Personal Interest Project - 'We're all Indivuals!' Survey. (1 Viewer)


Aug 10, 2008
We’re All Individuals.
Liam Van Kaathoven – Personal Interest Project Survey
My personal interest project is a study of the individual’s personal socio-political views, both towards individual institutions such as both Government and Private schools, and also other persons. The way we present ourselves through what we wear, hairstyles, accessories etc, and the reasoning behind this. Be it conformity or rebellion in any given society.
The Individual:
1. Do you conform to any particular stereotype? If so, which?


2. Do you pride yourself in the way you dress? Why?


3. On what level do you care what other people think of the way you dress/style your hair etc?
- All the time ( )
- Often ( )
- Sometimes ( )
- Depends on the situation ( )
- Never ( )
- Other ( )

4. How much do you spend on clothing, accessories, hair, makeup etc per month?
- 200$+ ( )
- 100$ - 199$ ( )
- 50$ - 99$ ( )
- 0$ - 49$ ( )

5. Do you feel like you convey a message through what you wear and how you wear it? If Yes, why?

6. Do your parents have an opinion on how you present yourself? If so, what is it?

7. Would you rather shop at a popular contemporary fashion-chain such as Jay Jays and Cotton On, or somewhere seen as more individual, such as an op-shop? Why?
Chain Store/op-shop

8. How important is the way you look?
- Essential
- Very important
- Somewhat important
- Not very important
- Unnecessary
9. Do you disagree with the way some people dress/style? Why?


10. Do you agree/disagree with the use of school uniform in our schools? Why?

11. In your opinion, is the banning of certain accessories, (example: coloured scarfs) necessary or unnecessary in our schools? Why?

12. As an individual, do you feel you would rebel or conform to the above power-usage in any given school? How?

Thankyou very much ☺


where are my hair
Jul 22, 2008
Uni Grad
1. no
2. yes
3. sometimes
4. on average, $50-99. i'd spend more but i am a poor student etc.
5. no?
6. they dont care
7. chain store (eg. sportsgirl) but NOT jayjays, supre etc.
8. essential
9. yes, i hate when people take no pride in how they look and look like complete bogans/losers
10. no. if it werent for school uniform everyday would be a fashion competition and it'd be stupid
11. unnecessary. people should be allowed to wear makeup/jewellry/coloured scarves etc as long as they wear the main parts of the uniform.
12. rebel. i went to a catholic school, strict on uniform, and i never followed the uniform rules and hence always got into trouble :(

Gold Lion

Dec 22, 2009
1. No but labelled with heaps
2. Yes, it makes me who I am. I don't think it's necessarily a generic dress sense but it's sort of fashionable and some people seem to agree :D

3. Sometimes (x)

People's opinions (especially friends and family) do matter. I often get advice about haircuts or when i go clothes shopping I usuallly go with someone else for second opinion but in the end, i made my final decision on my preferences obviously.

4. How much do you spend on clothing, accessories, hair, makeup etc per month?
- 100$ - 199$ (x )

To be honest, this does vary, but usually if i'm on holidays or if i have spare time, I love to go shopping!

5. Do you feel like you convey a message through what you wear and how you wear it? If Yes, why?
I guess in a way I do? My clothes aren't overly revealing or anything but I still get good feedback from people about the way I look in them which might imply (indirectly anyway) that you don't need to dress trampy to look good :p I guess this is in comparison to alot of other girls my age who think they have to

6. Do your parents have an opinion on how you present yourself? If so, what is it?
yes, my parents are PRETTY conservative and while they approve of the majority of my clothes, my 'clubbing' clothes are the ones they want to die in a fire

To be honest, it doesn't make a difference UNLESS the chain store/op shop happens to be expensive. I have never seen expensive clothes that were actually worth it. Everything I buy is moderate and people often ask how much I paid and are suprised when I quote prices. Often their response is:"I have the same -insert item of clothing here - but i bought it from -expensive store- and it cost me like triple what you paid"

8. How important is the way you look?
- Essential

yes. I'll be the first to admit I can be really judgemental with dress sense. I strongly believe there are no ugly people - only lazy people - and it drives me crazy when someone dresses awful and then winges about their appearance. I don't have anything against the PEOPLE just their outlook on looking good


School is really competitive with practically everything, and adding every day mufti to that would ruin everything. It's hard enough at uni, seriously, looking good and picking out different clothes every day is hard! D:

11. Necessary in SOME cases. If they are really intruding in on the whole competitive nature of kids at school

I won't lie, I rebelled against the uniform alot but then again so did everyone :/


Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008
1. Nope, not any more. Was gothic back at my first highschool but that was a while ago.

2. Do you pride yourself in the way you dress? Why?

When it's necessary for me to take care with the way i dress (e.g. clubs, nice restaurants) then yes, however i wouldn't say that i think very carefully about what i wear every day to ensure i look my absolute, stunning, best, i don't have the time or the money and it doesn't really bother me.

3. On what level do you care what other people think of the way you dress/style your hair etc?
- All the time ( )
- Often ( )
- Sometimes ( )
- Depends on the situation ( X)
- Never ( )
- Other ( )

4. How much do you spend on clothing, accessories, hair, makeup etc per month?
- 200$+ ( )
- 100$ - 199$ ( )
- 50$ - 99$ ( )
- 0$ - 49$ (X )

I don't earn a lot of money and what i do earn goes on things that i really need, food, rent, uni books, transport etc. Though it is nice to buy something lovely every so often.

