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pip survey, fill in if you wanna help me with major work! (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Apr 26, 2008
This survey assists me with my personal interest project that counts for 30% of my HSC mark in society and culture. Please consider your answers carefully and answer seriously.



Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex? Yes/no

Why/Why not?

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication? Yes/no

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language

Openness to display emotions

Common topics of conversation in small groups

Common topics of conversation in public

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group


Thankyou for your help and cooperation.


New Member
Apr 26, 2008
Re: pip survey

pip survey, fill in if you wanna help me with major work!


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Gender: Male
Age: 20

Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not:
Yes. Because I can speak good english.

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex?

Why not?
People from the opposite sex can speak english just as well as people from the same sex.

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication?

Now give me $100.

Kirsty Xx

That's the price we pay
Nov 29, 2007
Location? Location?! Intellectu
Gender: Female

Age: 17

Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not
Yes, usually. Depending on whether I feel comfortable with that person based on me already knowing them or first impressions.

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex?

Why/Why not?
Female on female is usually a lot easier due to a mutual connection and understanding.

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication?
Yes, for sure.

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language

Males may be more reserved while females tend to express themselves more fluently in relation to body language.

Openness to display emotions
Once again, males may be more reserved when emotions are involved (embarrassment, sadness, anger), whereas females are stereotypically labelled to openly display emotions.

Common topics of conversation in small groups
Other people (i.e through gossip), things in magazines, school subjects and topics, relationships and sex.

Common topics of conversation in public
Whatever is on one's mind.

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group
Miniscule. Very much so.

Good luck, Xx :)
Last edited:


Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008

Gender: female

Age: 18

Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not
yes, their just people.

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex? Yes/no

Why/Why not?
_guys dont deconstruct everything you say, and dont hold grudges______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication? Yes/no

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language
women are far more descreet and particular with their body language, i think their very aware of it and and the way it can impact what you are saying. As far as ive seen, men either dont care or dont notice their body language.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Openness to display emotions
i believe women are far more open to this, but then again, who knows what happens between men when women arnt around...

Common topics of conversation in small groups
men : football
women: shopping

Common topics of conversation in public
men: shopping
women: football

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group
i dont think this is really gender relevant, more of a personality thing.



Dec 7, 2007
Gender: Female

Age: 18

Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not
Depends, just like when I'm talking to other girls. There are some people I'm never going to be comfortable talking to, and others who I will, it's more a personality thing than anything else

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex? Yes

Why/Why not?
I tend to find that girls understand things better than guys, when it comes to understanding some concepts, especially more abstract things. Also, I go to an all girls school, and it makes you realise that between girls, no topic is sacred. I'm now really conscious of the fact that guys will get kinda creeped out by some stuff that we consider normal, so I tend to be a lot ore aware of what I'm saying to them, which kind of stilts (for want of a better word) the conversation.

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication? Yes

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language
I've noticed that girls have more of a tendancy to gesticulate when they're talking. Also, we tend to be a lot more aware of body language - most girls tend to notice if someone tenses up when a certain topic is mentioned more than guys (not that that's always going to make us shut up, mind you)

Openness to display emotions
Girls tend to be a lot more willing to cry in front of their friends. In fact, they'll often go and find a friend to cry with, which most guys wouldn't do. And we bitch about stuff more, which means that things get out in the open more easily.

Common topics of conversation in small groups
I don't really know what guys talk about in small groups when we're not around, but I'm fairly sure that they don't talk about their new bras/how they need to get new bras/their insane PMS inflicted chocolate craving. I don't think guys tend to find out as much about each other's girlfriends as we do about each other's boyfriends, either

Common topics of conversation in public
I think both groups tend to talk about fairly generic stuff, which interests as many people in the group as possible. So movies, music, what people are doing on the weekend etc.

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group
That's more a personality thing than anything else, I think. But the guys I did drama with last year were a lot less concerned about looking like idiots than most of the females I know, so public speaking probably doesn't seem as daunting for them.
Apr 28, 2007
the moon
Gender: female

Age: 18

Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not
yes, their just people.

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex? Yes/no

Why/Why not?
guys dont deconstruct everything you say

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication? Yes/no

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language
both men and women use body language both on a subconconsious and conconsious level

Openness to display emotions
women are more open in public about displaying thier emtions but who knows wat happnens behind close doors for men :p

Common topics of conversation in small groups
men : sex and every day things and occurances lol and musculanity and feminity hahahahaha
women: the curren guy they like and new clothes they wanna buy

Common topics of conversation in public
men: same as above just perhaps a bit less low key
women: everything

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group
more of a personality thing.



New Member
Jun 20, 2007
Gender: female

Age: 17

Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not
yes, because i have grown up in a male dominated household, having older brothers and male cousins, whose friends frequently linger at my home.

