Question 3 was not at all that bad....
for my part, I ran out of time for it...
I did my best to expliain everything I could... but I found I spent a tad too long on the prescribed text, much ado about nothing, and then I found myself rushing to to BOS stimulus thing... I was bascially all over the place for BOS and I just crammed in quotes and mentioned stuff which I admit didn't quite made sense. I did Sky-High and really I just said that it was a journey and change from childhood to adulthood and added stuff and techniques such as metaphors and personification.... yeah I basically rushed through that... wehn I read over it I knew it and I was like "well.. can't do much now, need to go on"
for my prescribes text I wrote like hell.... I wrote a short one paragraph and shoved in a quote and mentioned that it was written in a colloquial semi-formal manner... I knew I fucked that one as well becuase as I said... I ran out of time... it was just plain ol' well dumb hehehee...
so overall, I was pretty happy with the question it wasn't bad... the only bad part and I found out alot of my other friends as well was that alot just ran out of time...
anyway... looks like I'm crusing at around 10/15 compared to the 15/15 I got for my trials