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Losing weight to get a bf/gf (1 Viewer)

Just Click It

Mar 15, 2006
Newcastle/Port Macquarie
Schoolies_2004 said:
Struck a nerve? Well it would, your one of the idiots.

You dont become a vegetarian to lose weight, this is a ridiculous proposition, go to a doctor if your obese, and you will get help.... and I can assure you they will not suggest to become a vegetarian! Its about reducing energy in, increasing energy out - thats the basis for weight loss, not neglecting your body which requires meat to function properly.

Your a joke.
First of all, Malfoy... chill! People like this post because they are insecure about their own beliefs and want to reinforce them by degrading others. The matter of fact is, people may listen to his posts and actually believe it. That (at least for me) is a real worry. He has been told this through sources which are unreliable or stupid.

Schoolies, I suggest you actually know what you're talking about before you spread fucking crap. That was not aimed at you, but the people who have told you this. If you want to know what a vegetarian diet really is like, I suggest you try it. And no, I am not saying "you have to". Your "doctor" is a moron. Period. Eating meat = not vegetarian. Tell him/her to look up the word in a dictionary. And actually use his brain to figure out what is wrong with his vegie diet. If he doesn't know how to get anything, I suggest you put him in touch with me. My e-mail is in my user profile.

I believe you are a nice guy, bent on protecting your own "beliefs" (can you call being a mainstream omni a belief though??). That's cool. It is not my decision whether you eat meat or not. I offered SweetSeasons a way that I know works... I tried not to threaten to "bible bash" her if she didn't go vegie. Sorry if I did. I'm not going to try and prove myself with the whole vegie diet. People who read this need to investigate it for themselves from unbiased sources (and some vegie sources ARE biased so bewarem - the best advice I can give is to listen to your own body).

Lets chillax for a moment and think about what we're saying here.
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Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
can you call being a mainstream omni a belief though??)
you can, in so much as that, like, personally, i don't count it as a meal unless there is meat involved. i would wonder to what level vegetarian counts a belief. there are plenty of people out there that count themselves as vegetarians but still eat fish, or poultry. most deitary studies undertaken have errors or uncertainties so great that they're hardly reliable. which isn't to say anything on actual effects, just that to try to argue it scientifically is tricky. and then i think there was a recent one that said eating a lot of fish was even healthier. there are so many variables involved in this that one can't make a claim that there is an absolute better as far as something as absolute as "never eat meat" or "eat meat". i mean, this isn't the same as arguing that more exercise is better, or eating less fast food is better, where you're talking about degrees of moderation.

and as a note on vegetarianism in general, theres this:

Just Click It

Mar 15, 2006
Newcastle/Port Macquarie
davin said:
one can't make a claim that there is an absolute better as far as something as absolute as "never eat meat" or "eat meat".
What are you implying? is "better" connected with a better diet for losing weight? But... I do agree with you. She needs to investigate it if she were to go for whatever she would be changing (whether changing beef/pork consumption to tuna/chicken, increasing her physical excercise times or whatever else).

davin said:
and as a note on vegetarianism in general, theres this:
Can we not go there? The situation will turn into a moral debate... which can't be won by either "side" (I hate that word).


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
the comic i just put because its hilarious. not to start that element of debate.

when i said better i meant that there isn't a way to say simply meat vs no meat what is better, because its not that black and white. there's a lot of variables at play. the reason taht so many people that are fat eat meat is, i think, because one reason many are fat is because they don't pay attention to what they eat. i know plenty of people that are very healthy that eat meat a lot, but they generally eat healthy. i think there's a difference between a proper meal and fast food.

Just Click It

Mar 15, 2006
Newcastle/Port Macquarie
Malfoy said:
Which is why I flipped out. He quotes a 'doctor' therefore people might believe him. That, and I'm sick of people attacking me for, generally speaking, eating far healthier than most people do.

And I agree with the rest of your post... you're a lot calmer than me about this, it's one of my hot button topics.
I know how you feel, though lets discuss over PM. :)

This thread is supose to be a weight loss thread! Haha... I'm sorry I brought this up. It is my fault.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland
And your body does NOT require meat to function properly. It requires protein, but protein does NOT equal meat.
Protein, and other shit like Iron.... along with a number of other vitamins and minerals. Sure you can get this in veggies and supplementing... buts its alot of work.... to do it healthily at least.

First of all, Malfoy... chill! People like this post because they are insecure about their own beliefs and want to reinforce them by degrading others. The matter of fact is, people may listen to his posts and actually believe it. That (at least for me) is a real worry. He has been told this through sources which are unreliable or stupid.
Stop talking shit m8. Why the fuck would I be insecure about being normal and omnivorous!? Its vegos who are insecure! Thats fact (Read further down for some evidence).