5. Do you feel like you convey a message through what you wear and how you wear it? If Yes, why?

Not particularly, maybe that i'm not the most fashion driven person out there.

6. Do your parents have an opinion on how you present yourself? If so, what is it?


7. Would you rather shop at a popular contemporary fashion-chain such as Jay Jays and Cotton On, or somewhere seen as more individual, such as an op-shop? Why?
Chain Store/op-shop

I buy clothes from both, i buy clothes because i like the way they look, not because they came from any particular store.

8. How important is the way you look?
- Essential
- Very important
- Somewhat important
- Not very important
- Unnecessary

9. Do you disagree with the way some people dress/style? Why?

I think it can be a bit silly how people dress completely out of whack with the weather, say a small party dress in the middle of winter, but hey, if they want to look good and are fine with being cold.

10. Do you agree/disagree with the use of school uniform in our schools? Why?

Disagree, i think when you're in high school it's very important to express your 'individuality' (even if in a wider context you're not being very individual at all) and a uniform prevents this. I went to a highschool that didn't have a uniform and most of the students seemed to be be much more comfortable with themselves than at my previous high school which had uniforms. EDIT: It's interesting that people are saying there would be competition if there was no uniform, i never experienced this once at the non-uniform highschool i attended.

11. In your opinion, is the banning of certain accessories, (example: coloured scarfs) necessary or unnecessary in our schools? Why?

Un-necessary, as above.

12. As an individual, do you feel you would rebel or conform to the above power-usage in any given school? How?

I know i did before i changed schools, wore band t-shirts to school, excessive jewellery, gothy stuff etc.
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Active Member
Feb 3, 2010
dude this is lolworthy in how fucking shallow it is by the way you can do better than this


New Member
Aug 11, 2009
Somwhere in the vincinity of the world
The Individual:
1. Do you conform to any particular stereotype? If so, which?

I don’t believe i conform to any stereotypes, but that is how i see myself, not how others see me.

2. Do you pride yourself in the way you dress? Why?
I believe that taking pride in how you dress can show your personality. It shows that you care about how you present yourself to others. And it can endorse or deny stereotypes

3. On what level do you care what other people think of the way you dress/style your hair etc?
- All the time ( )
- Often (X )
- Sometimes ( )
- Depends on the situation ( )
- Never ( )
- Other ( )

4. How much do you spend on clothing, accessories, hair, makeup etc per month?
- 200$+ ( )
- 100$ - 199$ ( )
- 50$ - 99$ ( )
- 0$ - 49$ (X)
I don’t see the need to go and buy any of the latest fashion. Often i don’t like it. Really just isn’t my thing. Also how i was brought up, non-materialistic, and very into saving all my money

5. Do you feel like you convey a message through what you wear and how you wear it? If Yes, why?
Because i tend to dress casually, blending in, not standing out. I kinda keep to myself, and that is portrayed through my clothing. I wear whats comfortable, not whats ‘in’

6. Do your parents have an opinion on how you present yourself? If so, what is it?
Dad more so than mum. Dad is very against the short skirts, low tops, or ‘slutty’ revealing clothes. But i am against that too. Mum is more relaxed, dad sometimes goes to extremes. Mum may like it, dad may hate it.

7. Would you rather shop at a popular contemporary fashion-chain such as Jay Jays and Cotton On, or somewhere seen as more individual, such as an op-shop? Why?
Chain Store/op-shop
I suppose chain store. Do those like Big W, Best and Less, target count? They are cheaper. I don’t do Supre or Jay Jay’s, just for the fact of style and cost. Sometimes it’s okay, but mostly don’t even go into those stores, go straight past.

8. How important is the way you look?
- Essential
- Very important
- Somewhat important
- Not very important
- Unnecessary
Opinion: Because i care what people think. I can be pretty vain sometimes, but i want to look my best. Simple, yet nice, at least that’s what i think
9. Do you disagree with the way some people dress/style? Why?
Definitely. Some people, girls in particular, have no respect for themselves or their bodies. They dress to show off everything. Some of it just looks disgusting. I don’t care how good your body is, shorts are supposed to cover more than your undies, girl. It’s just gross. Also, some styles i just don’t like. Maybe colours, maybe design, maybe slogan, I just wouldn’t wear it

10. Do you agree/disagree with the use of school uniform in our schools? Why?
Uniforms keep everyone on the same level. They may not be the nicest thing, but no-one feels the need to outdo each other, wear the coolest stuff. Uniforms make it easier to get dressed in the morning, not having t decide what to wear.

11. In your opinion, is the banning of certain accessories, (example: coloured scarfs) necessary or unnecessary in our schools? Why?
Not coloured scarfs per say, but any offensive or rude things. Like slogans on hats or t-shirts, that can be offensive or seen as mean. Swear words, racism and such. It depends on the uniforms though.

12. As an individual, do you feel you would rebel or conform to the above power-usage in any given school? How?
No. Personally, i don’t feel the need to rebel. Why bother, there is a uniform, wear it. It’s not that bad

BTW - the idiot who decides to ruin this post - get a life. It's called getting a range in your audience.

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