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex? no

Why/Why not?
in some ways it is easier to communicate with the same sex, as such private things occur that only the same sex can identify. but i find that it can be easier to confide to a male, as females frequently gossip infront of larger groups. males also may have different perspectives upon views that may be discussed.

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication? yes

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language

Openness to display emotions
besides the occassional emo boy, girls do often have moodswings more open and shown in the public eye and is more of a sulk than anger, where as males usually get angry when having a moodswing, both however openly express happiness!

Common topics of conversation in small groups
boys often talk about their penis's, although usually being a joke, other times they do not talk, they are too distracted by kicking a ball at someones head. females do often gossip in small groups.

Common topics of conversation in public
i think this is equal

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group
i think this is equal



New Member
May 16, 2007
Please see attachment for my questionnaire if you could please help by filling it out. Won't take long and its about Celebrities and their "double standards" in the legal system.

Please post answered questionnaire to vnaidu261090@hotmail.com


Mar 25, 2008
Gender: female

Age: 17

Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex?

Why/why not
guys arnt as judgemental and are easy to get along with, but it also depends on their personality

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex?
in a way, yes.

Why/Why not?
its far easier to discuss personal things with a female.

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication?

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language
guys are more relaxed, females can be uptight.

Openness to display emotions
depends on the person and the relationship shared.

Common topics of conversation in small groups

Common topics of conversation in public

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group
i think both guys and girls are both comfortable talking in front of a large group, but once again it depends on personality.

(just personally i didnt like this questionaire and i believe you should have set it out in a different way. no offence intended)


New Member
Nov 15, 2007
Gender: female

Age: 17

Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not
yes sometimes, if they are close friends yes, but not new people ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex? Yes/no

Why/Why not?
yes, i guess you might have more in common __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication? Yes/no yes

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language
boys use actions alot more, whereas girls use words more then actions __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________

Openness to display emotions
boys dont feel comfortable to show emotions, and girls do __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________

Common topics of conversation in small groups
boys probably talk more about sport and common things, and girls tend to gossip and talk about personal issues __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________

Common topics of conversation in public
probably the same __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group
depends on the person, but boys tend to be more loud and outspoken __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________________


New Member
Feb 3, 2007
Gender: Female


Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not
Yes ! i dont go out of my way to talk to them but when i do i talk to them like id talk to a girl ive first met. It can be awkward i mean if the guy comes across in an unfriendly manner but other than that, im all good wit the opposite sex

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex?
Why/Why not?
Yes. Girls, seems like their not judging you whereas guys, sometimes i feel they come across like that.

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication?

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language
Girls are less tense and

Openness to display emotions
Guys tend to not display emotion, like they are obliged to remain "NORMAL" whereas girls tend to do all the EMOTION WORK !

Common topics of conversation in small groups
everything .

Common topics of conversation in public
small talk. how are you ? sports? girls ? hehe

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group
guys tend to be more shy then girls are


New Member
May 16, 2007
Hollywood vs. Average Joes
Does the punishment fit the crime?

This questionnaire will help both parties learn. You may learn more about the legal system, Hollywood stars and the unwritten advantage that the famous people have over average people, and I will learn about other people’s perspectives on this topic.

Please do not write your name anywhere on this questionnaire as it is to be anonymous. Also, answer to the best of your abilities and feel free to answer only those questions you feel comfortable with. I appreciate your time and effort.

1. Age: 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+

2. Gender: Male Female

3. Do you believe that famous or rich people get let off easier than average people in the legal system? Why / why not?

4. Do you believe that people who see celebrities getting let off easy when breaking the law will act with less regard for consequences?

5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much influence do you think celebrities have on people’s actions?

No influence Very influential

6. Do you believe that this influence is mostly positive or negative? Why?

7. Do you believe celebrities have an influence on your actions, choices and views? How?

8. Do you think that some celebrities’ legal issues are given too much coverage by the media?

9. Do you think that famous people get let off easier because of their ability to hire better legal representation?

10. Do you believe that everyone should have the same equally high standard of legal representation? If yes, why?

Thankyou for your time


Token Member
Jul 7, 2007
where I spend the vast majority of my time
This survey assists me with my personal interest project that counts for 30% of my HSC mark in society and culture. Please consider your answers carefully and answer seriously.

Gender: F

Age: 18

Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not
Usually. I used to not, but I grew out of it.

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex? Yes/no
Why/Why not?
It's less likely that I will feel uncomfortable with a female, and also less likely that I will develop a crush on them. I just find girls easier to talk to and find that I have more in common with them.

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication? Yes/no
Usually, no (we all talk, yeah.) But I guess the inferred meanings are often different: what's implied by body language and nuances tends to differ.