What is a worry is people telling others (who are potentially vulnerable individuals) on a forum to become vegetarians to lose weight, that is a worry.... not me stating the obvious that it isnt necessarily good for you (paritcularly if you dont get the right advice!)

Schoolies, I suggest you actually know what you're talking about before you spread fucking crap. That was not aimed at you, but the people who have told you this.
Not aimed at me? You address me as SCHOOLIES, and then you use words like 'YOU should know what YOU'RE talking about'..... sounds like you need a sweet, succulent steak into ya to get you thinking straight m8 :D

Tell him/her to look up the word in a dictionary. And actually use his brain to figure out what is wrong with his vegie diet. If he doesn't know how to get anything, I suggest you put him in touch with me
The point is, as a doctor, someone with hmmmm, Id suggest alittle more knowledge about the human body (hes been a doctor for like 30years btw) than you...... realises the need for meat in the diet, and despite him holding the beliefs of many vegetarians, he still eats meat because he knows you NEED it (Or at least its alot of fucking around to not eat it). And he can still hold the vego beliefs and eat meat, but yes hes not technically a vegetarian.

I believe you are a nice guy, bent on protecting your own "beliefs" (can you call being a mainstream omni a belief though??). That's cool. It is not my decision whether you eat meat or not. I offered SweetSeasons a way that I know works... I tried not to threaten to "bible bash" her if she didn't go vegie. Sorry if I did. I'm not going to try and prove myself with the whole vegie diet. People who read this need to investigate it for themselves from unbiased sources (and some vegie sources ARE biased so bewarem - the best advice I can give is to listen to your own body).
I agree people need to research this etc..... but its quite stupid to be suggesting someone on a forum takes up a vegie diet. From some posts I read, there was no mention of investigating further, it was just 'vegie is good to lose weight'.... now I see this as irresponsible because you dont know the mental state of people reading this forum.... they could be a desperately overweight person looking for some hope, willing to take up anything without doing the correct research and will end up harming themselves.

Which is why I flipped out. He quotes a 'doctor' therefore people might believe him. That, and I'm sick of people attacking me for, generally speaking, eating far healthier than most people do.
We somehow talk about my supposed insecurities.... have a look at this. Second time you've said your eating healthier. Keep it up.

And at the end of the day this is how I see it, however distorted it might seem :uhoh:. Not eating meat is like putting shit fuel into your car, sure it will work well in the short term, it will run, but at the end of the day it was designed to take better fuel, its gonna fuck up when its older. With humans, our bodies have evolved to run on an omnivorous diet, your young now its all good, but when your 40 and start having health problems, its another story! Now I will clarify one thing, if you have a balanced diet, which means supplementation, this might not be a problem, but with all these dero-vegetarians who are 16 years old and trying to lose 2kgs, you think they are doing this? No. And thats why you dont give such advice on a forum, you dont know whos reading it and how they are going to interpret it and if they have the brains to actually do some research or go a doctor about it.

And back on topic, you want to lose weight.... the best advice isnt to become a vegetarian, its to go to a doctor, simple as that!
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Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
i'm willing to bet that, plain and simple, most people overweight just need additional physical activity


Active Member
Oct 21, 2004
Schoolies_2004 said:
Protein, and other shit like Iron.... along with a number of other vitamins and minerals. Sure you can get this in veggies and supplementing... buts its alot of work.... to do it healthily at least.

Stop talking shit m8. Why the fuck would I be insecure about being normal and omnivorous!? Its vegos who are insecure! Thats fact (Read further down for some evidence).

What is a worry is people telling others (who are potentially vulnerable individuals) on a forum to become vegetarians to lose weight, that is a worry.... not me stating the obvious that it isnt necessarily good for you (paritcularly if you dont get the right advice!)

Not aimed at me? You address me as SCHOOLIES, and then you use words like 'YOU should know what YOU'RE talking about'..... sounds like you need a sweet, succulent steak into ya to get you thinking straight m8 :D

The point is, as a doctor, someone with hmmmm, Id suggest alittle more knowledge about the human body (hes been a doctor for like 30years btw) than you...... realises the need for meat in the diet, and despite him holding the beliefs of many vegetarians, he still eats meat because he knows you NEED it (Or at least its alot of fucking around to not eat it). And he can still hold the vego beliefs and eat meat, but yes hes not technically a vegetarian.

