north korea launches missile test (2 Viewers)

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
The reason why the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) left the 6 nations talks and began developing missiles is because of two reason.
1) US nuclear submarines patrol around the Korean peninsula.
2) USA can launch nuclear weapons that are capable of reaching the Korean penisula.

So the 6 nations talks were useless. The reason they broke down was not because of the DPRK, but because of the US. The very fact that they attack DPRK for being an obstacle to a nuclear free Korea while the USA has the ability to nuke North Korea shows the hypocrisy of the USA and their lack of comitment to the reunification of Korea. Basically the DPRK is not going to be jerked around in false peace talks.


Comrade nathan said:
The reason why the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) left the 6 nations talks and began developing missiles is because of two reason.
1) US nuclear submarines patrol around the Korean peninsula.
2) USA can launch nuclear weapons that are capable of reaching the Korean penisula.

So the 6 nations talks were useless. The reason they broke down was not because of the DPRK, but because of the US. The very fact that they attack DPRK for being an obstacle to a nuclear free Korea while the USA has the ability to nuke North Korea shows the hypocrisy of the USA and their lack of comitment to the reunification of Korea. Basically the DPRK is not going to be jerked around in false peace talks.
Ummm, you don't make any sense.

1) So what?
2) Yes they can, but they don't! Why does Korea need the same capability?

I don't see why either makes them leave the 6 party talk.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
Shuter said:
Ummm, you don't make any sense.

1) So what?
2) Yes they can, but they don't! Why does Korea need the same capability?

I don't see why either makes them leave the 6 party talk.
It makes sense. If the USA aren't committed to Nuclear free Korean peninsula, and they constantly attack North Korea, which damages the Korean unification, then the DPRK has no reason to be at 6 party talks and can continue on with building it's defenses.

If there is going to be a nuclear free Korean peninsula it's going to start with US disarmament around the peninsula. The USA just wants a defenseless DPRK, not unification and not a nuclear free peninsula.


BOS Male Prostitute
Sep 10, 2005
Why does the US think they're the cops of the world?
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Aug 23, 2004
I just think Bush is an idiot full stop. He's got no right to pry into other countries' business, e.g. Iran, Iraq, North Korea, etc. Now I personally think North Korea is a dodge place but they are free to 'test' missiles as they like because it's their government and business. I'm not condoning the release of those missiles--I'm just saying that they have the perfect right to do so without the US and UN Security Council (which is basically run in US interests--its formation from the very start at the end of WW2 comprised of the US and its allies) intervening.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Yes, lala, it's only fair that China, and to a lesser extent Russia, be given the exclusive right to influence North Korean policy!


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
You would think from reading this thread, that some people think the solution to the world's problem here would be to give every country a nuclear weapon? Oh and "Fuck Bush" etc.
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Feb 2, 2005
- L1n - said:
The way i see it is, Nth Korea can do whatever the heck they want as long as they don't damage any other countries, i think it's about time we stop thinking the west is the good guys, Nth Korea could just be using this as a defence mechanism, they are probably just getting ready incase some idiots decide to mess with em, i see no problem in self defence, until they actually do something thats damaging, we should'nt assume they are using this test to start another war. The fact that most major countries in the world in terms of military prowness has nukes, missles etc etc any one of them can do damage. So i can't see why USA is threatening Nth Korea, they are the ones ringing into everyone elses business and the IRAQ issue is a complete joke, Bush is a joke, worst excuse for invading IRAQ (Nuclear weapon), they did'nt find shit. Not to mention USA was also the idiots who gave money to the Taliban, how bad did that bite them back.

And regarding japan and their imperialist views, Japan would be real dumb to start anything especially when China is like what, ur next door neighbour. It would be a complete demolition if anything did happen. Nuking China is like asking for a death wish.

And to Brogan, how exactly are westerners better? last time i checked John Howard is a Bush lover. If Bush says something Howard will likely jump on the bandwagon.
what is funny, though all of sudden Iran's nuclear program is completely (weel not completely) forgotten. They were testing some missiles , cant remember their capabilities nevertheless they claimed it was breakthrough.

