I went, and I thought that open day was headache inducing. The Arts History lecture sounded like a pirate, she put so much emph-arse-iz on the wrong syll-apple, that all I could hear was argh, argh, argh. She also had no information about the subject that a dodo couldn't puzzle out. And the Liberal Studies session was a load of poop - he basically restated the names of the degree. And then there was the period that I was geographically challenged(not lost!) and pretty much ended up walking around the entire uni in a circle because of my inability to orient myself, resulting in me wearing a hole into my shoe - then in Linguistics there was an 00ber cool lecturer who talked about language construction, it totally got me interested unfortunately the English lecturer came on after and she was muchly boring. And all I came away with was a bag. And sore feet.
And you should have gone Jhakka! *shakes fist* You could have pre-empted me being geographically challenged!