter another country without the permission of that country.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
If you really want to see what racism is I can provide you from how you lebs treated Palestinians, your so called arabs brothers.
Now thats what I call systematic racism of arab lebanese towards their fellow arabs palestinian. Is that what they called arab brotherhood or muslim brotherhood ? Discriminating your own people and treat them as slaves?
Its nothing compared to the racism that they face from the israeli's.
UN where did and when did UN/US/France fought alongside Israeli soldiers? France is the strongest opponent of Israel actions on palestine, if you even care to evaluate their policy. Accept it, you arabs are backward, you have tanks, jet fighters the best made in USSR and Russia, the only thing you lack is courage and ability to use those weapons. You are weak and coward and ran away as soon as your soldiers saw Israeli soldiers
you seriously are a ungrateful, gender confused, hate mogering liar. your only good at making up dirty, fithy lies.
the UN, US and france helped israel defeat the arabs in a couple of wars, so it wasnt a fair game. the most powerful military forces of all-time all combined against the arabs, who dont have as much weapons as them.
From 1949 to 1956 the armed truce between Israel and the Arabs, enforced in part by the UN forces, was punctuated by raids and reprisals. Among the world powers, the United States, Great Britain, and France sided with Israel
So does arabs, Egypt confiscate thousands of homes and properties of jews and expelled them or arrest them and torture them. Whatever you accuse jews of doing it has already been done to jews by arabs. Whatever Israel did is just a retaliation.
well im sorry on what happend to the jews in eygpt and in other parts of the world, and i sympathise them. but why do the israelis have to seek out revenge on the Palestinians???Just because the eygptians took the land from the jews, it doesnt mean that they can go and steal, confiscate and forcefully take the Palestinian peoples land. The Palestinians had nothing to do with how eygptians took the land from the jews, or with how jews were treated in other parts of the worlds.
Beirut have christian suburb, muslim suburb, hizbollah suburb etc. all areas in Jerusalem and other major cities in Israel have already been divided along religious line before jews started mass migration or Israel was formed. You should blame Ottoman empire for that if you think that was bad. By the way, i know that muslim live in lakemba areas and crime is rampant there.
I see christian/muslim/druze/hizbollah suburb in your own country Lebanon. As long as those suburb exist you have no reason to critisize Israel:D
in Lebanon, christians can live in a muslim suburb, druze can live in a Christian suburb, and muslims can live in a druze suburb they can all live together. They dont have "muslim-only" settlements, "druze-only settlements" and "Christian-only settlements". Which is what Israel currently has "jewish-only" settlements and jewish only roads.
Oh, and Lakemba isnt a "muslim-only" suburb, many christians, buddhist, jews and many people with different religions live in Lakemba.Its a multi=cultural suburb and anyone has every right to live there.
They do not allow anyone to become citizens, they have strict laws and they definitely do NOT allow muslims to become citizens except on rare cases. For your information Most (88.3% as of 2000) Muslims in Switzerland are not Swiss citizens, and you know why. And again you are wrong, spouses of israeli citizens from any religion can have Israeli citizenship. restrictions are placed only on people from palestinian areas which Israel have every right to do, just like Ausatralia have the right to refuse visa to your lebanese husband.
well, Switzerland unlike israel has muslim citizens, jewish citezens and christian citizens.
And Plenty of Palestinian, in fact 25% of Palestinian work inside Israel where as Lebanon banned them from all kinds of works except in lower and slave like condition of work. You should lick israeli feet for employing Palestinians whom your country refused them work.

Bwa ha ha more lies. If they are not allowed to work ther would not be 12 arab MP in Israeli parliament. That is more diverse than australia where you have NO muslim (because of your ugliness and backwardness
small tiny percentage of non-jewish people, who are the Israeli-arabs who work in israel, will no longer be allowed to work there starting from 2008.

Wrong, they are free to go to palestinian areas if they want to unite, they are free to visit them anytime. Israel have the right to refuse visa to anyone entering its territory just like Australia refused visa to your lebanese family.