But the main point here is preventions is better than the cure. North Korea along with Iran are going the wrong path, in today' world the only defence is against the Terrorists. And the terrorists happen to be the iranians and the north koreans. Why? Because they are abusing all the policies. treaties being maintainen by the UN. The UN is as far as i am concerned a global organisation (with very little power, as it has to have meetings to decide things and they take time, on the other hand america can just declare war however and whenever they feel like it).

There is no need for North Korea to develop nuclear weapons, Iran claim to build nuclear power plants- but with their missile testing that is highly doubtful.

Its only time now, the iraq situation is still a mess,a bigger mess is the palestine-isreal battle, and even LTTE have started and broken a long ceasfire. Indoneasia and Timor, are troublin us, at the moment the world is in havoc. But as the problems are solved, i think north korea will be the next target. I dont hink they will find any allies, as they are violating just about every single treaty.


Sep 2, 2005
HotShot said:
And the terrorists happen to be the iranians and the north koreans. Why? Because they are abusing all the policies. treaties being maintainen by the UN.
North Koreans and Iranians are terrorists because they disobey the UN? :confused:
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland
Some of the responses in this thread have been alittle concerning!

I just think Bush is an idiot full stop. He's got no right to pry into other countries' business, e.g. Iran, Iraq, North Korea, etc. Now I personally think North Korea is a dodge place but they are free to 'test' missiles as they like because it's their government and business. I'm not condoning the release of those missiles--I'm just saying that they have the perfect right to do so without the US and UN Security Council (which is basically run in US interests--its formation from the very start at the end of WW2 comprised of the US and its allies) intervening.
I think you are completely lost. For starters, it isnt just the US who has displayed concern over these developments, every responsible nation in the region and no doubt in the world has! The US has actually been the good guy in this as well believe it or not, theyve conducted meetings with Nth Korea and other nations trying to set the country up and open it to the international community! But they dont want to, Nth Korea wants to remain isolated, because their leader is a nut. This leads me to my second point, its not about the missiles, sure they could do some harm, but they are merely an enevelope for something bigger ie A nuclear tipped missile. When you have crazy leader + nuclear missile it spells for disaster. One, rather crazy man has the POTENTIAL to destroy the world. And I think I read in this thread that people were under the impression we are out of range.... Im quite sure we are in range of their current missiles let alone the ones they are testing, which will give them the ability to reach the USA and much of the Asian continent etc.

The way i see it is, Nth Korea can do whatever the heck they want as long as they don't damage any other countries, i think it's about time we stop thinking the west is the good guys, Nth Korea could just be using this as a defence mechanism, they are probably just getting ready incase some idiots decide to mess with em, i see no problem in self defence, until they actually do something thats damaging, we should'nt assume they are using this test to start another war. The fact that most major countries in the world in terms of military prowness has nukes, missles etc etc any one of them can do damage. So i can't see why USA is threatening Nth Korea, they are the ones ringing into everyone elses business and the IRAQ issue is a complete joke, Bush is a joke, worst excuse for invading IRAQ (Nuclear weapon), they did'nt find shit. Not to mention USA was also the idiots who gave money to the Taliban, how bad did that bite them back.
Are you kidding or what? Doing this just to defend themselves? You obviously have no idea of the current situation, no one intends to invade Nth Korean, particularly if you are alluding to the USA or Japan.... both of which have been conducting meetings with them in recent history to try and help them, along with Russia and China. In addition to this, your whole little innocent defence bullshit is thrown out the window by Nth Korean TV which has recently been flooding the airways which anti western sentiments and portraying a very aggressive mentality, not defensive. And finally the last nail in the coffen of your defence argument is that they already have missiles that can travel reasonable distances, certainly way further than their borders…. They are currently testing long range missiles. A long range missile for defensive purposes? Wake up.