I agree people need to research this etc..... but its quite stupid to be suggesting someone on a forum takes up a vegie diet. From some posts I read, there was no mention of investigating further, it was just 'vegie is good to lose weight'.... now I see this as irresponsible because you dont know the mental state of people reading this forum.... they could be a desperately overweight person looking for some hope, willing to take up anything without doing the correct research and will end up harming themselves.

We somehow talk about my supposed insecurities.... have a look at this. Second time you've said your eating healthier. Keep it up.

And at the end of the day this is how I see it, however distorted it might seem :uhoh:. Not eating meat is like putting shit fuel into your car, sure it will work well in the short term, it will run, but at the end of the day it was designed to take better fuel, its gonna fuck up when its older. With humans, our bodies have evolved to run on an omnivorous diet, your young now its all good, but when your 40 and start having health problems, its another story! Now I will clarify one thing, if you have a balanced diet, which means supplementation, this might not be a problem, but with all these dero-vegetarians who are 16 years old and trying to lose 2kgs, you think they are doing this? No. And thats why you dont give such advice on a forum, you dont know whos reading it and how they are going to interpret it and if they have the brains to actually do some research or go a doctor about it.

And back on topic, you want to lose weight.... the best advice isnt to become a vegetarian, its to go to a doctor, simple as that!
schoolies man dont bother trying to explain it to them , every1 knows vegetarians are fucking idiots anyway........
people dont become vegetarians to lose weight. they become vegetarians coz theyre fucked in the head


Being vegetarian isn't stupid it is just a personal decision. As long as you supplement your diet and talk to a doctor before becoming vegetarian there shouldn't be a problem. However, a lot of vegetarians are anaemic which affects weight loss so losing weight is harder.


So fetch!
Jan 6, 2005
loquasagacious said:
Guys like girls that are in between, not skeletal OR fat.

Yes we are that shallow, if we're going out with a fatty it is because we are ugly/fat/undesirable ourselves and/or have low self esteem etc.

If you have a golden personality but we're not attracted to you then you will be a friend not a partner/etc thats the way of the world. We arnt going to suddenly see you as being several dress sizes smaller/cup sizes larger/etc because you have a great personality (we might if we were drunk though).

So I think its high time you grew up, looks matter end of story. Its not shallowness its just how it is.
excuse me? grow up? its my opinion. if you don't like it then whatever. don't tell me what to do. did i say anything about picturing someone with "several dress sizes smaller/cup sizes larger/etc because you have a great personality" ? no. I'm just saying i think whether or not you are physically attractive would be less significant than having a great personality, since you have seen this side of someone, this sheds a new light out there.

speak for yourself.


davin said:
i'm willing to bet that, plain and simple, most people overweight just need additional physical activity
Incorrect. Certainly, a combination of regular exercise and good diet is needed to maintain a healthy weight. However, weight loss is much more a matter of regulating caloric intake. Simply, it is much easier to lower calories consumed than it is to increase calories burnt.

A Big Mac contains 563 calories. To burn this off, you have to jog for an hour. Most people can't do so either out of lack of fitness or lack of time. It is much easier to just avoid the Big Mac altogether. People who are presently maintaining a high weight through overeating will find this hard to begin with, but the body soon gets used to the new arrangement, and after a while fatty food isn't so attractive any more.

Of course, exercise is important in achieving a good level of aerobic fitness and stength, and aesthetically to improve the body (you don't want to lose all that weight only to go from being a fat kid to a scrawny kid), but weight regulation is a simple equation. Calories burnt - calories consumed = calories used up from fat reserves. It's much easier to consume less than it is to burn more. Basically, to lose weight, you have to put down the fork.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2004
i agree with u loquasagacious, but i reckon there wil be SOME guys who fall for fat or anorexic girls becoz of their personality, but not many...
its all about looks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for me if shes fat/anorexic then she can FUCK OFF!! and i guess alot of other guys think the same.

in the end, it comes down to the common debate of personality vs looks
remember this thread is about getting a bf/gf and i reckon it'd be hard to be a fat/anorexic chick and get guys attention in the first place. yeh they MAY have a good personality but who's gona know it if she isnt being noticed in that way..
but then again, in my opinion, fat/anorexic chicks have the worst personality and the hot ones are the funniest/have best personality (from MY personal experience!)


Apr 9, 2003
Sydney, Inner West
littlewing69 said:
Incorrect. Certainly, a combination of regular exercise and good diet is needed to maintain a healthy weight. However, weight loss is much more a matter of regulating caloric intake. Simply, it is much easier to lower calories consumed than it is to increase calories burnt.