More filthy lies, Arab israelis can bring their spouses except from palestinian areas. That is to make sure palestinians do not immigrate into Israel. Israel have every right to maintain its demographic balance, and australia restricted immigration to high skilled people on demand only. That is NOT racism either. Its a privilege. foreigners have NO rights to enter another country without the permission of that country.
meh, its more like, annihilating and eradicating all signs of Palestinian existence in the land. If it wasnt racism, I wouldnt see the UN human organizations all over Israel trying to convince the government to relax its policies.
Yeah I noticed how retarded you could be, Gaypride is the term used all over on the press to be exact by BBC
I noticed your folks are retards and are not up to date with vernacular english. And your obsession with the gay part shows typical muslim discriminating attitude towards homosexuals who are regularly hanged and beheaded by muslims under Islamic Sharia Law. Under liberal democracy of Israel, gays and women oppressed by your religioous leaders are safe.
lolololololololololol :rofl::rofl: , and I noticed your obsesstion with the gay pride. im just emphasizing on the term "gay pride" for fun, because you are proud that such a even occurred. its obvious that you feel really passionate about this event, its such a shame that you had to miss out on it. But anywayzz, ON WITH THE PINK BOY!!! :rofl::rofl:

yes Israel have the right to seize lands it earned with the sweat and blood of brave israeli soldiers in a war started by arabs. You are just a sore loser in those wars, your greed destroyed palestinian dream
thats called stealing, or didnt your mummy and daddy tell you what stealing means. Israel is "gaining" more land everyday, more then what the UN allocated to it:

Exactly, they told lies to palestinians telling them to leave because Israel is gonna kill them. 1.4 million arabs stayed and No they were not killed. They are wise enough to stay and trust israelis instead of believing the lies of lebs, syrians and egyptians. Most of those massacres you mentioned are infact committed by invading arabs armies to create fear among palestinians to force them to leave. Many Palestinians knew that arabs armies cannot be trusted and they trusted Israel instead and stayed.
nah this is what happened:
1-the Israelis come into a village called deir yassin, and they savagely massacre everyone in it.

2-The next day the Israeli terrorist group irgun comes back with trucks and speakers, and they say: "if any of you are still here, get out or we will do another massacre like the one we did yesterday"

3- They go to neighbouring Palestinian villages and they tell em:"get out or we will massacre you, like how we massacred the people in the deir yassin village."

4-Of course the people freaked out and ran for their lives. which clearly proves that they terrorized and forced out of their country



Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
Its nothing compared to the racism that they face from the israeli's.
The reverse is true, while Palestinians are allowed to work inside Israel, in fact 25% of them do so while they are banned in Lebanon.
They are banned from owning property where as israeli arabs are allowed to have property and palestinians have their own property inside palestine. Even Amnesty international said
Amnesty International has previously expressed concern about legal and other discrimination against Palestinian refugees in Lebanon on several occasions – including in a briefing submitted to the CRC last April (Lebanon: Limitations on Rights of Palestinian Refugee Children, AI Index: MDE 18/004/2006), which described discrimination faced by Palestinian refugee children in their access to adequate housing, social security, education, and in their right to be registered. (typical arab racism towards their fellow arabs)

Discrimination against Palestinian refugee children is one aspect of the long-standing discrimination and abuses of fundamental economic and social rights of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. In relation to employment, Palestinian refugees have restricted access to work opportunities and diminished protection of their rights at work. A law regulating property ownership is formulated in such a way as to ban Palestinian refugees specifically from owning property.
Of course that means nothing to you because you just want them to use as slave labour in your country thats why you made them refugees in the first place.
you seriously are a ungrateful, gender confused, hate mogering liar. your only good at making up dirty, fithy lies.
the UN, US and france helped israel defeat the arabs in a couple of wars, so it wasnt a fair game. the most powerful military forces of all-time all combined against the arabs, who dont have as much weapons as them.
Your own source did not mention a single passage in which UN helped Israelis. Typical arab lies as usual. Furthermore, it only said US, UK and France SIDED with Israel while Soviet Union supported arabs cause. No where in the article said they HELPED Israel. Stop making up claims you cannot back up. Going further, it said from 1949-1956. Hey independence war was fought in 1948 you sore loser. :rofl::rofl: 6 days war was fought in 1967 that is after 1956, you sore loser again. and again 1973 war, another sore loser LOL.
well im sorry on what happend to the jews in eygpt and in other parts of the world, and i sympathise them. but why do the israelis have to seek out revenge on the Palestinians???Just because the eygptians took the land from the jews, it doesnt mean that they can go and steal, confiscate and forcefully take the Palestinian peoples land. The Palestinians had nothing to do with how eygptians took the land from the jews, or with how jews were treated in other parts of the worlds.
If they had nothing to do with Egypt or other arabs countries then why does Lebanon, Syria, Egypt , Jordan, and many other arabs countries invaded Israel 3 or 4 times with a aim of killing all jews? Clearly Palestinian had something to do with them, in fact most palestinians left palestine at the order of arab leaders and once again your sympathy is NOT appreciated, because Israel know what arab heart wants, that is complete destruction of Israel. If arabs countries can confiscate jewish property, Israel have the right to keep lands willingly left by arabs on their own free will. It will continue to do so. Those lands are earned by hard working and brave israeli soldiers with their life and blood.