Fair enough the whole Iraq thing was stupid to an EXTENT (Saddam and Co are still genocidal madmen!) but at the end of the day, the US attack people usually for a good reason, or so they think at least. Vietnam due to the spread of communism. Afghanistan because of the terroists connections their. And numerous other examples. On the other hand, nations like Iran and Nth Korea wont attack people for a reason, their leaders are nuts who instill hate among their people towards the west and for no good reason will launch an attack on the world.

So the 6 nations talks were useless. The reason they broke down was not because of the DPRK, but because of the US. The very fact that they attack DPRK for being an obstacle to a nuclear free Korea while the USA has the ability to nuke North Korea shows the hypocrisy of the USA and their lack of comitment to the reunification of Korea. Basically the DPRK is not going to be jerked around in false peace talks.
No, the difference is, one country that wants Nuclear weapons is controlled by a crazy f*cker while the other (contrary to popular belief) is a relatively sane individual. Who would you prefer have the nuclear weapon!? Fair enough the US should realistically disarm, but I have no quarms in them trying to stop other nations from doing so when they still have theirs.... as would most nations I would imagine. Bush isnt going to order a nuclear strike on all western capital cities on his death bed like the Iranian or Nth Korean leaders would!!! These leaders of rogue nations are guys with very small penises, they want to make themselves known, they want respect from the global community (not just their own brainwashed citizens), they want to be in the history books..... what a perfect way to do so then to arm yourself with nuclear weapons.
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Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
No, the difference is, one country that wants Nuclear weapons is controlled by a crazy f*cker while the other (contrary to popular belief) is a relatively sane individual
What makes you think Kim Jong Il is insane? So far i do not know of any real proof that he intends to use this missiles in a offensive attack.

Who would you prefer have the nuclear weapon!?
I do not want any nations to have such weapons. I am not happy that the USA has put the DPRK in such a position that it must build missiles. Though i will at least defend the DPRK and the whole of Korea against US aggression which prevents reunification and a nuclear free Korea.
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- L1n -

Oct 18, 2004
Northern Beaches
Schoolies_2004 said:
Some of the responses in this thread have been alittle concerning!

I think you are completely lost. For starters, it isnt just the US who has displayed concern over these developments, every responsible nation in the region and no doubt in the world has! The US has actually been the good guy in this as well believe it or not, theyve conducted meetings with Nth Korea and other nations trying to set the country up and open it to the international community! But they dont want to, Nth Korea wants to remain isolated, because their leader is a nut. This leads me to my second point, its not about the missiles, sure they could do some harm, but they are merely an enevelope for something bigger ie A nuclear tipped missile. When you have crazy leader + nuclear missile it spells for disaster. One, rather crazy man has the POTENTIAL to destroy the world. And I think I read in this thread that people were under the impression we are out of range.... Im quite sure we are in range of their current missiles let alone the ones they are testing, which will give them the ability to reach the USA and much of the Asian continent etc.

Are you kidding or what? Doing this just to defend themselves? You obviously have no idea of the current situation, no one intends to invade Nth Korean, particularly if you are alluding to the USA or Japan.... both of which have been conducting meetings with them in recent history to try and help them, along with Russia and China. In addition to this, your whole little innocent defence bullshit is thrown out the window by Nth Korean TV which has recently been flooding the airways which anti western sentiments and portraying a very aggressive mentality, not defensive. And finally the last nail in the coffen of your defence argument is that they already have missiles that can travel reasonable distances, certainly way further than their borders…. They are currently testing long range missiles. A long range missile for defensive purposes? Wake up.

Fair enough the whole Iraq thing was stupid to an EXTENT (Saddam and Co are still genocidal madmen!) but at the end of the day, the US attack people usually for a good reason, or so they think at least. Vietnam due to the spread of communism. Afghanistan because of the terroists connections their. And numerous other examples. On the other hand, nations like Iran and Nth Korea wont attack people for a reason, their leaders are nuts who instill hate among their people towards the west and for no good reason will launch an attack on the world.