A Big Mac contains 563 calories. To burn this off, you have to jog for an hour. Most people can't do so either out of lack of fitness or lack of time. It is much easier to just avoid the Big Mac altogether. People who are presently maintaining a high weight through overeating will find this hard to begin with, but the body soon gets used to the new arrangement, and after a while fatty food isn't so attractive any more.

Of course, exercise is important in achieving a good level of aerobic fitness and stength, and aesthetically to improve the body (you don't want to lose all that weight only to go from being a fat kid to a scrawny kid), but weight regulation is a simple equation. Calories burnt - calories consumed = calories used up from fat reserves. It's much easier to consume less than it is to burn more. Basically, to lose weight, you have to put down the fork.
However, you could argue that of the people that actively want to lose weight, it's not the intake that's the problem, rather the lack of excercise.

I.e. the people that complain they can't lose weight no matter how much they diet.


KeypadSDM said:
However, you could argue that of the people that actively want to lose weight, it's not the intake that's the problem, rather the lack of excercise.

I.e. the people that complain they can't lose weight no matter how much they diet.
Yes, well, if there are mitigating factors, then exercise can be the "trigger" for weight loss. Also, muscle burns more calories than fat even at rest, so gaining muscle increases the rate at which you lose weight.

I'm inclined to think that a lot of people who make such complaints either don't know how to diet or aren't sticking to it.


NCAP Mooderator
Aug 3, 2004
excuse me? grow up? its my opinion. if you don't like it then whatever. don't tell me what to do. did i say anything about picturing someone with "several dress sizes smaller/cup sizes larger/etc because you have a great personality" ? no. I'm just saying i think whether or not you are physically attractive would be less significant than having a great personality, since you have seen this side of someone, this sheds a new light out there.

speak for yourself.
The perfect petulant teen (or tween even) response. I particularly liked the high and mighty 'well excuse me!?' (or maybe you misheard my post??) and also the maturity of "then whatever" so I bolded them.

My statement "several dress sizes smaller/cup sizes larger/etc because you have a great personality" is a clear derivative of your 'you will be considered attractive because of your personality'. What we call this in debate is rephrasing your argument without changing its meaning as a method of exposing some otherwise hidden fact.

I'm also going to take a wild stab here that you are unattractive, as this explains your emphasis on personality (you seek to make up for your defecit of looks) and also your defensiveness.

For proof of my statement that guys dont like fattys or anorexics (to use the term colloquially(sp) refer to this poll where you may notice that fat+anorexic equals less than 10% of almost 200 respondents: http://community.boredofstudies.org/476/fashion-lifestyle/95289/body-type-poll.html?highlight=curvy

For proof of my following statement that uglies date uglies I suggest you open your eyes and look around the vast majority of attractive people date other attractive people. Perhaps because personality is independent of looks and just like uglies can have a good personality so can hotties... precis an attractive guy will seek an attractive girl with a good personality.

Now lets look at some other variables (and we could even do some regression analysis if you feel brave and/or your intelligence has like totally climbed since the quoted post.

Attractive girls may date unattractive guys because the guys are older than them (see Alby's post) which translates into 'more mature' or more realistically they have more money (to spend on a girl), more possesions, a car, more life experience to talk about, more experience dating and so for want of better terminology play the game better.

Attractive guys may fuck (the obscenity is used deliberately to indicate the base nature of this) unattractive girls because the girls make themselves available eg they are easy and guys looking for a fuck may indeed bang them just because it requires little effort. Secondly the guys may be drunk which will impair their judgement. Importantly though we use different standards of acceptability when looking for a one night stand versus looking for a partner eg one-night is lower.

Another possibility is the pool of available partners for instance an attractive male engineering/IT student may end up with a less attractive partner simply because the supply of females in these departments/social circles is low. The reverse may be true in arts where the dearth of males may create a buyers market (for the men) enabling them to 'trade up' and date girls more attractive than themselves because better alternatives to them are not available.

By this point you will either be confused, infuriated (blinded by your preconceptions), persuaded (unlikely because you probably ahve a vested interest/self-confidence in not being), given up reading for any of the above reasons.


Active Member
Oct 13, 2004
i just want my ex bf to see me n think damn she's hot why did i dump her, n then he'd come crawling back n i'd tease him abit n then we could screw our brains out


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
I'm gonna refute the vego's arguments by referring to health as a balance between mental and physical health, and if I ever stopped eating animal products I would be a lot less happy, as would a lot of people.

</stupid but entirely logically sound argument>

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