in Lebanon, christians can live in a muslim suburb, druze can live in a Christian suburb, and muslims can live in a druze suburb they can all live together. They dont have "muslim-only" settlements, "druze-only settlements" and "Christian-only settlements". Which is what Israel currently has "jewish-only" settlements and jewish only roads.
Oh, and Lakemba isnt a "muslim-only" suburb, many christians, buddhist, jews and many people with different religions live in Lakemba.Its a multi=cultural suburb and anyone has every right to live there.
The only reason they have jews only settlement is because other people do not want to live in those settlements. Hardly a fault of the jews. If arab israelis want to live there, they can but they choose to live in their own arab areas in jerusalem, haifa and other towns. Arabs do not live in those settlements because they have no right, that is they have no house or home there, pure and simple. By the way there is no Jewish ONLY road, arabs israelis can use it and visit those places if they have friends or relatives.

well, Switzerland unlike israel has muslim citizens, jewish citezens and christian citizens.
Israel have more muslim citizens than Switzerland , 1.4 million and more than all jews combined in all arabs state. israel also have thousands of all sects of christian religions, and they have freedom unline ina rabs countries. So your lies exposed again.

small tiny percentage of non-jewish people, who are the Israeli-arabs who work in israel, will no longer be allowed to work there starting from 2008.

meh, its more like, annihilating and eradicating all signs of Palestinian existence in the land. If it wasnt racism, I wouldnt see the UN human organizations all over Israel trying to convince the government to relax its policies.
More lies made up by arab. Where did you get Israeli arabs will no longer be allowed to work from 2008? Israeli arabs have every rights to work in Israel, it is their country of citizenship and they have been working for 50 years, and they will continue to do so. Stop making up Lies, and stop mixing Israeli arabs with Palestinians. Palestinians are not Israelis and Israel can stop them working at anytime just like Australia can stop guest worker from china at anytime. Its the host countrys prerogative.

lolololololololololol :rofl::rofl: , and I noticed your obsesstion with the gay pride. im just emphasizing on the term "gay pride" for fun, because you are proud that such a even occurred. its obvious that you feel really passionate about this event, its such a shame that you had to miss out on it. But anywayzz, ON WITH THE PINK BOY!!! :rofl::rofl:
Yes I am very proud that Israel is tolerant country unlike murderous islamic country. I knew that gay will evoke your arab mind and typical arab hatred and discrimination against gays just as they discriminate women. I specifically pointed out gay pride to contrast freedom inside israel and Oppression:bomb: in arabs countries. As evident by your own replies, gays are despised and oppressed by Islamic Law and muslims in general (even in australia), Israel on the otherhand, as a free country allows them to have gay pride and recognise gay marriage performed elsewhere. Where as in islamic country those are certain death sentence, just as adultery for women are. and this article proves muslim cruelty against gays,,20760863-401,00.html a man hanged for gay sex. And a woman stoned to death (with pic) here

