Libertarian politics and gun control (1 Viewer)


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

Edit (Generator): A new thread for a wild tangent.


Not-That-Bright said:
Says the guy who doesn't know what communism is, let alone probably anything about any social theory ever. By the way, I never thought I would see the day when I am called a communist..
Mathmite believes in economic protectionism, but here he is calling someone in favour of a lassez faire system a communist. How ironic.
schroedinger said:
This put a smile on my face, thank you.

Damn it WAF, what are they DOING?!

We need a Libertarian party, stat!
I'm pondering whether I should resign from the Liberal party and join this, bringing a bunch of small government people both from within the party and from here with me. If it gets the numbers to be registered in NSW or federally we could run for parliament. Thoughts?
NTB said:
Liberal party needs a total purging. I'm sick of all these cunts.
Word up.
Damage Inc. said:
See waf, this, this is why I despise Liberals so much.
I despise them too at times, I remain only because there are a few intelligent minarchists within the party who I would not have the pleasure of debating policy with otherwise.
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Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

So you support the right of rapists, bank robbers etc to feel safe on the job?


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

If I really want a gun, I'm going to be able to find one, am I not? It's essentially the same deal as with drugs.
Basically I can get access to a gun through the black market, and feel safe in robbing shops, banks etc with it because I know the shop owners won't have shotguns under the counter. If there was, however, just say a 5% risk that they would, I'd say I would be at least half as willing to risk a confrontation with them as compared to if I knew they were unarmed.
In the 12 months following Howard's laws against firearms, homicides were up 3.2%, assaults were up 8.6% and armed robberies were up a staggering 44%. All this when the statistics showed a steady decrease in gun related homicides in the 25 years prior to the ban.
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Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

Then it shows a feasible link between shop owners not having guns and an increase knife related robberies.

Anyway I'm off to bed, I'll argue more tomorrow night (maybe).


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

If I think a convenience store clerk might have a gun, I'm less likely to rob his shop. That's all there is to it.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

At a glance you would, but think about it. If one guy pulls a gun on me and tells me to give him my money, either myself or someone else is gonna pull a gun on him, and he doesn't want this to happen. Since such an outcome would be predictable beforehand he's unlikely to do it. It's the same as with nukes, ultimately a world without them would be better, but its better that more than one country posesses them so that they will never have to be used again.
Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

Maybe it's because it's late and I'm not paying a huge amount of attention, but those statistics don't seem quite right.

The report which is being cited makes approximately one million references to the fact that "it is too soon to determine definitively whether Australia's uniform firearms laws have achieved their aim in reducing firearm related violence and misuse.", yet there are some very firm conclusions being drawn from it, which seems foolish given that those putting the report together warned specifically against this.

Firstly, on the suggestion that this ban has led to a significant increase in knife driven robbery, page 6 of this article (Cited as a source on one of the sites you provided), says that:

"Figure 5 shows the percentage of firearms, knives and other weapons used in all armed robberies in New South Wales from January 1995 to December 1997. This figure further shows that the percentage of robberies involving the use of knives has remained relatively constant across the period under review. However, there is a declining trend in the percentage of robberies involving the use of a firearm, and this has been accompanied by increases in the percentage of robberies involving other weapons (i.e. those other than knives and firearms)."

Unless this trend is evident everywhere other than NSW, I don't see how these claims are compatible (And if that's the case, I'd like to see the data to support it, as this report says that such data is not available). Then again, I don't see how displacing crime from firearms to potentially less dangerous items is a bad thing anyway, I'd much rather have a screwdriver pointed at me than a gun personally.

(Also linked from that site), does state that "[the report] shows a reduction in firearms-related deaths since the introduction of the national firearms agreement.", which again seems like it's doing its job, contrary to what the statistics provided by Geoff seem to indicate.

It is also stated that "The paper found that the two states, Tasmania and Queensland, with the most permissive laws prior to 1997 have had consistently higher rates of firearms related deaths than the national average.", this has curiously been left out of Geoff's choice cuts from the report.

And again, it is mentioned in the press release which accompanied the report that "We need to treat these findings with some caution. The paper highlights that it is still too early to fully evaluate the impact of the national agreement on firearms."

Also, given that the page is called Australia: Results, what's with all the shit about the UK at the bottom, with just the eyecatching CRIME UP! bits in bold? Personally I find this guy's presentation of the facts to be misleading at best.

A more recent graph is available here (No. 66: Firearm related deaths). Again, this seems to indicate that the steep increase in homicides through firearms simply hasn't happened. Interestingly enough, looking at that graph it would appear that suicide is in fact the primary cause of firearm related death in Australia, not homicide, and it's interesting to note the difference in firearm suicide between the early and late 90s (If we were being premature we could directly attribute this to gun control, though it's far more likely to be a combination including other factors such as suicide and depression awareness programs). (No. 261: Australian homicide rates : a comparison of three data sources), also fails to suggest significant increases in homicide, or continuations in this trend since the initial report which indicated that it should not be used for drawing conclusions.

