Israel attacks Lebanon (2 Viewers)

Jul 22, 2006
i aint gonna talk bout the suicide bombings cause u aint gonna understand it either way....
and its people like u that are close minded i still wanna know if are u an israeli or jew?or if ur none


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
if they warned that they were gonna bomb the airport then y was everyone there u idiot?
Because people chose to ignore miss educated!
Jul 22, 2006
sasha0101 said:
HAHAHAHAHA - sorry pardon me! i'm so entertained by what you posted, you must be SO embarrassed!
i mean its one thing to be confused about the whole "israel stealing the land from the arabs" type thing (which by the way is wrong, cos the land was a part of the ottoman empire and then following the war was under UN control which then gave it israel...BUT YOU WOULDNT KNOW THAT)
and then there is the confusion you apparently have where israel is the agressor that goes and kills and kidnaps the arab population....HAHA WHAT WERE YOU SMOKING?! heard of gilad shalit or any of the other young boys that were kidnapped in the days leading up to this war? probably not...THEY WERE ISRAELIS KIDNAPPED BY ARABS! dont you know why the war has started?(-haha dumb question, obviously not!)...8 israelis were killed and 2 kidnapped...HENCE ISRAEL WOULD TAKE NO MORE!
oh and then there is the slight implication that involved Lebanon FIRST having missiles on their southern border to fly into northern israel.
i could go on...but you should go educate yourself!...haha that must be so embarrassing on your behalf!!!!

it seems to me that ur making an embarasment of YOURSELF ur saying that 8 israelis were killed + 2 kindnapped ok fine thats known and that there are suicide bombings going on and that lots of israelis are dead...ok i get that

wat about the THOUSANDS of leb + palestineans+ other arabs that were killed and kidnapped by israel ????????????u gonna say it didnt happen????????? u people just go on and say wat u read in newspapers and books and the news then cum here and say $hiftyIceQueen ur bias, n u get ur info from the news go research..blah blah blah .........

by the way if they were attackin hezballah and they were bombin places where people exit lebanon then yd they bomb the place where the lebanese military is located???????? wat u gonna say that they think that they may take hezballahs side and fight with them?????????????

ok i just got this from ninemsn please read

Israel's 12-day-old onslaught in Lebanon to cripple Hezballah has claimed 355 lives,mostly civilians. Hezballah attacks and rockets have killed 34 Israelis.

oh yeah its so fair and Hezballah are terrorists with mass desctive weapons big time...if they had such huge weapondary they would have used it by now and helped
and how is israel not a terrorist nation wen they have all these army shit but if sum other country or Hezballah has it or anything of effect then hey there terrorists

also i read the part about israel tellin them to leave there homes ok where are they going to go??????all exits are destroyed???? where do they expect them to go?????? and for ur info there are lots of lebs all in religious temples since their homes are destroyed n thats there only shelter.... after this war ends where are they all gonna end up???? its not like israel will take them in


Sep 2, 2005
jenzipoo is jewish btw

I agree with most of what you say. Israel is largely at fault here.


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
i am prouded to be an Australian-Lebanese and yes i am Muslim
You know that by supporting the Hezbollah which you said you did earlier, you are supporting a people who want to wipe out israel so you are supporting mass slaughter, so dont come here saying the Israelis on purpose killed civillians because you are out right supporting the killing of a nation.

You are taking all your facts from Lebenese news, so sweety that is more biased then fox news or any western news!!


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
it seems to me that ur making an embarasment of YOURSELF ur saying that 8 israelis were killed + 2 kindnapped ok fine thats known and that there are suicide bombings going on and that lots of israelis are dead...ok i get that

wat about the THOUSANDS of leb + palestineans+ other arabs that were killed and kidnapped by israel ????????????u gonna say it didnt happen????????? u people just go on and say wat u read in newspapers and books and the news then cum here and say $hiftyIceQueen ur bias, n u get ur info from the news go research..blah blah blah .........

by the way if they were attackin hezballah and they were bombin places where people exit lebanon then yd they bomb the place where the lebanese military is located???????? wat u gonna say that they think that they may take hezballahs side and fight with them?????????????

ok i just got this from ninemsn please read

Israel's 12-day-old onslaught in Lebanon to cripple Hezballah has claimed 355 lives,mostly civilians. Hezballah attacks and rockets have killed 34 Israelis.

oh yeah its so fair and Hezballah are terrorists with mass desctive weapons big time...if they had such huge weapondary they would have used it by now and helped
and how is israel not a terrorist nation wen they have all these army shit but if sum other country or Hezballah has it or anything of effect then hey there terrorists

also i read the part about israel tellin them to leave there homes ok where are they going to go??????all exits are destroyed???? where do they expect them to go?????? and for ur info there are lots of lebs all in religious temples since their homes are destroyed n thats there only shelter.... after this war ends where are they all gonna end up???? its not like israel will take them in
hmm again a beautiful example of a cloze minded person who is fed crap..

