The Brucemaster
Right so because you cant actually argue against my point you're going to ignore it?withoutaface said:I've gone off the subject of welfare, slightly changed my argument to encompass something I have explicit proof of, and that is your support of protectionism.
I was more referring to the lack of clarity (from my perspective) as to your argument in this case.*points to near unanimous agreement among economists on the effects of protectionism.
Your language fails to adequately describe the situation objectively:Free trade is defined as the absence of any protection, while protectionism is defined as the presence of any, and while you support any protection, you're charging consumers unfairly high rates, and allowing protected industries to bludge off other people's money.
A) define unfairly high rates?
B) If we are to implement total free trade then is australia's comparative advantage going to be enough to offset the losses created by sending markets overseas?
C) How do protected industries "bludge off other people's money?"
Yes, that is perfectly logical and your conclusion is completely accurate.I'll phrase it out as a logically closed deduction, shall I?
P = the set of people sending out country down the shithole.
Q = the set of ways that our country is being sent down the shithole.
R = the set of instances where people bludge off others' money.
Premise 1, taken from your own argument, states that R is a subset of Q, and as such membership of R implies membership of Q.
It is also trivial that if someone supports anything from set Q, then they are part of set P.
Now, premise 2 states that protectionism is a member of set R, and thus from premise 1, of set Q.
Premise 3 states that you support protectionism, and hence support something from set Q.
Hence by the second trivial deduction you are part of set P.
The conclusion follows completely from the premises, which are what you should be attacking if you wish to destablise my argument rather than making baseless attacks that my conclusion is 'outrageous'.
Although your premises in the first place dont actually describe my argument and in fact are irrelevant to the original statement.
A) I was simply referring to the attitude indicated by bractune in his statement earlier and how it was conducive to the decline of the nation.
B) You seem to have applied your own political ideas to this statement and seem to think that i am implying an idea about welfare dependency/some other form of dependency.
C) Even if this were true you have already stated that you dont wish to argue about welfare, despite its aforementioned relevance (albeit perceived on your part) to the debate.
D) Protectionism has nothing to do with this save your prejudiced and in fact rather despicable insult earlier as to my (perceived) political ideals.
E) You have simply applied your political ideals to this situation by turning this in to a debate on protectionism v. free trade. By virtue of that, you have therefore simply dismissed my arguments simply because they do not agree with yours. I would suggest that you not act with such a closed mind, it is detrimental to progress.
F) Of course, you are no doubt going to ignore my advice seeing as i am a welfare/protectionist loving commie who doesnt agree with you, which of course means i am wrong.