Israel and Palestine (2 Viewers)


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
You are a complete moron. You're a bigoted, racist, imbecilic, fucking idiot.

Why do you hate Islam? Why do you hate muslims with such a ferocity? Why do you hate them so much, that even as their lands and rights have been stolen and they have their ministers and cabinet leaders in Israel prisons. Where they have been split, and resorted to fighting each other. Why do you still Judge them? What is a savage to you? They have been de-humanised. To you their blood is worthless, and so to me you are worthless. If you're too stupid and racist to see that they are just as you or I and aren't the "savages" in this ordeal, than you are an imbecile.

You input into this debate is minimal, all you do is criticise muslims, and go as far as to criticise them with a quote in your sig. You're a bigot, a hateful bigot.
Do you know who it is that you support? Do you truly believe that they share such empathy and respect of you? You say that they have been dehumanised. True but it them that does this. Putting Israel aside for a second. These people have public executions in the street. They will stone their own daughters if they disaprove of her marriage. Don't blame their image on Israel, they made it themselves. You asked what is a savage. One who kills their own family: that is a savage.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
You input into this debate is minimal, all you do is criticise muslims, and go as far as to criticise them with a quote in your sig. You're a bigot, a hateful bigot.
Let's not call the kettle black here...

..."Guilty till proven"...


Jun 4, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

banco55 said:


June 14, 2007 -- WONDER what Iraq would look like if we left to morrow? Take a look at Gaza today. Then imagine a situation a thousand times worse.

We need to stop making politically correct excuses. Arab civilization is in collapse. Extremes dominate, either through dictatorship or anarchy. Thanks to their dysfunctional values and antique social structures, Arab states can't govern themselves decently.

We gave them a chance in Iraq. Israel "gave back" the Gaza Strip to let the Palestinians build a model state. Arabs seized those opportunities to butcher each other.

The barbarity in Gaza has become so grotesque that not even the media's apologists for terror can ignore it (especially since Islamist fanatics began to target journalists).

Over the weekend, Hamas gangbangers-for-Allah grabbed a Fatah functionary and dropped him from the roof of a high-rise to check out the law of gravity (the only law that still obtains in Gaza). Tit-for-tat, Fatah gunmen grabbed a Hamas capo and gave him the same treatment.

Thereafter, cooler heads prevailed and both sides returned to their everyday routines of kidnapping, torturing and assassinating each other's leaders, gunning down teachers and doctors and, of course, murdering women, children and stray pedestrians.

Educated Palestinians flee, if they can. Civilians cower, wondering where the next rocket-propelled grenade will hit. And, amid the carnage, students risk death to take their final exams so they can qualify to study abroad - and get out. The indiscriminate violence is the Palestinian version of democracy: Every citizen gets a chance to be killed.

-NY Post
I think Palestinians are now begging for israeli occupation, seeing how the moment Israeli soldiers left Gaza it is immediately turned into the worst place on earth.


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Re: Israel & Palestine

banco55 said:


June 14, 2007 -- WONDER what Iraq would look like if we left to morrow? Take a look at Gaza today. Then imagine a situation a thousand times worse.

We need to stop making politically correct excuses. Arab civilization is in collapse. Extremes dominate, either through dictatorship or anarchy. Thanks to their dysfunctional values and antique social structures, Arab states can't govern themselves decently.

We gave them a chance in Iraq. Israel "gave back" the Gaza Strip to let the Palestinians build a model state. Arabs seized those opportunities to butcher each other.

The barbarity in Gaza has become so grotesque that not even the media's apologists for terror can ignore it (especially since Islamist fanatics began to target journalists).

Over the weekend, Hamas gangbangers-for-Allah grabbed a Fatah functionary and dropped him from the roof of a high-rise to check out the law of gravity (the only law that still obtains in Gaza). Tit-for-tat, Fatah gunmen grabbed a Hamas capo and gave him the same treatment.

Thereafter, cooler heads prevailed and both sides returned to their everyday routines of kidnapping, torturing and assassinating each other's leaders, gunning down teachers and doctors and, of course, murdering women, children and stray pedestrians.