No, the difference is, one country that wants Nuclear weapons is controlled by a crazy f*cker while the other (contrary to popular belief) is a relatively sane individual. Who would you prefer have the nuclear weapon!? Fair enough the US should realistically disarm, but I have no quarms in them trying to stop other nations from doing so when they still have theirs.... as would most nations I would imagine. Bush isnt going to order a nuclear strike on all western capital cities on his death bed like the Iranian or Nth Korean leaders would!!! These leaders of rogue nations are guys with very small penises, they want to make themselves known, they want respect from the global community (not just their own brainwashed citizens), they want to be in the history books..... what a perfect way to do so then to arm yourself with nuclear weapons.

Notice when i stated my defence there before the new Korean television break through so at the time unlike U, i give benefit of the doubt, that defence mechnism via Weappon testing is very valid. Isn't the whole point of defence to establish maximum potential in weaponary, and going beyond your borders is one step towards that goal. Unless your implying having missles that can only travel so far to the extent it dosen't really do anything is effective. R u kidding urself America dosen't invade unless for a good reason? Your delusional, America are the sole cause why Taliban has killed so many Americans during september 11, why? Becos America was dumb enough to provoke them by inading them in the first place. Communism? is that suppose to be a good excuse for invading someone, just because they have a difference of opinion, communism brings no harm to anyone, if western civilisation dosen't believe in it does that mean everyone has to believe what America believes in? It's like saying just because your no Christian/ or believe in Christ you will be invaded upon and all your beliefs are bad so to speak. If it works for certain countries then foreign governments should not interfere unless it is against human rights (eg Hitlers Regime).

And regarding Nuclear weapon being controlled by Bush or the iranian President or Nth Korean Leader, to tell you the truth all 3 are just as dangerous as each other, your making your statements based on what you see on Media, in most cases Subjective as, who knows what happens behind the scenes, Maybe the so called crazy F8ckers are just putting on a mean face to people don't mess with em, it's a clear trait of Human Nature act mean to look tuff, while on the other hand people can also decieve and put on a nice face only to have a crazy as hidden agenda. All that said if you actually think Bush had a good excuse to invade Iraq you are delusional, all Bush's excuses on the invasion of Iraq are just meh coverups, the whole point of Iraq invasion of bush junior trying to finish the work Bush Senior could'nt do yrs before. Simple as that.

Not to mention the mosty recent Disasters (September 11) would never of happened in the 1st place if America (The US Government) was not so foolish enough to give money to the Taliban, likewise with Iraq it was America who gave them money. Look how bad that turned out.

Regarding if NTH Korea are actually foolish enough to try anything, they will get absolutely hammered in terms of military location, they are situated at the worst possible position, from a tatican view point, if they start anything,they WILL 99 percent chance of getting wiped out, they are surrounded and have no where to go, worst geographical location possible.

Until The US gets rid of their nuclear missles and shit, they have no right to criticise other nations for nuclear testing considering they did it aswell. The US isn't high and mighty either, all they can do is pick on less power nations and pretend to be the all righteous side even when sometimes it's plain obvious they have other motives.
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- L1n -

Oct 18, 2004
Northern Beaches
HotShot said:
what is funny, though all of sudden Iran's nuclear program is completely (weel not completely) forgotten. They were testing some missiles , cant remember their capabilities nevertheless they claimed it was breakthrough.

But the main point here is preventions is better than the cure. North Korea along with Iran are going the wrong path, in today' world the only defence is against the Terrorists. And the terrorists happen to be the iranians and the north koreans. Why? Because they are abusing all the policies. treaties being maintainen by the UN. The UN is as far as i am concerned a global organisation (with very little power, as it has to have meetings to decide things and they take time, on the other hand america can just declare war however and whenever they feel like it).

There is no need for North Korea to develop nuclear weapons, Iran claim to build nuclear power plants- but with their missile testing that is highly doubtful.

