stupid multiple choice.
after reading 7 pages of discrepancies regarding question 12 and 15, you would think that someone would have already pointed out how ridiculous the multiple choice questions included in this paper are (much like the crime questions... but thats another whinge altogether).
Isn't the general idea of multiple choice to have ONE "most correct" answer.
not a range of possibilities that frustrated over-achieving students much like ourselves can debate over on an internet forum, as there is obviously MORE than ONE correct answer, based on arguments along the lines of:
"but my teacher who teaches as spiffy school x says it was d" and "my vast array of textbooks says so to"
only to be rebuffed by arguments just as egotistical and yet so valid, such as
"well this internet site says this and its super-duper smart just like my teacher who is a senior marker who says its actually a" and "my school of spiffyness y is just so much more intellectual than your totally plebian excuse for an educational institution, spiffy school x."
my point is therefore, that not only will your hsc and status as a human being NOT be ruined due to not attaining 15/15 for legal studies multiple choice, but also that the questions are silly, and again i think someone in the crime thread had an idea about indulging in some ilLEGAL activities and focussing in particular on the Board of Studies. wow, venting our finishedness with legal studies AND demonstrating our knowledge through unlawful means. fun for the whole family!
oh. and in keeping with the aims of this thread, i think i got 14/15 or 15/15, dependent on 15.