Educated Palestinians flee, if they can. Civilians cower, wondering where the next rocket-propelled grenade will hit. And, amid the carnage, students risk death to take their final exams so they can qualify to study abroad - and get out. The indiscriminate violence is the Palestinian version of democracy: Every citizen gets a chance to be killed.

-NY Post
clever of you to be posting a severley biased opinion article as gospel. how many established countries do you know of that didnt have some internal power struggles prior to their birth?


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Exphate said:
Originally Posted by nathan71088
These people have public executions in the street. They will stone their own daughters if they disaprove of her marriage. Don't blame their image on Israel, they made it themselves. You asked what is a savage. One who kills their own family: that is a savage.

It is all a matter of religious extremism.

"It is all a matter of religious extremism."
Hang on one second here. I didn't say that these actions are caused by religion. Are you suggesting that these actions are due to religious reasons, because many have argued before that Islam is not a violent religion. Obviously you will tell me that it is a small minority that does not represent the greater religion and so it's not because of the religion but rather people taking the religion too far. This I will agree with, but it doesn't settle the fact that THEY ARE taking it too far and you only need a small minority to launch a terrorist, please, next time you talk about Israel breeding hatred, or you talk of Israel dehumanising the Palestinians, keep in mind what the Palestinians are doing to themselves.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Sorry, next time I should make myself more clear. By these people I mean Hamas. Hamas is clearly a terrorist organisation, there is no way that somebody can argue convincingly that they are freedom fighters. These people deliberately kill civilians and have no concept of peace; the closest they come to is hudna which is a temporary peace designed so that the enemy can reconsider their actions and surrender as well as allowing the Muslim force to become stronger. As to the rest of that paragraph, Exphate, what I wrote, your article agrees with me. When I say that the only time the Palestinian people were united was when they were under Arafat. “Palestinian nationalist umbrella organization dedicated to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.” You even bolded it for me. Lol.
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Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

nathan71088 said:
"It is all a matter of religious extremism."
Hang on one second here. I didn't say that these actions are caused by religion. Are you suggesting that these actions are due to religious reasons, because many have argued before that Islam is not a violent religion. Obviously you will tell me that it is a small minority that does not represent the greater religion and so it's not because of the religion but rather people taking the religion too far. This I will agree with, but it doesn't settle the fact that THEY ARE taking it too far and you only need a small minority to launch a terrorist, please, next time you talk about Israel breeding hatred, or you talk of Israel dehumanising the Palestinians, keep in mind what the Palestinians are doing to themselves.
It's clearly not a "small minority" though in the west bank/gaza given that Hamas ran on an explicitly islamist platform and won.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

banco55 said:
It's clearly not a "small minority" though in the west bank/gaza given that Hamas ran on an explicitly islamist platform and won.
I will not disagree with you but there are those that would. While you would have factual evidence to prove your opinion, others would simply argue that it is nothing more than an opinion. I'm sure you have been frustrated in trying to validate fact through other means other than a fact being a fact and therefore you will recognise that there will be people who will disagree with you on this point no matter how much fact you can provide. Considering that in THIS discussion the delineation about what proportion of Palestine is extremist is a point of opinion (even though you have facts other wise) I attempted to make my point without bringing to light points that could be held in contention by someone wishing to put holes in the argument (even if they may not exist...but they can always be "found" right :rolleyes: ...?)


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

Exphate said:
Yeah, I believe that the election they won was fair. Just like the Zimbabwean elections are fair and proper. :sleep:
The election observers (from international organizations) said it was a fair election. You are just making stuff up out of thin air. The fact is that Hamas (an islamist organization) won free and fair elections in the west bank/gaza.

On election day, the MEPs deployed in teams across the whole area, visiting polling stations in East Jerusalem, Nablus, Qalqilya, Jenin, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Jericho and Gaza. Despite earlier press reports of threats against European observers, there were no serious security problems for the MEPs, who were able to witness voting and counting taking place in most areas.

As far as the voting process was concerned, the initial conclusion of the MEPs – and the wider EU mission – was that it had generally gone well. Despite some problems, there was nothing which would indicate that the final result was not the outcome chosen by the voters.