Its only time now, the iraq situation is still a mess,a bigger mess is the palestine-isreal battle, and even LTTE have started and broken a long ceasfire. Indoneasia and Timor, are troublin us, at the moment the world is in havoc. But as the problems are solved, i think north korea will be the next target. I dont hink they will find any allies, as they are violating just about every single treaty.

America will never declare war againt major military organisations like China and Russia, but they will abuse their position against the likes if Iraq and NTH Korea, it just deopends on what mood Bush is in.


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
Hey - Kim can celebrate his 4th of July any damn way he wants to.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
- L1n - said:
And regarding Nuclear weapon being controlled by Bush or the iranian President or Nth Korean Leader, to tell you the truth all 3 are just as dangerous as each other, your making your statements based on what you see on Media, in most cases Subjective as, who knows what happens behind the scenes, Maybe the so called crazy F8ckers are just putting on a mean face to people don't mess with em, it's a clear trait of Human Nature act mean to look tuff, while on the other hand people can also decieve and put on a nice face only to have a crazy as hidden agenda. All that said if you actually think Bush had a good excuse to invade Iraq you are delusional, all Bush's excuses on the invasion of Iraq are just meh coverups, the whole point of Iraq invasion of bush junior trying to finish the work Bush Senior could'nt do yrs before. Simple as that.
So a democratically elected President who operates within a system of numerous checks and balances is just as bad as those who effectively act at their own discretion? No matter how questionable the US President's global programme may be, surely you can't be suggesting that he is just as dangerous as the other two?


Feb 2, 2005
_dhj_ said:
North Koreans and Iranians are terrorists because they disobey the UN? :confused:
well its all perspective, u disobey a lots of laws in australia then you are deemed a criminal, on a global scale i suppose they call them terrorists.

America will never declare war againt major military organisations like China and Russia, but they will abuse their position against the likes if Iraq and NTH Korea, it just deopends on what mood Bush is in.
Do you think its feasible to declare war on China or Russia - is there anything to gain? As far as ican see china and russia are not threatening or trying to lure the USA into war.

What makes you think Kim Jong Il is insane? So far i do not know of any real proof that he intends to use this missiles in a offensive attack.
What makes you think Kim Jong Il is insane? So far i do not know of any real proof that he intends to use this missiles in a offensive attack.
Theyrefuse to attend any negotiations... um they violate un laws regarding nuclear weapons. they are government run by a militaric dictator, - they claim to be communists but they are far from it.
Um, he is going to die very


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland
What makes you think Kim Jong Il is insane? So far i do not know of any real proof that he intends to use this missiles in a offensive attack.
Maybe insane is an extreme word, but he has 'issues' as a leader. His reign bares many similiariaties to that of Saddam, controlling his people and restricting speech. Not to mention he is isolating his country from the world, which is having a detramental effect on it.

I do not want any nations to have such weapons. I am not happy that the USA has put the DPRK in such a position that it must build missiles. Though i will at least defend the DPRK and the whole of Korea against US aggression which prevents reunification and a nuclear free Korea.
Although I said in an ideal situation the US should disarm..... unfortunaely you have these rogue nations like Iran who are trying to get their own weapons programs underway. Have you ever thought that by the US keepings its nuclear weapons this acts as a deterant to other nations in using them? ie if you fire, we fire back. It is for this fact that I dont reall mind even if it looks hypocritical that they keep their weapons, they aernt governed by a dictatorship afterall!

Notice when i stated my defence there before the new Korean television break through so at the time unlike U, i give benefit of the doubt, that defence mechnism via Weappon testing is very valid. Isn't the whole point of defence to establish maximum potential in weaponary, and going beyond your borders is one step towards that goal. Unless your implying having missles that can only travel so far to the extent it dosen't really do anything is effective
No, they already have missiles that have massive ranges...... they are now testing missiles with a range that can reach the US, this is clearly an aggressive action, simple as that, no sugarcoating.

R u kidding urself America dosen't invade unless for a good reason? Your delusional, America are the sole cause why Taliban has killed so many Americans during september 11, why? Becos America was dumb enough to provoke them by inading them in the first place.
Who cares if thye provoked them. The issue at hand was that American armed and trained those fighters in Afghansitan back when Russia invaded.... now the place had become a centre of terroism. They created the monster, they now needed to destory it.