Further discrimination and abuse of women
Girls and women are routinely beaten. Woman-beating is normalized and culturally sanctioned and those who dare protest it are shamed, beaten savagely, and sometimes even honor-murdered by their own families. According to the Women’s Forum Against Fundamentalism in Iran, two out of every three Iranian women have experienced serious domestic violence. Eighty one per cent of married women have experienced domestic violence in their first year of marriage. In addition, every year, millions of Muslim women are genitally mutilated—and this is not only happening in Muslim Africa. It is increasingly happening in Iran and in Europe and in North America where the procedures are quietly carried out in hospitals. From here
I naturally wonder whether you have been genitally mutilated as well? :eek:

thats called stealing, or didnt your mummy and daddy tell you what stealing means. Israel is "gaining" more land everyday, more then what the UN allocated to it:

Gaining a land in wars started by your enemy is not stealing, its called spoils of war, and israel as a victor have the right to keep it. You choose to fight, you lose and left the land on your free will. go cry me a river you greedy warmonger. :rofl::rofl:

nah this is what happened:
1-the Israelis come into a village called deir yassin, and they savagely massacre everyone in it.

2-The next day the Israeli terrorist group irgun comes back with trucks and speakers, and they say: "if any of you are still here, get out or we will do another massacre like the one we did yesterday"

3- They go to neighbouring Palestinian villages and they tell em:"get out or we will massacre you, like how we massacred the people in the deir yassin village."

4-Of course the people freaked out and ran for their lives. which clearly proves that they terrorized and forced out of their country
Which lacks source, dubious at best.
1. Arabs armies went to deir yassin, savagely massacre their fellow arabs.
2.They spread the massacre to other arabs towns and villages.
3.forced arabs to fled palestine, so they can be used as alve labour in lebanon, egypt , syria and else where.

Even Arab leader at that time clrarly said so.
, After the war, a few Arab leaders tried to present the Palestinian exodus as a victory by claiming to have planned it. The prime minister of Iraq, Nuri Said, declared: "We will smash the country with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in. The Arabs should conduct their wives and children to safe areas until the fighting has died down." (Sir Am Nakbah”, Nazareth, 1952).
Love to see your own words contradicted by your fellow arabs :D



Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

its certainly not because of jews and muslims as 10% of israels population is muslim
- According to a Jewish general olmert plans on completely destroying all Arab jobs.
- Israel has certain streets that Arab-Israeli's may not enter. Whole streets, where these people can not enter. They are Jewish streets and towns.
- Most work-places speak only Hebrew, therefore older generations must learn new languages just to properly operate in the country. Therefore they can't even get proper Jobs. (They need to learn Arabic, Hebrew and now also English is part of the curriculum.)
- Mortechai Eluyuhad (the son of Chief Rabbi) whilst echoing his fathers message to Ehud Olmert said it would be justifiable to kill all the innocent Palestinians because they are responsible for the terrorists in the West Bank.

Mind you Israel illegally occupies their country. (Their reason ofcourse is that God promised them that land.) And they are responsible for over 4,000,000 Palestinian refugees throughout the world.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
- According to a Jewish general olmert plans on completely destroying all Arab jobs.
- Israel has certain streets that Arab-Israeli's may not enter. Whole streets, where these people can not enter. They are Jewish streets and towns.
- Most work-places speak only Hebrew, therefore older generations must learn new languages just to properly operate in the country. Therefore they can't even get proper Jobs. (They need to learn Arabic, Hebrew and now also English is part of the curriculum.)
- Mortechai Eluyuhad (the son of Chief Rabbi) whilst echoing his fathers message to Ehud Olmert said it would be justifiable to kill all the innocent Palestinians because they are responsible for the terrorists in the West Bank.

Mind you Israel illegally occupies their country. (Their reason ofcourse is that God promised them that land.) And they are responsible for over 4,000,000 Palestinian refugees throughout the world.
What Jewish General? Considering Arabs make up 20% of Israel's population it sounds like a ludicrous claim.

What streets can Arab-Israelis not enter?

You should know that a lot of the Israeli-Jews came from Arab countries and had to learn hebrew. Economically I guarantee you that the Arab-Israelis are better off then the Egyptians, Jordanians and Syria in terms of living standards. Unlike the Arabs the Israeli-Jews actually know how to build an economy. Take a look at their respective gdp per capita.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

banco55 said:
Economically I guarantee you that the Arab-Israelis are better off then the Egyptians, Jordanians and Syria in terms of living standards. Unlike the Arabs the Israeli-Jews actually know how to build an economy. Take a look at their respective gdp per capita.
Trust me the Arabs know how to as well. But with all these trade embargoes, it's hard not to give off the worlds most important resource away for food. Then there's Saudia Arabia which I mildly agree with you on. If Iraq was left alone they could have had one hell of a bargaining agent. (Being able to sell their oil at their own prices.)