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language
Hold themselves differently, often use different/ more gestures

Openness to display emotions
Differs from guy to guy, just like it does from girl to girl.

Common topics of conversation in small groups
Tends to be the same as with girls when in mixed groups, and in all-guy groups it depends on th guys.

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group
Differs from guy to guy, but most seem to be more comfortable making total idiots of themselves in public as it's funny when a guy does it and rarely so when a girl does it.

Guys are not capable of whispering properly.


Token Member
Jul 7, 2007
where I spend the vast majority of my time
vnaidu26th said:
Hollywood vs. Average Joes
Does the punishment fit the crime?

This questionnaire will help both parties learn. You may learn more about the legal system, Hollywood stars and the unwritten advantage that the famous people have over average people, and I will learn about other people’s perspectives on this topic.

Please do not write your name anywhere on this questionnaire as it is to be anonymous. Also, answer to the best of your abilities and feel free to answer only those questions you feel comfortable with. I appreciate your time and effort.

1. Age: 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+

2. Gender: Male Female

3. Do you believe that famous or rich people get let off easier than average people in the legal system? Why / why not?

4. Do you believe that people who see celebrities getting let off easy when breaking the law will act with less regard for consequences?

5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much influence do you think celebrities have on people’s actions?

No influence Very influential

6. Do you believe that this influence is mostly positive or negative? Why?

7. Do you believe celebrities have an influence on your actions, choices and views? How?

8. Do you think that some celebrities’ legal issues are given too much coverage by the media?

9. Do you think that famous people get let off easier because of their ability to hire better legal representation?

10. Do you believe that everyone should have the same equally high standard of legal representation? If yes, why?

Thankyou for your time

Go to the PIP survey section. Click on forum tools. Get your own thread. No one is going to find your survey in the midst of all the others.


New Member
Mar 18, 2008
Gender: Female

Age: 17

Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not
Of course, i have no reason not to feel comfortable

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex?Yes/no

Why/Why not?
Depending on my relationship with them, but we usually have more things in common

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication? Yes/no

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language
Guys usually use more gestures and are not as open to being as touchy feely. Where as girls will often greet both guys and girls with kisses on the cheek, hugs etc.

Openness to display emotions
Guys usually present emotions in a form of violence, where as girls display it more openly... and yes we do cry more easily.

Common topics of conversation in small groups
With girls everything from guys, clothes/shopping, sex, and yes i will admit it guys... we do talk about your penis size and how good you were in bed. With guys... i have no idea, my guess is sex/girls, alcohol,etc

Common topics of conversation in public
Girls... anything, everything, current events general life stuff.
Guys... whatever comes to mind.

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group
Guys tend to make more of a joke about things, where as girls take things more seriously. (depending on the conversation)

From experience i have come to realise that after a weekend or party the only topic of conversation with guys is how drunk they were and what girl/s they were with... and they are open to tell anyone.


New Member
Jun 4, 2008
yes, its not a big deal i dont understand why you would be uncomfortable, They're just boys!!
No, im just as comfortable with my male friends as with my female friends because im pretty open and i am not worried about them judgine me, if they're my mate, then they're my mate no mater weather they're boy or girl.
Yes totally boys grunt and say stupid things and girls gossip and bitch, also girls can put on that stupid ooooohhh hhiiiiiiii hooooowww arrrrrreee yooooooouuu voice where boys generally talk normaly, boys also tend to pay out on you more.

body langaue; depends on individualls i dont think its something that can be generalised.
emotions; girls are more open.
common topics; girls talk about other girls, boys, food music sex antything.
boys talk about bongs and sex and music.
In group; totally dependent on the person and the group.


Feb 28, 2006
Deep trenches of burning HELL
This survey assists me with my personal interest project that counts for 30% of my HSC mark in society and culture. Please consider your answers carefully and answer seriously.

Gender: Boy

Age: 18

Do you feel comfortable when communicating with the opposite sex? Why/why not

Yes, because they're people too and they either don't smell as bad as guys or they wear perfume and their presence is not intimidating at all.
They like to talk a lot too which is great.

Do you find it easier to communicate with a member of the same sex? Yes/no

It depends on the person.
Usually I only communicate easily with the same gender regarding formal, academic or official matters.
I only communicate with friends at the same level as girls.

Do you believe that males and females have different styles of communication?

Yes, females and males have their own preferred roles and interests.

If yes what differences have you noticed? (Comment upon each of the following areas if relevant)

Body language

Elegance is quite important to them.

Openness to display emotions

Same as guys.

Common topics of conversation in small groups

Jokes, hilarious incidents, self-appearance, hot men and hot women.

Common topics of conversation in public

hilarious incidents and uni.

Level of comfort in speaking in front of a large group

We keep to small talk.


none at the moment

Thankyou for your help and cooperation.

No problems huh?
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