the thousands of people killed and captured by israel you love mentioning are those that tried to destory the state of israel (a country yes a country) as well as disrupting the daily lives of her civilians! if the tables were turned (which they would never be) the arab states would have destroyed israel by now...g-d forbid israel sends one of its own to blow themselves up to not only kill inncocent men women and children but ruin many of their lives with missing limbs etc!!!!

please kindly inform me where u get your information? seeing as were the uneducated ones for reading books and newspapers???

no one here is equating the death toll and using as a measurement of fairnes...that is pathetic!

i can also tell you that the flyers warned people to head north as well as away from hezbolah known places!! and another thing im willing to put money on is as soon as israel is done (whic hopefully is soon) they will be the first to give the lebanese people aid!!! it is alreayd shown when an israeli soldier came back to israel with a lebanese woman that got caught in cross fire...she is currenlty being operated on in an ISRAELI hospital...israel did it for the palestinians and theyll do it for lebanon!!


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
funny thing once u say ur leb and muslim everything goes quiet!!!!!!!

no one went quiet

your looking for an excuse to blame people of being anti muslim or racist

calm your ego down
Jul 22, 2006
jenzipoo said:
no one went quiet

your looking for an excuse to blame people of being anti muslim or racist

calm your ego down
i swear to god im calm n i dont even hate jews as a mater of fact i just dislaike the israeli GOVERNMENT ...

as for an ego i didnt know i had one...and about rasist...i do think u are since ur only taking the jewish side..

b4 u say that im taking lebanons side i think that there should b people killed in the fisrt place and that if everyone gets there people bak then the whole war is over ... howeva if all parties get their people back and the war doesnt end then its who eva contu=inues the wars fault that the people are dying no matter wat race or religion they are ....

i also no that there are many jews who DISAGREE with wats goin on AND there are ARABS who also disagree

everything cums down to wat u believe ...

ps 4 the 3 time r u a jew?


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
i swear to god im calm n i dont even hate jews as a mater of fact i just dislaike the israeli GOVERNMENT ...

as for an ego i didnt know i had one...and about rasist...i do think u are since ur only taking the jewish side..

b4 u say that im taking lebanons side i think that there should b people killed in the fisrt place and that if everyone gets there people bak then the whole war is over ... howeva if all parties get their people back and the war doesnt end then its who eva contu=inues the wars fault that the people are dying no matter wat race or religion they are ....

i also no that there are many jews who DISAGREE with wats goin on AND there are ARABS who also disagree

everything cums down to wat u believe ...

ps 4 the 3 time r u a jew?
If you knew your facts you would know that the war isnt that simple and that it hass been happening for years on end.

They disagree with the civillian death toll, jewish people dont disagree with defending their home land though!!!


Oct 11, 2003
Never Never Never Land!
I think all of you have been sucked into the media bias and manipulation. None of you can say anything unless you've been there and lived through the war. You probably would be saying different things if you were caught in the midst of this disgusting, atrocious war, seeing children and innocent people die from both Israel and Lebanon.

War is NEVER the answer.


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
i swear to god im calm n i dont even hate jews as a mater of fact i just dislaike the israeli GOVERNMENT ...

as for an ego i didnt know i had one...and about rasist...i do think u are since ur only taking the jewish side..

b4 u say that im taking lebanons side i think that there should b people killed in the fisrt place and that if everyone gets there people bak then the whole war is over ... howeva if all parties get their people back and the war doesnt end then its who eva contu=inues the wars fault that the people are dying no matter wat race or religion they are ....

i also no that there are many jews who DISAGREE with wats goin on AND there are ARABS who also disagree

everything cums down to wat u believe ...

ps 4 the 3 time r u a jew?
  1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

sorry last time i checked it didnt say that a racist is a person with an opinion..

let me explain some peoples mantality in the world:
if israel were to release the prisoners that hezbolah and hamas demand this is what will occur. These people will return back to their hamas and hezbollah counterparts and yes once again try and destory the soverignty of a state that has enough problems on its hand than dealing with MORE people that will yet again sacrifice themselves for the sole purpose of killing jews and israelis and disrputing the freedom that israel has storngly and longly sought after!! israel has had enough of its citiznes fearful to go to the movies, markets and pizza parlours..

and FYI for one of the only times in israel's history are the govenrment as well as the people united...there is no opposition party hatred or anything...there is no rift in ideologies between left and right wing...the country stands untied because no matter what ideology you have no one supports the state of israel being under constant attack and they have had enough!!

as Golda Meir once said “We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”
Jul 22, 2006
R.G. said:
If you knew your facts you would know that the war isnt that simple and that it hass been happening for years on end.