Communism? is that suppose to be a good excuse for invading someone, just because they have a difference of opinion, communism brings no harm to anyone
Communism was a major problem, leaders would abuse human rights and use military force to gain control. This was a threat to every country in the region. You just have to look at communist countries today and see that the system doesnt work in its practical use.

It's like saying just because your no Christian/ or believe in Christ you will be invaded upon and all your beliefs are bad so to speak. If it works for certain countries then foreign governments should not interfere unless it is against human rights (eg Hitlers Regime).
Yes, lets try and make it look all innocent like the Nth Korean situation :rolleyes:

And regarding Nuclear weapon being controlled by Bush or the iranian President or Nth Korean Leader, to tell you the truth all 3 are just as dangerous as each other, your making your statements based on what you see on Media, in most cases Subjective as, who knows what happens behind the scenes, Maybe the so called crazy F8ckers are just putting on a mean face to people don't mess with em, it's a clear trait of Human Nature act mean to look tuff, while on the other hand people can also decieve and put on a nice face only to have a crazy as hidden agenda. All that said if you actually think Bush had a good excuse to invade Iraq you are delusional, all Bush's excuses on the invasion of Iraq are just meh coverups, the whole point of Iraq invasion of bush junior trying to finish the work Bush Senior could'nt do yrs before. Simple as that
We talk about being influenced by the media.... yet you show this in your description of Bush. At the end of the day, his administration (lets remember its not just Bush, hes a leader and a figurehead) is nowhere near as dangerous as someone like Kim Jong... it is ridiculous to even suggest that.

As for Iraq, I did state : "Fair enough the whole Iraq thing was stupid to an EXTENT (Saddam and Co are still genocidal madmen!)". Which is 100% true, his excuses for going in were full of crap, but at the end of the day, Iraq will be better from it. I rememeber in a commedy movie (Team America World Police) about the invasion, the quote:

"Before Team America [ie US] showed up,
it was a happy place.
They had flowery meadows
and rainbow skies,
and rivers made of chocolate,
where the children danced,
and laughed and played
with gumdrop smiles."

I suppose this is your view on how Iraq was before the US arrived and every other country for that matter? Lol. How about you change your views about Bush being a big meany and realise that hes the lesser of two evils, he didnt kill millions of a minority race, he isnt conducting nuclear research for questionable reasons, He doesnt have a dictorship over his country, his country doesnt have officers in the community who ensure no free speech, he doesnt control the media so they spew out anti-western sentiments enraging a nation etc

Until The US gets rid of their nuclear missles and shit, they have no right to criticise other nations for nuclear testing considering they did it aswell. The US isn't high and mighty either, all they can do is pick on less power nations and pretend to be the all righteous side even when sometimes it's plain obvious they have other motives.
Like Ive said

1. Id prefer the US has a Nuke than Iran or Nth Korea, dictatorship v democracy, thats a no brainer..... for most. All the power vested in one individuals, just great!!!
2. Its used as a deterant. It would be foolish to disarm yourself while other nations have their own programs or may do so in the future. You are lowering your defences, not a wise idea when your talking about on the most powerful weapons in the world potentially being in the posession of madman.

America will never declare war againt major military organisations like China and Russia, but they will abuse their position against the likes if Iraq and NTH Korea, it just deopends on what mood Bush is in.
Yeah its all Bush, that big meany who calls ALL the shots and doesnt have any advisors, forget how the meetings with Nth Korea were done on an multi-lateral basis as well :rolleyes:

Id also like to know what benefit there is in America not wanting Nth Korea from having long range missiles, apart from wanting to protect themselves! Because they want to invade them? Why? What is in it for them... Nth Korea is a sh*thole which in still in the stoneage (exaggeration of course, but they are way behind technologically). In fact theres more in it for Japan etc because there the ones who have been trying to help Nth Korea via trade agreements as incentives to opening up to international trade!!!!!
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Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
Theyrefuse to attend any negotiations...
They did attend negotiation, but like any self-respecting nation they left. I have already said that the DPRK left the negotiations because the USA were not making any effort to make Korea a nuclear free area, and the USA were damaging the reunification movement.