The results of the election, with a clear victory for the Islamist group Hamas, which Israel, the EU and the US all consider a terrorist organisation, raise major questions about how the outside world will deal with the future Palestinian government. Parliament will debate this issue during the plenary session in Brussels this week.
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Feb 7, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

I've been reading over atilla89's post and all you say is that either the Palestinian say is wrong or the Israel is right, which is clearly not the case. Like every page consist of your postign contradicting 4 other people. No offence but if 20 guys told me that i needed a reality check then perhaps i do need one. While not totally agreeing with what the other side suggest, they do sound more logical though, backed up with evidence.

Does anyone know a journalist that writes about these issues, something along the lines of Robert Fisk, someone who doesnt write BS and provides a better picture of the current situation. There seems to be no little detailed evidence apart from quoting each other and wiking for sources (seriously when did wikipedia become so reliable)

Seriously atilla use quotes..makes you look more intelligent and makes my job reading over your post (which consist of about 25% of this thread) a LOT easier and less fucking annoying.
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Jun 4, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Fatah Strikes Back.
Fatah storms Hamas-controlled buildings

RAMALLAH, West Bank - Hundreds of Fatah gunmen on Saturday stormed Hamas-controlled institutions in the West Bank, including parliament and government ministries, and told staffers that those with ties to Hamas will not be allowed to return.

At the parliament, the Fatah supporters chanted, "Hamas Out," climbed on the roof of the building and fired in the air. They planted Fatah and Palestinian flags on the building, and also tried to seize the deputy speaker but were stopped by employees.

Many government employees tied to Hamas had not showed up for work on Saturday, the start of the work week in the West Bank, after Hamas took control of Gaza in a military campaign. Apparently, the staffers feared reprisals.

A member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a violent offshoot of Fatah, said his group planned to take control of all Hamas institutions, in response to Hamas' takeover of Gaza.

At the parliament building, Fatah gunmen entered the office of Deputy Speaker Hassan Kreisheh and tried to grab him, but Fatah employees stopped them. Other Fatah activists took over the Education Ministry and the prime minister's office.

In the West Bank city of Nablus, Fatah gunmen took over the Hamas-controlled city council and planted the Fatah flag on the top of the building. Fatah supporters also kidnapped seven Hamas supporters, and deposed a senior member of the Religious Affairs Ministry.

Seems like the worse is yet to come from these religious nuts vs secular fighting.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

davidw89 said:
I've been reading over atilla89's post and all you say is that either the Palestinian say is wrong or the Israel is right, which is clearly not the case. Like every page consist of your postign contradicting 4 other people. No offence but if 20 guys told me that i needed a reality check then perhaps i do need one. While not totally agreeing with what the other side suggest, they do sound more logical though, backed up with evidence.
Actually what I say is that Hamas and Hezbollah are not freedom fighters but terrorists. I do not agree with all of Israel's policies however I feel that I have everyright to defend Israel's existance against such people as Samo4U who continually states that Israel has no right to exist and is also an anti-semite. As to for my evidence, I put the links out, your welcome to check the sources that I use.

BTW if 20 guys jumped off a cliff because it seemed right, then perhaps you would to?

davidw89 said:
Does anyone know a journalist that writes about these issues, something along the lines of Robert Fisk, someone who doesnt write BS and provides a better picture of the current situation. There seems to be no little detailed evidence apart from quoting each other and wiking for sources (seriously when did wikipedia become so reliable)
Lol to more reporting by Robert Fisk. Last time I checked, journalists were meant to publish what happened and not meant to take sides. Isn't that the point of journalism, to be neutral?

In particular I think you should read this davidw89

Specifically this:
Israeli historian Efraim Karsh, in a Commentary Magazine book review, commented on what he saw as Fisk's carelessness with facts:

It is difficult to turn a page of The Great War for Civilisation without encountering some basic error. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, not, as Fisk has it, in Jerusalem. The Caliph Ali, the Prophet Mohammed’s cousin and son-in-law, was murdered in the year 661, not in the 8th century. Emir Abdallah became king of Transjordan in 1946, not 1921. The Iraqi monarchy was overthrown in 1958, not 1962; Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem, was appointed by the British authorities, not elected; Ayatollah Khomeini transferred his exile from Turkey to the holy Shiite city of Najaf not during Saddam Hussein’s rule but fourteen years before Saddam seized power. Security Council resolution 242 was passed in November 1967, not 1968; Anwar Sadat of Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, not 1977, and was assassinated in October 1981, not 1979. Yitzhak Rabin was Minister of Defence, not prime minister, during the first Palestinian intifada, and al-Qaeda was established not in 1998 but a decade earlier. And so on and so forth.