The truth is the Jewish Lobbyists in the U.S.A is so powerful that they were not only able to destroy any hopes of an Arab Lobby, but they were also able to destroy (Bombed without proper investigation) The only Arab Lobby of sorts which was "against" racism and misconceptions of Arabs/Muslims.

With all that money sucked out of the U.S and because of the small population, it makes perfect sense that the economy would grow. (Especially with no Trade Embargoes, and Lobbyists.)


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Trust me the Arabs know how to as well. But with all these trade embargoes, it's hard not to give off the worlds most important resource away for food. Then there's Saudia Arabia which I mildly agree with you on. If Iraq was left alone they could have had one hell of a bargaining agent. (Being able to sell their oil at their own prices.)

The truth is the Jewish Lobbyists in the U.S.A is so powerful that they were not only able to destroy any hopes of an Arab Lobby, but they were also able to destroy (Bombed without proper investigation) The only Arab Lobby of sorts which was "against" racism and misconceptions of Arabs/Muslims.

With all that money sucked out of the U.S and because of the small population, it makes perfect sense that the economy would grow. (Especially with no Trade Embargoes, and Lobbyists.)
Remind me again which trade embargos Egypt and Jordan suffer under? What would egypt, jordan and syria export? I mean Israel has a world leading high tech industry. What does egypt, jordan and syria build that anyone would want?


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Trust me the Arabs know how to as well. But with all these trade embargoes, it's hard not to give off the worlds most important resource away for food. Then there's Saudia Arabia which I mildly agree with you on. If Iraq was left alone they could have had one hell of a bargaining agent. (Being able to sell their oil at their own prices.)
Right now if the Coalition troops left Iraq, there would be a civil war. BTW, the U.S. has got nothing to do in terms of the Iraq economy, that is totally controlled by the Iraqi government. As to trade embargos, what trade embargos? The only one is against the Hamas government, a corrupt terrorist organisation.

sam04u said:
The truth is the Jewish Lobbyists in the U.S.A is so powerful that they were not only able to destroy any hopes of an Arab Lobby, but they were also able to destroy (Bombed without proper investigation) The only Arab Lobby of sorts which was "against" racism and misconceptions of Arabs/Muslims.
Going for conspiracy theories are we, SamO4U? Lol, if that is all you can resort to, it speaks volumns about your arguements.

sam04u said:
With all that money sucked out of the U.S and because of the small population, it makes perfect sense that the economy would grow. (Especially with no Trade Embargoes, and Lobbyists.)
Ummmm, U.S. economic grants to Israel ended in 1959. U.S. aid to Israel from then until 1985 consisted largely of loans, which Israel repaid, and surplus commodities, which Israel bought. Ripped that one up...

It is not just Israel getting aid, Since signing the peace treaty with Israel, Egypt has been the second largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid ($2 billion in 2002, Israel received $2.8 billion). Jordan has also been the beneficiary of higher levels of aid since it signed a treaty with Israel (increasing from less than $40 million to more than $225 million). The multibillion dollar debts to the U.S. of both Arab nations were also forgiven.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

1. They are not conspiracy theories.
2. How about the weaponry/technology that U.S suppies? Israel has become a weapons dealer of sorts, due to the weaponry and military technology sent to Israel. Billions of dollars has been made by selling weapons to China.
3. There already is a civil war. (Are you stupid?) If they left Iraq there would be less insurgents (as they would have no foreign military to oppose) and the government could rebuild/shape the country.
4. Aid doesn't involve a multilateral agreement of Oil when it's sent to Israel. Now does it?