Here is a statement I received from a Korean Freinds Association.

By Korean Central News Agency, verified through the DPRK mission in the United
Nations -Geneva, Switzerland-

Pyongyang, February 10 (KCNA) - The DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a
statement Thursday to clarify its stand to cope with the grave situation created
by the US hostile policy toward the DPRK.

The statement says:

The second-term Bush administration's intention to antagonize the DPRK and
isolate and stifle it at any cost has become quite clear.

As we have clarified more than once, we justly urged the US to renounce its
hostile policy toward the DPRK whose aim was to seek the latter's "regime
change" and switch its policy to that of peaceful co-existence between the two
countries. We have closely followed with patience what policy the second-term
Bush regime would shape after clarifying the stand that in that case it would be
possible to solve the nuclear issue, too.

However, the administration turned down our just request and adopted it as its
policy not to co-exist with the DPRK through the president's inaugural address
and the state of the union address and the speech made by the secretary of State
at the Congress hearing to get its approval, etc.

The remarks made by senior officials of the administration clarifying the
official political stance of the US contained no word showing any willingness to
co-exist with the DPRK or make a switchover in its policy toward it.

On the contrary, they have declared it as their final goal to terminate the
tyranny, defined the DPRK, too, as an "outpost of tyranny" and blustered that
they would not rule out the use of force when necessary.

And they pledged to build a world based on the US view on value through the
"spread of American style liberty and democracy."

The true intention of the second-term Bush administration is not only to further
its policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK pursued by the first-term office but
to escalate it. As seen above, the US has declared a new ideological stand-off
aimed at a "regime change" in the DPRK while talking much about "peaceful and
diplomatic solution" to the nuclear issue and the "resumption of the six-party
talks" in a bid to mislead the world public opinion.

This is nothing but a far-fetched logic of gangsters as it is a good example
fully revealing the wicked nature and brazen-faced double-dealing tactics of the
U.S. as a master hand at plot-breeding and deception.

The DPRK has clarified its stand that it would not pursue anti-Americanism and
treat the US as a friendly nation if it neither slanders the political system in
the DPRK nor interferes in its internal affairs. It has since made every
possible effort to settle the nuclear issue and improve the bilateral relations.

However, the US interpreted this as a sign of weakness, defiled the dignified
political system in the DPRK chosen by its people and wantonly interfered in its
internal affairs. The US, turning down the DPRK's request to roll back its
anti-DPRK hostile policy, a major stumbling block in the way of settling the
nuclear issue, treated it as an enemy and, not content with this, totally
rejected it, terming it "tyranny." This deprived the DPRK of any justification
to negotiate with the U.S. and participate in the six-party talks.

Is it not self-contradictory and unreasonable for the US to urge the DPRK to
come out to the talks while negating its dialogue partner? This is the height of

The US now foolishly claims to stand by the people in the DPRK while negating
the government chosen by the people themselves. We advise the US to negotiate
with dealers in peasant markets it claims they are to its liking or with
representatives of "the organization of north Korean defectors" on its payroll
if it wishes to hold talks.

Japan is now persistently pursuing its hostile policy toward the DPRK, toeing
the US line.

Moreover, it fabricated the issue of false remains over the "abduction issue"
that had already been settled in a bid to nullify the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang
Declaration and stop any process to normalize diplomatic relations with the
DPRK. How can we sit at the negotiating table with such a party?

It is the trend of the new century and wish of humankind to go in for peace,
co-existence and prosperity irrespective of differing ideology, system and
religious belief.

It is by no means fortuitous that the world people raise their voices cursing
and censuring the Bush administration as a group pursuing tyranny prompted by
its extreme misanthropy, swimming against such trend of the world.