They disagree with the civillian death toll, jewish people dont disagree with defending their home land though!!!
R.G. and jenipoo + darek_arsenal are u all jews or israelis?
monzi we all no that it would b 10000000000000....% different if we were there

ok i seriously dont understand u people

1) jews dont disagree with defending their home land

2) Hezballah are terrorists

ok how are they terrorists when they are doing the exact same thing as the israelis?
wat u gonna say that they warn people?

seriously if i was there i wouldnt move the its turned into a war-torn country n the place is destroyed so excuz Hezballah 4 wanting to destroy a "country" which has so far demolished theirs and killed hundreds of civilians

another thing on the daily telegraph they show little children in israel writing on the bombs which were to be used against lebaon...that has to be the stupidest thing ive eva heard

if they want their children doin that wat do they expect them to become wen they grow up?

u dont see Hezballah doin that

and how is it ok for 1 country to defend it self but not ok for the other?

i just think that both sides if they wanna continue should keep civilians out of it ....

and i do no that this has been goin on for decades



Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
R.G. and jenipoo + darek_arsenal are u all jews or israelis?
monzi we all no that it would b 10000000000000....% different if we were there

ok i seriously dont understand u people

1) jews dont disagree with defending their home land

2) Hezballah are terrorists

ok how are they terrorists when they are doing the exact same thing as the israelis?
wat u gonna say that they warn people?

seriously if i was there i wouldnt move the its turned into a war-torn country n the place is destroyed so excuz Hezballah 4 wanting to destroy a "country" which has so far demolished theirs and killed hundreds of civilians

another thing on the daily telegraph they show little children in israel writing on the bombs which were to be used against lebaon...that has to be the stupidest thing ive eva heard

if they want their children doin that wat do they expect them to become wen they grow up?

u dont see Hezballah doin that

and how is it ok for 1 country to defend it self but not ok for the other?

i just think that both sides if they wanna continue should keep civilians out of it ....

and i do no that this has been goin on for decades

Oh my the reliability of your sources is overwhelming!!!
Jul 22, 2006
jenzipoo said:
rac·ism (r
  1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

sorry last time i checked it didnt say that a racist is a person with an opinion..

let me explain some peoples mantality in the world:
if israel were to release the prisoners that hezbolah and hamas demand this is what will occur. These people will return back to their hamas and hezbollah counterparts and yes once again try and destory the soverignty of a state that has enough problems on its hand than dealing with MORE people that will yet again sacrifice themselves for the sole purpose of killing jews and israelis and disrputing the freedom that israel has storngly and longly sought after!! israel has had enough of its citiznes fearful to go to the movies, markets and pizza parlours..

and FYI for one of the only times in israel's history are the govenrment as well as the people united...there is no opposition party hatred or anything...there is no rift in ideologies between left and right wing...the country stands untied because no matter what ideology you have no one supports the state of israel being under constant attack and they have had enough!!

as Golda Meir once said “We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”
y do u keep refering to the dictonary and givin web sites if i wanted to know wat they mean i can chek for my self
as for this quote uve just give its totally wrong cause we muslims love each other and our children [although i dont hav one] but we love our RELIGION more than anything and everything in the world

and another thing is that there were thousands kindnapped right we all agree howeva there r god knows how many people from lebanon + palestine who were UNDER the age of 16

why exactly do people eg from hamas want to destroy Israel well thats cause of all of there families + friends who were killed and if u were kindnapped and labled a terrorist then released, or had family that were kidnapped or killed wouldnt u want revenge


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
R.G. and jenipoo + darek_arsenal are u all jews or israelis?
monzi we all no that it would b 10000000000000....% different if we were there

ok i seriously dont understand u people

1) jews dont disagree with defending their home land

2) Hezballah are terrorists

ok how are they terrorists when they are doing the exact same thing as the israelis?
wat u gonna say that they warn people?

seriously if i was there i wouldnt move the its turned into a war-torn country n the place is destroyed so excuz Hezballah 4 wanting to destroy a "country" which has so far demolished theirs and killed hundreds of civilians

another thing on the daily telegraph they show little children in israel writing on the bombs which were to be used against lebaon...that has to be the stupidest thing ive eva heard

if they want their children doin that wat do they expect them to become wen they grow up?

u dont see Hezballah doin that

and how is it ok for 1 country to defend it self but not ok for the other?

i just think that both sides if they wanna continue should keep civilians out of it ....

and i do no that this has been goin on for decades

k now i see where youre confused....


hezbollah is fighting in the name of allah! lebanon is just a country for them that cna easily be sacrificed for their greater might even say that hezbollah cares less about lebanon than israel! hezbollah, although, is just the messenger from syria and iran!! using anti semtic material and brainwashing people into hating a country that only wants peace!!

hezbollah is fighting a religious and ideological war whereby israel is defnding itself as a one can claim this is an ideological war or religious war on israel's behalf considering the various types of religions that exist within the COUNTRY

believe me israel would keep civilians out oif they could but seeing as hebzollah are cowards and hide amongst civilian homes etc thats THE only way to kill them..and allow israelies to maintain some sort of freedom concenign their basic human rights of living in a peaceful living environment
Jul 22, 2006
R.G. said:
Oh my the reliability of your sources is overwhelming!!!
i know
[being sarcastic since i know u all HATE {ur gonna give me the meaning i bet} me ] howeva i know it is:)


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