The short form, for those uninterested in reading all that (Which is understandable, it's too late for me to bother trimming it down to size), is that I really don't see how the statistics which were released match up with the conclusions drawn by Geoff Metcalf.

In some cases what he's said seems to contradict the data provided directly, or rely on data which is stated as being unavailable, and and in others there's just no basis at all for them, they are not conclusions drawn from the single reference which he has provided (Which itself warns that it should not be used for such conclusions). Unless there's some way that a talkshow host from (In the US) can access information on Australian crime which is unavailable to the Australian Institute of Criminology, I just don't see how this shit floats, and if he can access said information, his point would hold a lot more water if he provided some sort of support for the claims which he's made (Preferably support which did in fact support what he was saying).

Edit: ugh, that's much longer than it looked. Sorry Justin, I'm not deliberately trying to give you shit, I just really can't seem to believe much that guy says.
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Oct 28, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

I actually think this LDP thing is alright, but like Damage Inc., I'm not still convinced on the issue of guns.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

Point taken. Australia's probably not the greatest example due to the sample size, I'll try to find some data on the effectiveness of gun control programs in the US.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

volition said:
I actually think this LDP thing is alright, but like Damage Inc., I'm not still convinced on the issue of guns.
Guns are not the be all and end all of libertarian philosophy. I'd compare not supporting gun legalisation and being a libertarian to supporting abortion and being a conservative, it's probably not the norm, but you will still generally fit into a group of libs/cons without too much trouble.


Retired. Gone fishing.
Sep 26, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

withoutaface said:
Guns are not the be all and end all of libertarian philosophy. I'd compare not supporting gun legalisation and being a libertarian to supporting abortion and being a conservative, it's probably not the norm, but you will still generally fit into a group of libs/cons without too much trouble.
How about some balance boys and girls? All we seem to have are die hard libertarians hell bent on not bending their ideological bent. Come on everyone, lets get together and take the best out of each political perspective. Consensus people!


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

erawamai said:
How about some balance boys and girls? All we seem to have are die hard libertarians hell bent on not bending their ideological bent. Come on everyone, lets get together and take the best out of each political perspective. Consensus people!
While I personally wouldn't compromise my principles to allow the state to forcibly remove firearms from its citizens whose ownership, in and of itself, does no harm to anybody and has a leigitimate purpose, I wouldn't judge anybody who supported a complete lassez faire system and almost complete social freedom except for guns as non libertarian. Balanced?


Retired. Gone fishing.
Sep 26, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

withoutaface said:
While I personally wouldn't compromise my principles to allow the state to forcibly remove firearms from its citizens whose ownership, in and of itself, does no harm to anybody and has a leigitimate purpose
Define 'legitimate purpose', 'Citizen', 'forcibly remove' and 'harm'

Construction of your general principle above can allow it to fit neaty within libertarian principles as well as stopping gun nuts having an a stash of weapons for WW3 while he lives in Suburban Castle Hill.

- Most would feel that having a concealble 9mm semi automatic Beretta in Sydney for the purpose of 'self defence' as not a legitimate purpose. Social theory can even have a crack at arguing that even though guns in the city may have some vague notion of 'legitimate purpose' this legitimate purpose is outweighed by the 'harm' that it might cause. Only fatal deficiency in pure libertarian thinking is that it kinda assumes everyone is smart enough not to fuck up. Obviously not true.

- Citizen? Well I recon the average yob Australia would feel that Muslims and other races new to the country shouldn't have a right to bare arms.
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Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

Legitimate purpose is any that brings pleasure (the case with guns), an increase in productivity, a longer life etc to its owner without being detrimental to the rights of others.
Citizen means anybody recognised in this country as a permanent resident with voting rights.
Forcibly remove means that if guns are not given back during buy back schemes and/or destroyed, the owner will be thrown in jail.
Harm means that unless you're offended by the idea that someone, somewhere, might be having legitimate fun with a gun, then you won't be harmed by the average firearms user's activities.

And it's come to my attention that knives can be thrown or thrusted in a stabbing motion, and arrows can be shot. How bout we ban cooking and archery, because 1% of knife/bow owners are irresponsible?