davidw89 said:
Seriously atilla use quotes..makes you look more intelligent and makes my job reading over your post (which consist of about 25% of this thread) a LOT easier and less fucking annoying.
I really don't care whether you find my posts annoying or hard to read (come on, its not like I am hand writing this out...). BTW, the ad hominem about my supposed intelligence really doesn't make you look great.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Actually what I say is that Hamas and Hezbollah are not freedom fighters but terrorists.
We've got a contradicting opinion and I'll explain why. Hamas and Hezbollah have both been elected in democratic elections by the people of that region. Their goals include; uniting their countries, and reclaiming occupied territory. I'm not disputing the fact that they have commited terrorist attacks, but in comparison to the Israeli army, and the attrocities of the Israeli offensive on Lebanon and Gaza.

I do not agree with all of Israel's policies however I feel that I have everyright to defend Israel's existance
My opinion does not threaten Israel's existence. Regardless of what I think or say Israel will exist. If you are trying to Justify Israel's actions and government then you will have a little more difficulty. As they have broken countless U.N resolutions and deny the Palestinians their human rights.

against such people as Samo4U who continually states that Israel has no right to exist
No, you are lieing. I never said Israel had no right to exist. It exists and therefore has a right to exist. What I said was that there was no right for Israel to be created, and especially not to displace the natives.

[Sam] and is also an anti-semite.
I have shown, and proven to you many times that contrary to what you're saying I am not an anti-semite. Infact, I am a semite and I have no reason to have hate for the semitic peoples (including Arabs and Jews) or the Jewish people, or any other people. I am however, Anti-Zionist. Because of what Zionism has done to the world, and what it represents. (That one people have a right to displace over 30 generations of history and people from Palestine under the premise that the Jews are more important than the Palestinians. Also that they have a right to kill millions of Palestinians, according to Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eluyuha.)

BTW if 20 guys jumped off a cliff because it seemed right, then perhaps you would to?
Your rhetoric is non-sensical.

Lol to more reporting by Robert Fisk. Last time I checked, journalists were meant to publish what happened and not meant to take sides.
A Journalist should not only report what is happening, but also put it into context. Many reporters and Journalists fail to mention that Israel has occupied, and continues to occupy Palestinian land.

I really don't care whether you find my posts annoying or hard to read
So why have you shown an obvious interest in his post? Why have you tried to justify yourself? You obviously do care what he thinks about your posts.

Anyways, I'll be expecting a response which is filled with evading points, diverting attention, laughing for no reason, logical fallacy, and being completely wrong.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
Actually what I say is that Hamas and Hezbollah are not freedom fighters but terrorists. I do not agree with all of Israel's policies however I feel that I have everyright to defend Israel's existance against such people as Samo4U who continually states that Israel has no right to exist and is also an anti-semite. As to for my evidence, I put the links out, your welcome to check the sources that I use.
hahaha, i can assure you that you are not doing israel any good. All that you do is repeat the same old boring cycle which is: Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorists, you are anti-semitic, yada yada yada, boo hoo hoo.

BTW if 20 guys jumped off a cliff because it seemed right, then perhaps you would to?
Well its obvious that your going to be the 1st one to jump off that cliff really :D

Lol to more reporting by Robert Fisk. Last time I checked, journalists were meant to publish what happened and not meant to take sides. Isn't that the point of journalism, to be neutral?