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
- According to a Jewish general olmert plans on completely destroying all Arab jobs.
- Israel has certain streets that Arab-Israeli's may not enter. Whole streets, where these people can not enter. They are Jewish streets and towns.
- Most work-places speak only Hebrew, therefore older generations must learn new languages just to properly operate in the country. Therefore they can't even get proper Jobs. (They need to learn Arabic, Hebrew and now also English is part of the curriculum.)
- Mortechai Eluyuhad (the son of Chief Rabbi) whilst echoing his fathers message to Ehud Olmert said it would be justifiable to kill all the innocent Palestinians because they are responsible for the terrorists in the West Bank.

Mind you Israel illegally occupies their country. (Their reason ofcourse is that God promised them that land.) And they are responsible for over 4,000,000 Palestinian refugees throughout the world.

- Most work-places speak only Hebrew, therefore older generations must learn new languages just to properly operate in the country. Therefore they can't even get proper Jobs. (They need to learn Arabic, Hebrew and now also English is part of the curriculum.)

This really is RIDICULOUS.

The national language of Israel is hebrew. Of course you need to learn hebrew to get a job there. What are you getting at here?

Wouldn't you make it compulsory for those wishing to get a job in Austrailia to be able to speak fluent English?

If someone could not speak English and therefore could not get a job in Australia would you condemn the Australian government for making English the national language and therefore intentionally trying to discriminate against non-English speakers???

And they are responsible for over 4,000,000 Palestinian refugees throughout the world.

Wasn't it 70 000 or 700 000 before.

Also, 4000000 is quite a large number. According to this humanitarian website:

Number of residents in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (including East Jerusalem)
2,895,683 West Bank (including East Jerusalem) 1,873,476 Gaza Strip 1,022,207 Jerusalem region (including East Jerusalem and West Bank environs) 328,601 East Jerusalem 85,805 Population Projection 2,025, West Bank and Gaza Strip 7,500,000
I don't understand where the other 4 million come from.

Also, who is taking a census of Palestinians in other countries?


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
1. They are not conspiracy theories.
2. How about the weaponry/technology that U.S suppies? Israel has become a weapons dealer of sorts, due to the weaponry and military technology sent to Israel. Billions of dollars has been made by selling weapons to China.
3. There already is a civil war. (Are you stupid?) If they left Iraq there would be less insurgents (as they would have no foreign military to oppose) and the government could rebuild/shape the country.
4. Aid doesn't involve a multilateral agreement of Oil when it's sent to Israel. Now does it?
1.The weapons that Israel makes are built and designed by their engineers. Egypt is armed with US weapons after all but their engineering ability is close to zero. All the stuff they've exported to China was Israeli designed. Do you really think the US would let them sell US weapons to china? Egypt would struggle to manufacture TV's let alone high tech weapons.

"Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) developed its Phalcon system for Israeli defence forces and for export. Airborne Early Warning, Command and Control (AEWC&C) systems play a major role on the modern battlefield by providing real-time intelligence and command and control needed to achieve and maintain air superiority over the combat area and to enable surveillance of borders in peacetime. "

I see you dodged the question as to what trade embargoes are on egypt and jordan and what those useless countries would export if it wasn't for the non-existent trade embargoes.

The arabs can't seem to take responsibility for anything. Everything (their shitty economies, their pathetic education systems, their dictators etc.) is someone else's fault.
Last edited:


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

banco55 said:
1.The weapons that Israel makes are built and designed by their engineers. Egypt is armed with US weapons after all but their engineering ability is close to zero. All the stuff they've exported to China was Israeli designed. Do you really think the US would let them sell US weapons to china? Egypt would struggle to manufacture TV's let alone high tech weapons.

"Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) developed its Phalcon system for Israeli defence forces and for export. Airborne Early Warning, Command and Control (AEWC&C) systems play a major role on the modern battlefield by providing real-time intelligence and command and control needed to achieve and maintain air superiority over the combat area and to enable surveillance of borders in peacetime. "

I see you dodged the question as to what trade embargoes are on egypt and jordan and what those useless countries would export if it wasn't for the non-existent trade embargoes.

The arabs can't seem to take responsibility for anything. Everything (their shitty economies, their pathetic education systems, their dictators etc.) is someone else's fault.

Also, I didn't dodge your question. Instead I prioritised it. What does Egypt or the Middle-Eastern economy have to do with Israel occupying Palestinian land? I always thought you were somewhat neutral Banco55, but it's obvious now that you're an anti-islam zionist.

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