We have shown utmost magnanimity and patience for the past four years since the
first Bush administration swore in.

We can not spend another four years as we did in the past four years and there
is no need for us to repeat what we did in those years.

The DPRK Foreign Ministry clarifies as following to cope with the grave
situation created by the US hostile policy toward the DPRK:

First. We have wanted the six-party talks but we are compelled to suspend our
participation in the talks for an indefinite period till we have recognized that
there is justification for us to attend the talks and there are ample conditions
and atmosphere to expect positive results from the talks.

The present deadlock of the six-party talks is attributable to the US hostile
policy toward the DPRK.

There is no justification for us to participate in the six-party talks again
given that the Bush administration termed the DPRK, a dialogue partner, an
"outpost of tyranny", putting into the shade the hostile policy, and totally
negated it.

Second. The US disclosed its attempt to topple the political system in the DPRK
at any cost, threatening it with a nuclear stick. This compels us to take a
measure to bolster its nuclear weapons arsenal in order to protect the ideology,
system, freedom and democracy chosen by its people.

It is the spirit of the Korean people true to the Songun politics to respond to
good faith and the use of force in kind.

We had already taken the resolute action of pulling out of the NPT and have
manufactured nukes for self-defence to cope with the Bush administration's
evermore undisguised policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK.

Its nuclear weapons will remain nuclear deterrent for self-defence under any

The present reality proves that only powerful strength can protect justice and

The US evermore reckless moves and attempt to attack the DPRK only reinforce its
pride of having already consolidated the single-minded unity of the army and
people and increased the capability for self-defence under the uplifted banner
of Songun. The DPRK's principled stand to solve the issue through dialogue and
negotiations and its ultimate goal to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula remain
Not to mention he is isolating his country from the world, which is having a detramental effect on it.
Isolating how? For starters the DPRK was very friendly with the USSR, and the Eastern Bloc pre 1991. It still has a good relationship with China and Cuba, and i would guess also with Vietnam and Laos. So for a time the DPRK were not isolated from the "other world".

The only countries which the DPRK are isolated from are the ones that went to war with it. They are isolatated from the rest of the world because the DPRK is developing a nation based on self-reliance.

Although I said in an ideal situation the US should disarm..... unfortunaely you have these rogue nations like Iran who are trying to get their own weapons programs underway. Have you ever thought that by the US keepings its nuclear weapons this acts as a deterant to other nations in using them? ie if you fire, we fire back. It is for this fact that I dont reall mind even if it looks hypocritical that they keep their weapons, they aernt governed by a dictatorship afterall!
Well im not sure about Iran, but regardless the USA is not making any steps to make a nuclear weapon free world. In retaliation the nations which are faced with USA aggression and are undertaking a nationa economy will want to build defenses to counter this.

The USA demands for all but offers none, they are not trying to cooperate with nations that differ in economy. So there is no reason why the DPRK should take the USA seriously.
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vote for dtp = <3
Mar 21, 2005
North Korea fired the missiles to:
  1. Put themselves back in the news.
  2. Provide a bargaining chip in talks.
  3. Boost military morale, in essence - to show the US who's boss.
The UN will not be able to put economic sanctions on the DPRK because Russia and China will veto any move to do so, IIRC. Even if the sanctions were put in place, China will continue to provide fuel and food. (By the way: To say that the DPRK is a subsistence nation is just plain wrong. They need a lot of assistance from foreign aid just to keep their people from starving.)

As for any potential military action against North Korea: forget it. Seoul would be obliterated by the huge amount of artillery and rockets that are aimed at it, not to mention the legions of ground forces that would easily sweep past US defences and the DMZ. Also, if the North ever tried any serious military action, then they'd be wiped off the map, no question.

It's a stalemate, and Kim Jong-Il knows it.


Jan 29, 2005
Fuck some of you people must be boring.

Why does every NCAP thread turn into a huge arguement with long winded pointless posts contradicting every other statement the other raises?

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