In particular I think you should read this davidw89

Specifically this:
Israeli historian Efraim Karsh, in a Commentary Magazine book review, commented on what he saw as Fisk's carelessness with facts:

It is difficult to turn a page of The Great War for Civilisation without encountering some basic error. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, not, as Fisk has it, in Jerusalem. The Caliph Ali, the Prophet Mohammed’s cousin and son-in-law, was murdered in the year 661, not in the 8th century. Emir Abdallah became king of Transjordan in 1946, not 1921. The Iraqi monarchy was overthrown in 1958, not 1962; Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem, was appointed by the British authorities, not elected; Ayatollah Khomeini transferred his exile from Turkey to the holy Shiite city of Najaf not during Saddam Hussein’s rule but fourteen years before Saddam seized power. Security Council resolution 242 was passed in November 1967, not 1968; Anwar Sadat of Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, not 1977, and was assassinated in October 1981, not 1979. Yitzhak Rabin was Minister of Defence, not prime minister, during the first Palestinian intifada, and al-Qaeda was established not in 1998 but a decade earlier. And so on and so forth.
LMAO :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you cant really convince people to believe your lies young lady, when the only evidence that you use is the and, which are clearly biased sites that look at issues from one point of view. So dont go around asking others to provide neutral sources or to quote from neutral journalists, when you cant do that yourself. Teach yourself to use neautal sources, then come back here and demand others to do the same. k? :)

I really don't care whether you find my posts annoying or hard to read (come on, its not like I am hand writing this out...). BTW, the ad hominem about my supposed intelligence really doesn't make you look great.
the same applies to you, because you tend to heavily rely on ad hominem, especially at times when you cant address other peoples arguments and when you run outta lies. So stop being a hypocrite :santa::santa:

against such people as Samo4U who continually states that Israel has no right to exist and is also an anti-semite
there you go a good example of you using ad hominem:) you were obviously attacking his character. and yeah it didnt make you look so great ;)
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Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
We've got a contradicting opinion and I'll explain why. Hamas and Hezbollah have both been elected in democratic elections by the people of that region. Their goals include; uniting their countries, and reclaiming occupied territory. I'm not disputing the fact that they have commited terrorist attacks, but in comparison to the Israeli army, and the attrocities of the Israeli offensive on Lebanon and Gaza.
You forgot to mention their most important goal , To turn Lebanon and Palestine into an Islamic state where women can be raped at will, where girls have their clitoris cut off, where women are stoned to death, where women are forced to marry at underage, where non muslims are persecuted, where internet cafe are bombed by islamic religious nuts, where a mere criticism of muhammed is a death sentence, where there are no freedom of speech and expression. Yes hamas almost succeded in turning Gaza into that but hey Israel will not let evil islamic terrorists intimidate from its border. Just wait and see.

No, you are lieing. I never said Israel had no right to exist. It exists and therefore has a right to exist. What I said was that there was no right for Israel to be created, and especially not to displace the natives.
You lied so many times that you cannot even remember what you said. This quote is taken straight from your post and now go back quick and edit or swallow your delicious lies.
sam04u said:
Single state agreement, or no state agreement. That's the only way the peace progress can begin.

Israel has no right to exist. The land belongs to the palestinians, the people of the land. (Once you recognise this, we'll be able to have an intelligent conversation.)



Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
hahaha, i can assure you that you are not doing israel any good. All that you do is repeat the same old boring cycle which is: Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorists, you are anti-semitic, yada yada yada, boo hoo hoo.
All you do is repeat the same cycle, israel killed palestinian, israel show finger at lebanon, israel throw stone at palestinian areas, you are racist, you are anti islamic boo fuking hoo :rofl::rofl:

LMAO :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you cant really convince people to believe your lies young lady, when the only evidence that you use is the and, which are clearly biased sites that look at issues from one point of view. So dont go around asking others to provide neutral sources or to quote from neutral journalists, when you cant do that yourself. Teach yourself to use neautal sources, then come back here and demand others to do the same. k? :)
And you dont even have source to support yourself other than lies continually fed to your brain by Sheikh Hillaly at lakemba Mosque :D, where as jewish virtual library is considered the most reliable source of jewish history in the world ;)

the same applies to you, because you tend to heavily rely on ad hominem, especially at times when you cant address other peoples arguments and when you run outta lies. So stop being a hypocrite :santa::santa:
Talking about lies, just look at how I just exposed Sam04u's lies above

there you go a good example of you using ad hominem:) you were obviously attacking his character. and yeah it didnt make you look so great ;)
LOL is nt it funny how Sam04u post and immediately supported/defended by maniella, and maniella post and immediately supported by Sam04u LOL :rofl::rofl: .