Oct 3, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

withoutaface said:
Basically I can get access to a gun through the black market, and feel safe in robbing shops, banks etc with it because I know the shop owners won't have shotguns under the counter. If there was, however, just say a 5% risk that they would, I'd say I would be at least half as willing to risk a confrontation with them as compared to if I knew they were unarmed. said:

"In Australia in 1998 there were 328 firearm-related deaths; 71.6 per
cent were suicides and 17.4 per cent were homicides. Males aged 65
and over have the highest firearms mortality rate. The Northern
Territory, Tasmania, South Australia and Queensland had above
average firearm-related death rates (per 100 000 population) and the
Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia had the
lowest rates. While suicides are more likely to be committed with a
”hunting rifle”, homicides are more likely to be committed with a
handgun." said:

"The Americans value their constitution and the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment deals with the right to bear arms. Here is the price that ordinary Americans are paying for the privilege

- 8 children a day die in murders, suicides and accidents involving guns

- since John F. Kennedy was assinated more Americans have died from gunshot wounds at home than died in all the wars of the 20th century

- Osama bin Laden would need at least nine twin towers like attacks each year to equal what Americans do to themselves every year with guns.

- Murder rates in LA, NY and Chigago were approaching the hightest in the world (30 per 100,000) until moves were made in late 20th century to restrict access to guns to teenagers. (The NRA wants these moves reversed)"
Do you really want to live in a society like that? Legalising firearms is an absolutely rediculous suggestion. It causes far more trouble than it prevents.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

"In Australia in 1998 there were 328 firearm-related deaths; 71.6 per
cent were suicides and 17.4 per cent were homicides. Males aged 65
and over have the highest firearms mortality rate. The Northern
Territory, Tasmania, South Australia and Queensland had above
average firearm-related death rates (per 100 000 population) and the
Australian Capital Territory and Western Australia had the
lowest rates. While suicides are more likely to be committed with a
”hunting rifle”, homicides are more likely to be committed with a

You know when firearms restrictions were brought into place? 1996.

Personally I think the world would be a better place without guns, but all your points seem to indicate is that guns kill people but do little in the way of proving that it's linked to a lack of gun control for adults (I would personally support restrictions being made on teenagers owning a gun as they are more likely to be irresponsible).
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Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

ok, since gun control is being discussed....and america...seems like i should weigh in.
of course, most relevant, but anecdotal, is that about 3 months ago, i think it was, the father of one of my brother's friends was robbed. he owns a jewelry store, and he had two large guys come in that could overpower him. they pulled out a gun and told him to get on his knees, which he did. while they were closing blinds, he was able to get away enough to reach the back room, where he had HIS gun that he owns legally. while he was running to the back room, he was being shot at. He was able to get his gun, and he shot both robbers, killing one, and putting a good half dozen bullets in the other.
He most likly would've been killed during the robbery, and you can't expect cops to get tehre quick. Cops show up AFTER a crime has been committed.

its illegal for anyone tahts a felon to own a gun in the united states. they still get guns. just like one can still get drugs illegally. especially considering that america has a very poorly controlled border with mexico.
washington d.c. has a complete ban on guns, but also has a very high crime rate, and many states are finding that allowing concealed carry permits are leading to drops in crime. when the state of florida adapted this, they also tracked how many of the people with these permits used them in crimes....over a period of a few years, it was no more than a handful....i think less than 10.

generally speaking, its not "guns vs no guns" its "law abiding citizens can own guns vs only those with disregard for the law already can own guns"

as for comparisons with violence...tehres a book i've not yet tracked out that compares New York crime rates to London crime rates and talks about how even when gun ownership was possible easily in both, New York has always had a high crime rate.


Active Member
Jun 14, 2004
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

withoutaface said:
At a glance you would, but think about it. If one guy pulls a gun on me and tells me to give him my money, either myself or someone else is gonna pull a gun on him, and he doesn't want this to happen. Since such an outcome would be predictable beforehand he's unlikely to do it. It's the same as with nukes, ultimately a world without them would be better, but its better that more than one country posesses them so that they will never have to be used again.
I think comparing guns with nukes is not a good comparison. Possessing nukes as a deterrent works because it is very difficult to eliminate entirely another countries nuclear delivery systems and thus it is almost guaranteed that there will be a returned attack. Because of this almost no country is willing to use nuclear weapons as a first resort.

By having everyone possess guns, I think that a criminal would just use his gun as a first resort figuring that he might as well use it before his victim can.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
Re: RU486 will make us muslim

With the gun thing. If I don't see it I wont need it. If however, guns were freely avaliable I may find it curious to try one. So I go into a gun store, buy one cause they are avaliable. Within a month I would have 10 murders under my name. Why? Cause they are avaliable. I mean, after one murder why stop at just the one? I'm going to jail anyways. However with the current system it's really hard to find guns. You don't see stores for them, you don't see ads for them, they are non-existant to the general public. BUT if guns are more prevalent, people will take an interest in them, people get curious. People get scared and buy them and soon there'll be guns anywhere and psychos like me will have access to them. So please, for the sake of everyone else, keep the guns off the market.

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