By the way, I bet you are celebrating the death of 110 palestinians last week, killed by your beloved terrorist Hamas. :D
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
You forgot to mention their most important goal , To turn Lebanon and Palestine into an Islamic state
Just like the zionist have turned Israel into a Jewish state? Where Women can be shot (Palestinian) Where children can be raped and strapped to bombs? (Palestinians) Where millions who are civilians should be held accountable for terrorists? (Palestinians)

The Israeli Zionist movement is just as bad, and they have commited attrocities.

you cannot even remember what you said. This quote is taken straight from your post and now go back quick and edit or swallow your delicious lies.
I must have been running short on time. What I meant to say was that Israel had no right to be created. (Which is something I strongly believe, and something which I have stood by.) Thanks for point that out.

Who couldn't have predicted that you would laugh like a buffoon?


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
And you dont even have source to support yourself other than lies continually fed to your brain by Sheikh Hilaly at lakemba Mosque :D, where as jewish virtual library is considered the most reliable source of jewish history in the world ;)
Firstly, when has she quoted Sheikh Hilaly? When has she used what Hilaly has said as a source in her posts? Basically your point is moot. That's like me saying that your source is Mordechai Eluyuha who said that all Palestinians (women and children included) should be accountable for terrorists. And therefore, under Jewish law they all should be killed to prevent future attacks. (Even if millions or all the Palestinians die as a result.)
Secondly, Jewish vitual library is considered the most reliable source of Jewish history, only by Jews, Zionists and Neo-cons. But how about the obvious omissions, bias and lies? Exactly, you completely disregarded that.

Talking about lies, just look at how I just exposed Sam04u's lies above
It was a mistake in wording, it's not an impossible circumstance. How about all the lies and idiocy you have made and said that weren't mistakes? (Like that Arabs were not Semitic, and that Arabs were different than Semites. Among other crap which I constantly disprove.)

and maniella post and immediately supported by Sam04u
I happen to agree with alot that she has said. She hasn't been racist or biased like you have. She hasn't said "Muslims wipe their ass with sand and they want to rape ther women." She hasn't been an imbecilic, illogical bigot. Everybody should support her posts. Because frankly. She's more intelligent and eloquent than either of us.

By the way, I bet you are celebrating the death of 110 palestinians last week, killed by your beloved terrorist Hamas. :D
No, but it's obvious you are. You anti-Islamic, bigot.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Just like the zionist have turned Israel into a Jewish state? Where Women can be shot (Palestinian) Where children can be raped and strapped to bombs? (Palestinians) Where millions who are civilians should be held accountable for terrorists? (Palestinians)
Yes all done by islamic terrorist in the name of their holy prophet,thanks to Islamic terrorists policy of using women and child bombers and hiding behind civilians ;)

The Israeli Zionist movement is just as bad, and they have commited attrocities.
At least israel treats its citizens good where as those islamic religious nuts treats its citizens as nothing more than slaves and oppressed using various rules and regulations laid down by Islam. We will soon see how those islamist threaten to kill anyone who do not wear Burka in gaza.

I must have been running short on time. What I meant to say was that Israel had no right to be created. (Which is something I strongly believe, and something which I have stood by.) Thanks for point that out.
Aw dear you dont have to explain it to me, apologise to Atilla instead, if you are that sincere. :wave:

Since you and Maniella are ardent supporter of Terrorist hamas, I bet both of you approve their murderous rampage in Gaza :D. I saw hamas terrorist pulling the dead body of their fellow palestinian in the street of gaza as if it were a dead dog. The hypocrisy of these muslim disgust me. they complained, whine, moan and bitch about german soldiers desecrating bones of some skull in afghanistan while they themselves are parading dead bodies of their fellow arab, pulling around street and feeding it to dogs and we are yet to see any outrage. :eek: perhaps, only another muslim can desecrate another muslim's dead body eh!


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Exphate said:
I said it is ALL a matter of religious extremism. I didn't specify or target Jews, Muslims or Christians. Don't try and twist my words.
You din't target anyone, but we are talking about a conflict between Israel and Palestine, while you didn't target anyone you meant Jews and Muslims. If you werent referring to those groups you have the wrong conflict.

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